
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Kit Siang’s Weird Obsession With Saudi Arabia

Kit Siang’s argument that Saudi Arabia ratified the ICERD but the monarchy was not abolished is a statement by an absolutely ignorant bugger. The monarchy has not fallen because the United States does not want the creation of the Republic of Saudi Arabia that chooses its government via a general election. The United States needs the absolute monarchy to prevail because it serves America’s purpose. Why do you think the United States is closing two eyes to the Jamal Khashoggi murder?

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang keeps repeating, again and again, that if Saudi Arabia and 54 other Muslim countries can ratify the ICERD, then why can’t Malaysia also do the same? Well, these countries also implement the GST. So why can’t Malaysia also implement the GST since these other countries are wise enough to implement the GST?
If Kit Siang’s argument is that Malaysia should ratify the ICERD on grounds that Saudi Arabia and these 54 other Muslim countries have also done the same, then this argument should apply to the GST as well.

Kit Siang cherry-picks issues to suit his argument and he will change his tune ever so often

Over his entire life Kit Siang cherry-picks when he tries to make a point. I suppose when he talks to a bunch of brain-dead DAP supporters he can get away with that. It is like those people who claim that God exists and then challenge you to prove them wrong. And when you cannot prove that God does not exist that means God does exist.
That is not what they taught us in philosophy class in Oxford. But then Kit Siang probably never took philosophy in Oxford like I did.
Anyway, since Kit Siang is using Saudi Arabia as the ‘perfect example’ as to why Malaysia should ratify the ICERD, maybe I should school him a bit regarding Saudi Arabia. I have been to Saudi Arabia ten times, twice to do my Haj and eight times to do my Umrah. And I think I have spent enough time there to understand the social and political situation in that country.

Saudi Arabia would have been turned into a republic in 1980 if not because of the US

First of all, the Saudi Arabian monarchy is facing the threat of a revolution. The rakyat is not happy and most citizens would be happy to see the monarchy abolished. But the United States is propping up the monarchy or else Iran would have long ago ousted the government.
In fact, Iran has been trying to oust the Saudi monarchy since 1979 after they successfully ousted the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, yet another proxy of the United States. To save the Saudi monarchy, the United States triggered the nine-year Iran-Iraq War in 1980 that cost one million lives.
Saudi Arabia is so dependent on the United States they would sign anything they are asked to sign. They will sign 165 ICERDs if need be just to keep the United States as their friend. Did not President Trump say earlier this month that the Saudi government would not last 24 hours without the United States? Yes, Iran and an alliance of Arab countries would move in and take over the very next day the Americans go home.
The anti-Saudi sentiments all over the Middle East is very strong and the monarchy would topple without the US
So, Saudi Arabia signed the ICERD, so what? Whether they sign or not does not matter. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. And they do not have any general election. The entire government is a family affair and they do not need to account to the rakyat what they spend.
Democracy, civil liberties, human rights and freedom of speech does not exist in Saudi Arabia. The entire system is about discrimination based on race, religion and gender. Is this not what the ICERD is supposed to eliminate?
Women cannot make major decisions without male permission. Women cannot wear clothes or make-up that ‘show off their beauty’. Women cannot interact with men. Women cannot participate or compete freely in sports. Women cannot try on clothes when shopping. You cannot import Bibles of practice your religion in public. And the list goes on.

Even with the ICERD, women are still stoned to death in Saudi Arabia, even foreign women

The ICERD may have been ratified by Saudi Arabia, but the ICERD is not being implemented. If Kit Siang can promise that Malaysia only needs to ratify the ICERD but does not need to practice what it says, then no problem. Go ahead and ratify it, like Saudi Arabia.

And Kit Siang’s argument that Saudi Arabia ratified the ICERD but the monarchy was not abolished is a statement by an absolutely ignorant bugger. The monarchy has not fallen because the United States does not want the creation of the Republic of Saudi Arabia that chooses its government via a general election. The United States needs the absolute monarchy to prevail because it serves America’s purpose. Why do you think the United States is closing two eyes to the Jamal Khashoggi murder?
Kit Siang, Kit Siang. Ini yang Melayu panggil bodoh-sombong.

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