
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 26, 2018

Why is it that the DAP has always been the punching bag of the UMNO, PAS and Malays? Let's get our economy recovered.

Why is it that the DAP has always been the punching bag of the UMNO, PAS and Malays?

The Malays still feel that this nation owes them a living. To make matters worst, UMNO and PAS seem to give the Malays the feeling that they need to demand for every benefit and privilege to survive or live in this nation. Even those who have everything, also seek to the government to take care of their children and their necessities.

When will the Malays stand on their own feet, is the question raised by many quarters. The Malaysian economy is in critical situation and cannot afford this extra burden of "feeding" the middle and top-class Malays. The really poor will also be given assistance as assured by the government.

Recently, the ICERD affair has also been associated with the DAP, more so the Chinese community in Malaysia. The Chinese are least bothered since they control the economy of this nation and know how to take care of themselves. The Chinese fear is provocation and incitement of the under hands, which will cause chaos which will affect their businesses.

Since the May 9, 13th General Elections defeat by the Pakatan Harapan, UMNO and PAS seem to be finding a way to incite and provoke the majority Malays to revolt against this duly elected PH government, so that they could do a reverse takeover of the federal government. Most of the leaders from these parties fear arrest due to their own wrong-doings. UMNO is in the verge of getting de-registered and if that is done UMNO leaders will lose all their so-called "power". It is hoped that the Malays realised their ulterior motives of these party leaders and go on with their lives in this peaceful multi-cultural and multi-racial society.

The time has come for every Malaysian citizen to work hard and ensure the economy is recovered. Then we all can live a comfortable life in this great nation, Malaysia. No point in finger pointing on anyone, DAP, PAS, PH or UMNO. This is our nation and we decide what is best for all of us. -Mohd. Kamal Abdullah

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