
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Yoursay: Even in defeat, Umno still lives in denial

YOURSAY | ‘If not Umno's fault, then who? My neighbour’s cat?’
Oxymoronictendencies: It is fanciful for Umno to claim innocence and that they are not to blame in relation to 1MDB. Umno leaders are at the very least complicit in the 1MDB fraud and scandal.
While the whole world was aware something was seriously amiss in 1MDB, did we hear even one murmur of concern from the senior ranks of Umno leaders? No, we did not.
Did we hear Mohamad Hasan voicing his concerns over 1MDB, while the rest of the world investigated the scandal? Not a murmur.
We heard many trying to claim nothing was amiss, and that the Umno president was innocent of any wrongdoing.
To claim Umno is not to blame is laughable. Their then president was the alleged architect and a prime player in the fraud - and the whole world knew it except apparently for the Umno leadership - that has been perpetrated against the Malaysian rakyat and described by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) as the worst case of kleptocracy the world has ever seen.
And all senior Umno leaders stood steadfastly behind their president and were not brave enough to speak out. Silence and ignorance are no defence under the law.
So Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan, please spare us your empty rhetoric and words. Face the reality that the entire leadership of Umno is complicit and very far from blame-free.
Wg321: Former PM Najib Abdul Razak has distributed more than RM470 million which originated from 1MDB to all Umno and BN division chiefs, MPs, etc. Is Mohamad Hasan one of those beneficiaries?
If he accepts money from Najib's personal account which originated from 1MDB, he is a collaborator and a partner in crime.
NNFC: The fact is Umno benefited from the sovereign wealth fund and used the money to win elections. That's cheating!
Also, just look at the unexplained wealth of so many Umno members. This is only because many of Umno members have used their party to get projects or used their position to corruptly get bribes, etc.
All of this has been under the disguise of helping the Malays. Obviously, this was bulls**t. My only pity is for the few innocent members.
Puzzled: Indeed, it was Umno and its members that enabled and allowed 1MDB to take root and to perpetuate and sustain itself.
It was Umno that passed and approved the rules and regulations that even prohibited the very mention and discussion of Jho Low and 1MDB.
Now that it is out in the open, Umno's complicity needs to be addressed. Where were the members then?
Not doing or saying anything while the crimes were committed make Umno and its members accessories to the crime.
The Wakandan: In developed countries, you just need to have a simple corruption being exposed, you will be out as a government.
Umno has become a symbol of corruption, racial discrimination and religious bigotry, which this nation can do without.
As long as we have Umno style of government ruling this country, we will be forever shackled into stagnation and thus can never be developed, unlike our neighbouring ‘Asian tiger’ countries.
So, it is not just a matter of blaming Umno but that it must be rejected for the sake of the nation. Umno is history. It might be relevant before but not in this global era.
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: According to the Cambridge Dictionary, ‘kleptocracy’ is defined as - "a society whose leaders make themselves rich and powerful by stealing from the rest of the people". It is an appropriate description of Umno/BN.
Furthermore, Mohamad Hassan must bear in mind that allocations for GE13 that won the election for Umno/BN were from the RM2.6 billion allegedly stolen from 1MDB. The party that received the chunk of the loot was Umno and it was distributed to its divisions.
Honestly speaking, GE13 was a spurious victory for Umno/BN. Umno has to take the blame because 1MDB was hatched to keep Umno in power and its leaders, Hassan included, were aware where their free-flowing riches came from.
FlabberPro: Umno has always been unfair, inappropriate and illogical to the rest of the Malaysians in the past. Umno has never fought for the marginalised, the poor and the needy. Umno was there to enrich Malay business people.
And all these were done in the name of religion - to protect Islam and the Malay supremacy. But what are the agenda to do so?  I see nothing other than corruption.
Bornean Today: If not Umno's fault, then who? My neighbour’s cat?
Cyclonus: Mohamad Hassan, was it fair when the rakyat had to suffer the economic burden brought about by the Umno/BN administration?
Where was the voice of reason within Umno to question the 1MDB scandal that the whole world was not just questioning but taking action?
Umnoputeras and their cronies wanted status quo to continue reaping/raping the system. They played the deaf, dumb and mute monkey and to add chilli padi to the open sore when they suggested that we forego chicken, fish, beef and eat kangkong instead, while they eat lobster and quinoa.
They tell us to wake up at 4am to use the non-toll highways to avoid the traffic jam while they roll up in their chauffeur-driven BMW cars with police escorts. To stay in power, they resorted to divisive tactics employing race and religion.
There is no way Umno can and should be back in power. We must be vigilant to ensure that Pakatan Harapan, or whatever government in future of our beloved country, is devoid of the Umno DNA. - Mkini

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