
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 12, 2018

The Peter Principle : Anwar Ibrahim's Incompetence Shines Through Again And Again

I blame this on Tun Dr Mahathir. 35 years ago he allowed this village orator into government. A silly fellow whose strength lies entirely on the fact (which he realised very early)  that just like him - the majority of Malays do not read anything and do not understand much either.  

What is the Peter Principle ?   The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizations is for every member to rise in the hierarchy until they reach the levels of their respective incompetence.

I believe Anwar Ibrahim reached his levels of incompetence more than 35 years ago. 


Well since 1998 he tried to become a 'multi-cultural' player -  an option only made possible so long as he remained in the opposition. He would "lead" all the races.  The DAP and the Chinese said WHY NOT? As long as it helps to take down the over dominance of Malay political power.

Now - again with Tun Dr Mahathir's gargantuan presence - his party is in government. 

The angry puppy was used to barking and chasing after the school bus.  
Now the school bus has stopped. 
The angry puppy has caught up with the school bus. 
Now the angry puppy does not know what to do with his prize. 

Someone has to pump air into the bus tires - if not it is dangerous. 
Someone has to pour diesel into the tank. If not the bus will not move. 
Someone has to maintain the bus - if not it will break down. 
Someone has to drive the bus carefully - if not children are at risk. 

The angry puppy does not understand any of this. 
The puppy will do what he knows best. 
Piss on the bus tires and wag his tail in happiness. 

If Anwar had remained within his 100% Malay 'islamist' audience, he would still be king of the dung hill. Like Nik Aziz and the Bawang fellow. Just stay inside the ghetto. That would have been the safest bet. 

Because now his "multi-cultural" non Malay coterie like Sivarasa, Latheefa, Tian Chua and others cannot ignore anymore just how incompetent he really is.  They have come to the level of "tak boleh tahan lagi". 

So here is today's news from Sarawak. A Sarawak 'so-po' (social political) NGO that was big in supporting PKR is now pulling its support for the PKR.  

Sarawak-based civil society withdraws support for PKR, backed since 2011
owing to “disgraceful” manner party elections handled by leadership

Movement for Change Sarawak (MoCS) chairman Francis Siah 
said party polls tainted with cheating 
nothing short of fiasco, Julau incidents top it off

We had high expectations from PKR
supported them past two elections, he said

expected Sarawak PKR to play peacemaker 
unfortunately dragged into dirty polls by national leadership
look like clowns in comedy, PKR polls tragedy
polls marred by cheating, brawls, impropriety

tremendous increase in members in Julau 
hacking of tablets used in e-voting there
party polls show PKR cannot handle power

people, party’s time, resources wasted past few months 
could have been used to help Msians see better country

Are leaders happy party is split? 
Do they even realise they are on path of self-destruction?

Many disillusioned, disappointed over PKR polls

does not bode well for Pakatan Harapan, Malaysia
given that incoming president supposed to be PM, referring to Anwar 

as far as MoCS concerned, PKR in Sarawak “no longer exists”

will continue to support Baru Bian, Dr Michael Teo, See Chee How, Willie Mongin, Baharuddin Mokhsen and Nicholas Mujah.

My comments :  Well you cannot get more scathing than that. 

The MoCS will continue supporting "Baru Bian, Dr Michael Teo, See Chee How, Willie Mongin, Baharuddin Mokhsen and Nicholas Mujah". 

And here is Anwar Ibrahim's typically predictable and totally useless reply :

“Saya tidak boleh campur dalam urusan pemilihan selain memastikan jangan ada penipuan, ugutan dan saya minta JPP melantik orang yang betul-betul bebas dan bersih,” katanya. 

My comments :  "memastikan jangan ada penipuan" ?? 

Sudahlah brader.

You are so predictable. 
Just deny everything.
Blame it on others.
Can I make a suggestion? 
Just blame it on Mahathir.  
Like you did the last time.

A bunch of useless tripe.


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