
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Finally The Sultan Says What Malays Have Been Waiting For Him To Say

(Bernama) – The actions of a certain group in questioning the sanctity of Islam, the special rights of the Malays and bumiputras, the national language, and the function and position of the Malay rulers as enshrined in the Federal Constitution need to be immediately addressed and curbed.
The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, said this group should not be allowed to continue inciting the people by bringing up and questioning the social contract agreed to by the major races in Malaysia even before the country had gained independence.
He said this was because the agreement was translated into the Federal Constitution.
“Although I have touched on the issues repeatedly, I will continue to speak out and stress that there will be no compromise on the attempts of a certain group to erode the powers and special rights that have been enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
“The role of Malay rulers in preserving the sanctity of Islam as the religion of the Federation and preserving the special position of the Malays and the bumiputras without marginalising the rights of other races will continue to stand in the country and will be defended,” he said.
The Sultan said this at the 2018 Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Multaqa programme – Seminar on Liberalism and Pluralism Thinking – and the launch of a book on the state government’s gazetted fatwa here yesterday.
Also present were Selangor Mentri Besar Amirudin Shari, Selangor Mufti Datuk Mohd Tamyes Abd Wahid and Selangor Islamic Religious Council chairman Datuk Mohammed Khusrin Munawi.
Sultan Sharafuddin also expressed his unhappiness with the fact that there were Muslim leaders supporting the demands from liberal groups when it was obvious that the demands contravened the true teachings of Islam.
“This liberalism ideology has succeeded in influencing a handful of Muslims which resulted in the emergence of a group demanding gender equality and same-sex marriage, rejecting ulama, promoting women to lead prayers and to become wali in marriage, and demanding freedom to change one’s religion or beliefs.
“I am worried that if this liberal thinking is not seriously curbed, it may allow the enemies of Islam to destroy Islam in this country and it is feared that Allah will inflict disasters and calamities on us all,” he said.
While stressing that he did not want Selangor to be the centre for the spread of such deviant ideologies, the Sultan called on the Selangor Islamic Religious Department to intensify enforcement against those trying to spread any form of ideologies that contravened the teachings of Islam.
“The organising of awareness programmes on the threats to Muslim faith and programmes on strengthening aqidah (faith) should also be intensified right from schools to all mosques and surau in Selangor,” he said.
Sultan Sharafuddin also expressed sadness that those who lacked knowledge and expertise had openly questioned fatwa (edicts) issued and gazetted by the state’s religious authority. He said such a dispute could result in confusion and division among Muslims.
“There is a certain channel for them to voice their opinion regarding a disputed fatwa.
“We believe that if this channel is properly used, there can be proper discussions to resolve any dispute related to a fatwa,” he said.

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