
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

*A reminder for Malaysians !* By Tunku Dato' Dr. Hajjah Sofia Jewa

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I received this in the mail. I have seen it before as well. Again taking it at face value. Its an interesting viewpoint. My comments follow :

Assalammulaikum Tan Sri,

I cannot but agree with your views that the NST and  the Star remain until today the vehicles of MCA and the position (sic) of royalties in our country. Since Tun Dr Mahathir took over the helm of our beloved nation, I have been  writing to various Malaysian dailies, especially the Star, NST and the Sun on my own take about royalties and the appointment of Tommy Thomas as Attorney General.

I wrote on how a determined nonagenarian brought down a cruel and ruthless regime by a bloodless coup-d’etat. 

Like you,  I also mentioned that a king  who agreed to go away for a holiday during the polls and accepted one hundred million ringgit as pocket money for same is most unbecoming.

And the abuse by some rulers to use their so-claimed absolute power to award dato-ships wherein (sic) in fact they were selling even to gangsters such honours - Like you, I too have questioned whether we need  royalties at all. 

Both India and Indonesia did away with their Sultans and the Rajah and look how much the two countries are prospering today.

I am a royalty myself but am deeply saddened by the laissez faire attitude of the rulers during the Najib years as PM. I foresee the death knell of the monarchy in Malaysia - and it would not surprise me should that happen before Tun Dr Mahathir steps down as PM.

Pakatan Harapan has more than two-thirds majority in Parliament, and Sultan Azlan Shah himself when he was Lord President said in the landmark case of Public Prosecutor v Ooi Kee Saik & Ors (1971) 2MLJ that no law is immutable and can change in accordance with the wishes of the populace.

*Tunku Sofiah Jewa*

Tunku Dato' Dr. Hajjah Sofia Jewa is a niece of Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra and a cousin of HRH Sultan of Kedah, is am practising advocate &n solicitor and an accomplished writer.

*A reminder for Malaysians !*

My comments :  My choice of words would be "selling such honours even to gangsters" but n'theless it has become quite an embarrassment that our Royals have been awarding the Datoships to even the most unsavory characters.

It is too common knowledge that at least one Sultan sells datoships. 

The public should be made more aware of the really fantastic decision by the Pakatan Harapan government that all sitting ministers who are not yet title holders SHOULD NOT receive any honorary titles (meaning datoships and tan sri ships) for as long as they are holding public office.

I believe this also extends to sitting Civil Servants, staff of GLCs etc.

In one stroke this decision should put an end to the jostling to be awarded honorary titles from the Royals. Among government academicians and the uniformed services a datoship is especially highly coveted. 

Hence perhaps the decision by the King to not only NOT award any titles for his birthday this year but to cancel his birthday celebrations altogether.  Who says the King is not wise?

This also diminishes the role of the Royals in 21st century Malaysia.  The Royals can still confer their awards and titles but it is now restricted to those who are outside government, non civil servants, non government academicians etc. 

Folks like Lim Loo Mah the housing developer, Arumugam Pillaiyar Chettiyar Periyar the millionaire money lender and Siti Esmeralda Fazilla Chesterfield the aspiring singer / dancer / actress and future Wife No. 2 would perhaps be candidates for the honorary titles.  (These are just made up names ok).

Just as much prestige is conferred upon the award ceremony itself when Cabinet Ministers, the Prime Minister and the illustrious professor who has won international recognition are among the list of recipients.  

Now the Cabinet can still attend the award ceremonies but only to have tea - and make a statement to the Royals "no thank you".

What a turn of events.  In such a blink of an eye.

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