
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Yoursay: 'Either Najib is delusional, or he thinks we’re all stupid'

YOURSAY | ‘Najib, if this is your line of defence, you are doomed.’
Rupert16: If former PM Najib Abdul Razak didn’t lie (about the RM2.6 billion donation), then why didn’t he sue Wall Street Journal, Sarawak Report, New York Times, etc?
Two, why stop the 1MDB task force and replace the attorney-general, MACC and Bank Negara heads midway through the investigation? Why keep the auditor-general’s report under wraps after stating that all would be revealed when the report was completed?
Why the 1MDB scam was not allowed to be raised and discussed in Parliament? Why alleged mastermind Jho Low was not investigated when he was still in power? Why the government did not cooperate with the Swiss Office of Attorney-General and Department of Justice (DOJ) on the 1MDB investigations?
Why he and the government were as quiet as a mouse when Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) was implicated in the DOJ report? Why didn’t he challenge one of his ministers when the person confirmed that he was indeed MO1?
Why till now no official statement from the Saudi royal family on the huge donation that went into his personal account? How come there is not even a ‘thank you’ letter from Najib to the Saudi king if indeed the donation was from him?
Cicak Boy: Dear Najib, I doubt anyone on this planet believes your incredulous and pathetic excuse that RM2.6 billion went into your personal bank account and you never took steps to identify clearly where the funds came from, which any other person would have done.
If true, this makes you a very irresponsible and reckless person. Could you tell the rakyat why someone in your government would transfer astronomical sums of money into your account and never bother to tell you about it?
CQ MUARku: Najib, of course, you are a saint: never lied, never steal, but unjustly accused by PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, critics from Pakatan Harapan and many Malaysians, DOJ and authorities from a few other countries.
We now believe everything you claimed here. As a matter of fact, you and your equally saintly wife had been unfairly and cruelly accused and criticised. We are apologetic and should instead support you for all that you had contributed and done to "save" this country.
The bottom line is: We would be the world's greatest idiots like you, Najib, to ever fall and take your words as the gospel truth.
Slumdog: Najib is so delusional that he is convinced that he is telling the truth, or else he is a pathological liar with no remorse or contrition.
If he is telling the truth, how is it that there are several variations to the reasons for receiving the RM2.6 billion from the late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. 
First, it was about the fear that the Arab Spring in 2010 may spread to Malaysia so the donation was given to prevent this uprising coming to Malaysia’s shores. Then the donation was to fight Isis in 2009, although Isis had not yet been established at that time.
Later, the donation was to be used by Najib for whatever cause he pleased. Then it was a reward for Malaysia being an example of a moderate Muslim country. Much later, it was to help Najib win GE13.
When cornered, he ‘assumed’ that it was a donation from King Abdullah, when all along he consistently reaffirmed that it was definitely a donation from the Saudi king. So, which is it, Najib?
Frankie: My God, I just realised that we Malaysians has been under the leadership of the most stupid person for nine years. How can a person that stupid - to have "legitimate money" in such a volume banked into his personal account without verifying the source - lead Malaysia?
If a prime minister has no knowledge of the source of money being backed into his personal account, he's plain stupid. And if he does have knowledge of the source and still have it transferred into his personal account, he's not just stupid but greedy.
Oxymoronictendencies: There is one question you can answer, Najib.
Why, when you found that you had RM42 million of SRC money in your personal account - by your own admission, mistakenly transferred there without your request, knowledge or authorisation - why did you not return the money?
Returning it would have been the action of an innocent and honest man. But you did not.
Little wonder no one believes your cries of innocence when you behave entirely as a guilty man. Najib, actions speak louder than words.
The Wakandan: What does religion tell us? Does it say it is okay to take what is not ours?
Was the money that was credited to your account, yours? Did you work for it? Especially the RM42 million from SRC, why was it deposited into your account? If the money was not yours, and you did not earn it but took it anyway, was not that stealing?
Even if we found a wallet full of money on a roadside, a righteous man would return it to the owner simply because it is not ours.
So Najib, how can you be not a thief if you took what was not yours in the first place? Which teaching of the religion that says you are not a thief when you take illegally what is not yours?
Idiocracy: Bank Negara should be questioned for negligence whoever the governor was. The governor was supposed to flag dubious transactions and bring it up to auditor-general, MACC and minister in charge of corruption.
As a Bank Negara governor, you can’t be afraid when you are holding such a high position. With great power comes great responsibility.
Why does the central bank impose so many disclosure requirements when it itself didn’t ring the alarm on the RM2.6 billion? That’s non-disclosure of a material fact.
The Bank Negara governor should also be roped in for questioning for potential breach of public trust.
It’s an utter shame when a coward is being ‘declared’ as an eminent person. Because of the governor’s cowardice and white lie (for not disclosing the transactions), Najib may escape scot-free. If so, then it’s on her.
The alleged crime could have been prevented had the transfer of money was stopped at the Bank Negara level.
A New Dawn: Najib, if this is your line of defence, you are doomed.
I just wondering how lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah is going to defend you when you keeping repeating this like a broken record and Shafee himself is fending off charges against him. 
Gaji Buta: A true practitioner of the theory that you should never admit or confess, as this will leave room, however small, for others to doubt you.
This theory was shared to me by a wise man who said never admit to having an affair, not even if caught red-handed, as your wife will be willing to accept even the most incredible or ridiculous explanation, because deep inside she still loves you and want the marriage to work.

But once you admit it, the marriage is over. Anyway, I haven’t tested this out yet. - Mkini

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