
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Something Not Right About Perlis - Another Controversy

As I said before, can we ask China to "extradite" Jo Lo back to Malaysia when Jo Lo has NOT committed any crime in China? 

To my knowledge there is no indictment or court charges against JoLo in China or in Hong Kong. 

So even if Hishamuddin Hussein offers to "bring back" Jo Lo (say from China) the Chinese can say 'Jo Lo has not committed any crime here".

But that is why we have extradition treaties among countries. So that criminals or undesirables who have committed a wrong in one country CANNOT run away and hide in another country.

India has charged Zakir Naik with money laundering issues - and also linked to religious activism. They wish to question him and try him in their Courts. If found guilty he will be treated accordingly. 

But that is none of our business. 
That is a matter to be resolved by India. 
Just like JoLo is a matter to be resolved by Malaysia.
Not by China. 

Besides being wanted on criminal charges in India, this Zakir fellow is banned from entering Bangladesh, Canada, the United Kingdom and Singapore.  These countries must have proper laws and procedures which they follow.

Why have these countries banned Zakir Naik? 
Just for fun? 
Because they dont like his untidy appearance? 
They must have their reasons. 

Lets also see who are Zakir Naik's friends.  In Malaysia Mr Naik is a good friend of some folks in Perlis. 

Perlis has recently popped up on the radar of our own Counter Terrorism Police for hosting a bunch of Salafi terrorists. 

Here is some recent news about Perlis and the IGP's statement on the matter :

"(IGP Tan Sri) Fuzi berkata, mufti terbabit seharusnya tidak masuk campur tugas polis.

.. beliau seharusnya tidak campur tangan dengan tugas kita bagi memastikan keselamatan negara ini terkawal,” katanya.

IDEOLOGI Salafi Jihadi ..hanya dikesan di sebuah pusat pembelajaran agama di Perlis.

“Kami amat khuatir kerana mereka mahu menjadikan pusat tahfiz (Darul Quran Wal Hadis) di Perlis itu sebagai tapak untuk mereka mengembangkan ideologi berkenaan di negara ini,” katanya.

The Police arrested up to EIGHT Salafi terrorists some of whom were students, teachers or linked to this outfit called the madrassah Dar Al Quran Wal Hadeeth at Bukit Jerneh. This  madrasah in Perlis has since been shut down - by the Police. 

At the same time other people were willing to give "donations" up to RM100,000 to this same Salafi madrasah. Here is a picture :

I hope NOT ONE SEN of taxpayers' money from the recent RM1.2 BILLION Budget allocation  to "mengembangkan syiar Islam"  will be used to fund terrorist madrasahs like this one in Perlis. 

Hello brother Urdun, janganlah guna duit Baitul Mal, duit Zakat, duit Bajet untuk bayar gaji kekawan Salafi. Guna lah duit bapak sendiri.

Anyway, Perlis is now playing host to Zakir Naik.  
These are Zakir Naik's friends too. 

Now the latest news is Zakir Naik AND his wife will be touring Perlis !! 
Obviously as the guests of Perlis. 
Duit siapa yang depa bayar? Duit bapak ke? 

First here is the news :

Siri jelajah Zakir ke Perlis bulan depan 
Zakir jelajah 5 hari ke Perlis 
sokongan ..jabatan agama Islam negeri
dianjurkan One Centre Malaysia
diketuai penyokong kuat mufti 

turut terlibat Maips dan Abim

Zakir mempromosi Salafisme 
mengancam keharmonian M'sia

menimbulkan kemarahan orang Islam sederhana, bukan Islam 
berikutan ceramah perbandingan agama

Pakar deradikalisasi di (KDN), Dr Mohd Mizan Mohammad Aslam kata
jika jelajah itu diserapi unsur mengugat keharmonian maka ia perlu ditolak
perlu bebas daripada boleh menjejaskan keharmonian kaum kata Mizan

selagi tidak ..menggugat keharmonian kaum, tiada masalah 
tetapi figur yang kontroversi seharusnya tidak diketengahkan 
persepsi buruk, mengancam kestabilan masyarakat, katanya 

Mizan kata, pendekatan Zakir tidak sesuai dengan ..M'sia
..budaya, pemikiran, cara luar tidak perlu dibawa masuk ke negara ini 
  • kita benarkan cara ..pemikiran masyarakat kita
  • sesuai dengan sensiviti umum masyarakat kita
  • orang luar tidak dapat memberi pandangan 

Lebih baik pemikiran ..itu disesuaikan dengan negara kita 
dan dikembangkan oleh orang kita sendiri,” katanya.

Mizan bimbang masyarakat Msia mudah menerima pandangan pihak luar
apatah lagi mereka yang mempunyai agenda tersembunyi 
dedahkan negara kepada risiko jika tidak berhati-hati

Kita harus meneliti agenda tersembunyi dibawa oleh pihak luar 
boleh menerima kesan buruk jika tidak berhati-hati 
'wider connection’ dan agenda tersembunyi sesetengah pihak

So Perlis is very friendly towards Zakir Naik.
Who else are Zakir Naik's friends? 
Answer :  Saudi Arabia. 
The fellow has been given PR status by Saudi Arabia. 

As we all know, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is now still in the front page news all over the world after they killed one of their citizens, then chopped up, dismembered, dissolved his body in acid and flushed it down the toilet (literally) INSIDE their embassy in Istanbul !!  

By the way click here for the  latest developments in the Jamal Kashoggi murder :

So this is also the type of country that is friendly to Zakir Naik. 

Tun Dr Mahathir says Malaysia should be innovating new technologies and new science. 

May I make a suggestion? Lets choose the top 1000 scientists from anywhere in the world. We identify them. (No pak arab unta, no Pakistanis, no Afghans, no Iranians, no Nigerians ok. I mean real scientists and technology people).  

Then we call them and give them instant PR status in Malaysia.  (Not offer them, just give it to them straight away. Whether they accept or not lain cerita.) 

We give them a modified "pre-approved" Malaysia My Second Home package by throwing in (for example) a research package at any university of their choice in Malaysia (both government or private).

Research package means the government will subsidise laboratory time, usage of equipment, pay salaries of lab technicians, allow access to post graduate students etc.

Or they can work (as employees) in Research and Development for any Malaysian registered company whereby their salaries and wages can be tax deductible etc. Something like that lah. Just throwing out ideas.

So what do you think folks? 

Giving PR status to just ONE top scientist will bring in more benefits to Malaysia than giving PR to a thousand goat herders from India. 

Imagine how much benefit Malaysia will gain by giving PR status to 1000 top scientists?  

WA AKHIRUL  KALAM : Kenapa kita ini selalu bodoh sangat? For how many more decades are we condemned to be stupid like this? We waste our money, we waste our lives on all these really stupid and useless pursuits. A people with no brains. Just no brains. 

1 comment:

  1. You as a non-semenanjung citizen can just shut up. You know nothing about what's really happening


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