
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 22, 2018

CIA Has Wiretaps, Turkey Has Not Revealed All

The Khashoggi murder is obviously not going to be 'unravelled' to serve justice to anyone - especially his family.  50 days have gone by since his murder on October 2nd 2018 and nothing much has happened. 

The Turks are central to exposing the truth about this murder. They hold most of the evidence. If they are serious about telling the truth they would have done so by now. They have not.  The suggestion now is that the Turks have more audio tapes and possible video too - which they are not revealing. Why?   Erdogan is horse trading for his benefit. 

Erdogan wants Fethullah Gulen who is in exile in Pennnsylvania, under US protection.

Donald Trump has said it plainly - there is too much money at stake for the US to punish Saudi Arabia over this murder. Trump is being honest - America shall play the hypocrite again. They have done it before. Yesterday, the day before, last week and it goes on. Its just one Arab fellow who got chopped up. Whats the big deal?

The CIA thinks otherwise - as though they have more virtue. Suddenly the CIA sounds as pious as a Pope. Here is the news :

CIA in possession of phone recording of MBS
giving instruction to “silence Jamal Khashoggi asap” 
Hürriyet columnist Abdulkadir Selvi wrote on Nov. 22.
subsequent murder ultimate confirmation of instruction

CIA Director Gina Haspel “signalled” existence of wiretap  
between MBS and brother Khaled bin Salman, Saudi ambassador to US 

two are heard discussing “discomfort” created by Khashoggi"
Khashoggi killed Oct. 2 inside Saudi Consulate in Istanbul

Gruesome quotes from Khashoggi recordings published for first time
Riyadh admitted Khashoggi killed inside consulate 

intn'l investigation “can reveal more jaw-dropping evidence
'Blindingly obvious' MBS ordered Khashoggi murder

Trump will not punish Saudi 
benefits outweigh killing

My comments :  

Trump and Israel need King Salman and MBS to make the Deal of the Century work - the Palestine Peace Plan.  
The Deal of the Century will also see the Muslim Brotherhood lose its grip on Gaza.

Erdogan is now de facto leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. 
The Muslim Brotherhood sparked off the Arab Spring.
Saudi Arabia is anti Brotherhood. 
Saudi Arabia played a hand in taking down Morsi (Brotherhood).
Erdogan does not wish to see the Brotherhood lose any more ground.

Saudi Arabia had a hand in the failed coup de etat against Erdogan. 
Erdogan is now in a position to oust King Salman and his son MBS. 

If the replacement for King Salman and MBS agree to Trump's Deal of the Century, Salman and MBS are history.
The King and MBS may disappear but the Sauds will remain.

It does not really matter.
The sun will still rise tomorrow.
The sun has about 3 billion years left to 'live'.
I dont know how many hits this blog will have by then.

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