
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Syariah High Court - Another Nail In The Malay / Islam Coffin

establishment of Shariah High Court ..will be expedited, Mujahid said today.
currently gathering feedback from various quarters
before submitting to Cabinet and Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council
no need to bring it to Parliament,” he said 
My comments :  Brader Mujahid you CANNOT bring this to Parliament because in Malaysia, Islam is a State matter under the nine Sultans and four Governors.  As a Federal Minister you can only talk about the Federal Territory.  Hence your comment :   'before submitting to . .  Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council'.
You are going to waste so much time and money just to establish another dysfunctional legal system at a higher level but in the Federal Territory only.
Going by the hundreds of complaints and the thousands of unresolved cases and matters in all the Syariah Courts (itu suami muallaf yang bawa lari anak dia sudah solve kah? They could even find Osama bin Laden hiding in Pakistan but they still cannot find one muallaf guy!) you want to make the situation worse?
I am referring also the thousands of unresolved cerai cases where the women cannot get nafkah, where bekas suami abandon anak bini, where you cannot even force the suami to come to the syariah court, where women are largely bulied.
Then faraid cases (inheritance) can stretch for years and years without conclusion.
But please explain what exactly do you mean by a Syariah High Court? There is NO standard syariah law at all. You only have sectarian interpretation of syariah.
In Malaysia it is Shafie sectarian interpretation. 
Tangkap khalwat is siyasa shafieyah. 
It is NOT universal Islamic.
Wali hakim is according to Shafie. Not the same in other Sunnah Wal Jamaah sects. So rules of marriage (nikah) and divorce too are different.
Everything is different. This is NOT "god's" law, these are man made laws, made by the imams and their followers from a thousand years or so.
Dalam Quran pun tak ada. Why is that? If it was so important why did Allah forget to state them in the Quran?
The Quran says 'establish justice'. Meaning establish just laws, a just and transparent legal system.
a) You who believe! be upholders of justice, bearing witness for Allah alone, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, Allah is well able to look after them. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. If you twist or turn away, Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat an-Nisa’, 135)
b) Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A‘raf, 181)
c) … if you do judge, judge between them justly. Allah loves the just. (Surat al-Maida, 42)
d) You who believe! show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to taqwa. Fear [and respect] Allah. Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Maida, 8)
e)  Every nation has a Messenger and when their Messenger comes everything is decided between them justly. They are not wronged. (Surah Yunus, 47) 
f)  We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. (Surat al-Hadid, 25)
g)  Say: “My Lord has commanded justice…” (Surat al-A ‘raf, 29)
Akhir kalam brader Mujahid -  as a Minister are you saying that our existing Common Law courts are NOT just? 
Are you saying that our existing Laws of Malaysia have no justice?
I dont think you will say that.
So if our Malaysian Legal System is already fair and just, then it must be Islamic.  
Just tell the people that our Legal Justice system is already Islamic. Plus it is not according to this sect or that sect.

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