
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Seafield Hindu Temple Problem Is Due To Religion

So therein lies the problem. The problem is not that Hindus love building temples on land that does not belong to them. It is that, after working for six days, God rested on the seventh day. And, on the day God was having His nap, humans invented religion. And in time many new religions were born when the founders of those religions claimed God spoke to them. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Today, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said there is a limit to democracy and free speech and lies or statements/acts that create racial/religious discord cannot be allowed and action will be taken against the perpetrators.
Yes, while Malaysia should practice democracy and allow freedom of speech, that does not mean Malaysia must also allow freedom after speech. You can speak freely but you may not be free after you speak.
I support 100% what Mahathir said and, in fact, have been saying the same thing for decades now. But when I say it I get whacked by Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, and whatnot. Only the Jews, so far, have not whacked me (but probably after this article they might do so).

Mahathir believes in ‘Guided Democracy’ that allows freedom of speech but does not guarantee freedom after speech

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not anti-Semitic like Mahathir is. After all, Jesus was a Jew and Islam accepts Jesus (and the other Jewish prophets) as one of the 124,000 prophets, 25 who are mentioned by name in the Qur’an, Jesus being one of them. So, if you reject Jesus the Jew, then you will in essence be rejecting the Qur’an as well.
Muslims would be extremely upset if I were to wear a crucifix around my neck or I had a tattoo of a cross on my arm to show support to Jesus (in Islam, you are only supposed to say you accept Jesus but not show you do). I suppose Muslims would also get upset if I serve them Hot-Cross-Buns when they come visiting and will insist on Hot-Tali-Buns instead.
Anyway, that is Muslims for you. They are just as crazy as Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, etc., when it comes to ‘defending the sanctity of their religion’.
Can you imagine if the Romans had used the guillotine or gas chamber to kill Jesus? Then every church would have a guillotine or gas chamber on its steeple and Christians would have miniature guillotines or gas chambers hanging around their necks.
Of course, today it is very difficult to form or invent a new religion — which is good or else by now instead of six major religions we would have 600 (hey, it is Oxford University that said there are six World Religions and when I disagreed the lecturer got angry with me).

All you need to do is claim God spoke to you and a new religion is born

Back in those days it was easy to start a new religion like it is to start political parties in Malaysia. You did not need the approval of the Registrar of Societies. All you needed was to claim that God spoke to you and, voila, a new religion is born. Today, when you talk to God it is called praying but if God talks to you it is called gila babi.
Most of you who did not go to a Chinese school have probably heard of the Story of the Creation. I am talking about the Book of Genesis, not Mao’s Little Red Book about the story of the creation of New China, which New Malaysia has been moulded after.
Genesis talks about the first day when God created the universe until the sixth day when God created humankind. And, after six days of hard work, on the seventh day, God rested. And, on the seventh day, while God was having a snooze, humankind went and created religion. And, when God woke up on Monday, He discovered that the world had more religions than Malaysia has political parties.
But no one really follows what God asked them to do. It got so bad that in despair God spoke to Moses while hiding behind a burning bush and asked him to lead his people back to the right path. God then gave Moses the Ten Commandments with instructions to teach his people these New Rules (like how ‘God’ spoke to Malaysians on 10 May 2018 about the New Rules for New Malaysia — such as the election manifesto will be abandoned).

God told Moses ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ and kill everyone who refuses to agree to this

And if they refuse to follow these Ten Commandments, then all those infidels must be exterminated down to every last man, woman, child, camel, goat and chicken.
But then one of these Ten Commandments is ‘Thou Shalt Not kill’. On the other hand, if you refuse to follow these Commandments, you and your entire family must be killed. So how come you must kill all those who refuse to agree to the Commandment ‘Thou Shalt Not kill’?
That, God told Moses, is called `Catch 22’. And it so confused the followers of Moses (Jews, Christians and Muslims alike) that until today they are still killing humans all over the world, even at this very moment as you read this.
Okay, okay, okay — Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Sikhs, etc., also kill. But they do not kill as many people as the Jews, Christians and Muslims do. And the Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Sikhs, and so on, do not have the Ten Commandments that say ‘Thou Shalt Not kill’ like the Jews, Christians and Muslims do.

Hindus and Muslims killing each other in India by the order of God

So therein lies the problem. The problem is not that Hindus love building temples on land that does not belong to them. It is that, after working for six days, God rested on the seventh day. And, on the day God was having His nap, humans invented religion. And in time many new religions were born when the founders of those religions claimed God spoke to them.
The thing is, Sigmund Freud was not born until 1856. If not, we would have known that anyone who claims God spoke to him needs to be locked up. Locking these people up is far safer than allowing them to, as Mahathir said today, spread lies and fake news that divide the people. And let’s face it, religion divides the people.
If action had been taken earlier, today there would not exist so many religions, or any religion for that matter. And there would be no Seafield Hindu Temple to give us problems. And people like Moorthy and all those Indian ministers in Pakatan Harapan would not be making stupid statements that cause Indians to riot on the streets like they are suffering from a toddy-overdose.

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