
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 11, 2018

Convert Or Die: How Islam (And Now Pakatan) Was Spread

This was how Islam spread, especially after WWI in Arabia. Muslims must be Wahhabis or else you die. Non-Muslims will be allowed to live but will be second-class citizens. PPBM is being spread the same way. Malays must be PPBM Malays or else you die. Non-Malays do not need to be in PPBM but must accept PPBM as the top dog.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Islam, it is said, spread at the point of the sword. That may or may not have been true in the early years soon after the death of Prophet Muhammad, but it certainly was so as far as the Salafi movement or Wahhabi Islam was concerned.

The World of Islam pre-WWI

Wahhabism was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the 1700s, which was started in the remote region of the Najd desert in what is now known as Saudi Arabia. Basically, it was a reform movement that sought to purge Arabia of Sunni Islam’s ‘impurities’, just like what the Crusades of 700 years earlier intended for Christianity.
For the next 150 years, the Wahhab movement made a pact with the Saud tribe of Riyadh, the largest of the many tribes of Arabia. The Wahhab-Saud alliance finally made inroads soon after WWI when the British, French, Greeks and Italians carved up the Ottoman Empire, which ended more than 600 years of Turkish rule.

The Wahhab-Saud alliance took 150 years to finally rid the Arabian Peninsula of ‘deviant’ Muslims

While Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his gang of military officers called the ‘Young Turks’ struggled to keep Turkey independent and out of the hands of the European colonialists, the Wahhab-Saud alliance took advantage of the dying Ottoman Empire to cleanse the Arabian Peninsula of ‘deviant’ Muslims and eventually the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed 13 years later in 1932.

The creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was achieved against the backdrop of the dominance of Salafi Islam or Wahhabism and the ‘convert-or-die’ campaign. There is only one Islam, Wahhabi Islam, and if you are not a Wahhabi then you either convert to Wahhabism or die. There is no in-between.

The more than 600-year-old Ottoman Empire finally collapsed after WWI when they backed the ‘wrong horse’, Germany, and paid the price (Mustafa Kemal is 4th from the left)

Since young, Malays have been taught that there is no such thing as moderate/liberal Islam or tolerance of other religions. Other religions (non-Islam) can be allowed, but not other forms of Islam. There must be only one form of Islam while other religions will be allowed as long as they accept that Islam is dominant or supreme and other religions are second-class to Islam.
In other words, Islam can be preached to non-Muslims but other religions cannot be preached to Muslims. Non-Muslims must pay taxes to be allowed to live in a Muslim country and to be allowed to practice their non-Islamic religion while Muslims can avoid paying tax in lieu of zakat.
(Muslims who pay zakat can offset the payment against their personal income tax, which is what I have been doing for decades, and which is why I never paid income tax since the 1980s).

If you are Malay, then either you are with me or you must die, the same doctrine of Wahhabi Islam during the WWI era

Anyway, Malays have been educated, brainwashed, indoctrinated, etc., into believing that if you are not from my version of Islam then you are a deviant and must be punished. If you are not a Muslim altogether that is okay. But then you are a second-class citizen and not equal to a Muslim. And you do not share the same rights and privileges as Muslims.
Now, if a Malay is honest, he or she will tell you this is what he or she believes. However, if he or she is a Munafiq, like Anwar Ibrahim and those of his ilk, he or she will say one thing to Muslims and another thing to non-Muslims.
Munafiq Muslims are worse than fundamentalist Muslims. At least fundamentalist Muslims are honest and you know who you are dealing with and what to expect. Munafiq Muslims tell you what you would like to hear and they sing different tunes to different people.

Anwar is equally comfortable with both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Neocons of the United States

Hence what you see with Anwar and his so-called gang of ‘liberal’ Muslims who are equally comfortable with both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Neocons of the United States. (These people hunt with the hounds and run with the hare).
Anyway, I really have digressed so far so let me get back to my point. My point is it is in the Malay DNA that you are either with me or you are my enemy. If you are Malay then you must be a Malay in PPBM or Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia. If you are a Malay in PAS or Umno then you must die.

There cannot be TWO Umnos, so Umno Baru must die and be replaced with PPBM as the Umno Baru Lagi Baru

It is okay if you are not Malay. Then you can be in any of the other non-Malay or ‘multi-racial’ parties. But PPBM must be the top dog while all the others are subservient to PPBM. Only if you are Malay would the doctrine of ‘if you are NOT in PPBM then you must die’ apply.
This was how Islam spread, especially after WWI in Arabia. Muslims must be Wahhabis or else you die. Non-Muslims will be allowed to live but will be second-class citizens. PPBM is being spread the same way. Malays must be PPBM Malays or else you die. Non-Malays do not need to be in PPBM but must accept PPBM as the top dog.

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