
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Clare Rewcastle Brown BOHONG!

We must remember, at that time, Latheefa Koya was the head of the MACC while Tommy Thomas was the AG, and they both hate Hadi and PAS like crazy. With that “evidence” they could have nailed Hadi’s balls to the wall and whack PAS good and proper. Why didn’t they? Simple. Sebab takde bukti. Cerita RM90 juta tu cerita dongeng.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
(Malaysia Dateline) – Editor Sarawak Report, Clare Recastle-Browm mendakwa, Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Awang dikenakan bayaran sehingga 2.5 juta pound (RM13.2 juta) oleh firma guaman beliau dalam kes saman mereka di England.
“Hadi mengambil peguam yang termahal di London dan dia terpaksa membayar 2.5 juta pound. Itu yang saya anggarkan dan itu yang peguam saya anggarkan,” kata Claire dalam wawancara secara online dengan aktivis Iswardy Morni yang disiarkan semalam melalui satu blog.
Bohong! Hadi’s legal fees came to less than £500,000 or about RM2.5 million. Even then, Clare lost twice and had to pay Hadi £60,000 or about RM320,000 in legal costs. Hence Hadi had to pay about £400,000 or about RM2 million, not the £2.5 million or RM13.2 million, as Clare claims.

Clare got the RM90 million story from Ambiga

Clare claims towards the end of the case she managed to get the evidence to prove that Najib Tun Razak and/or Umno paid Hadi and/or PAS RM90 million.
Towards the end of the case? But the case took a long time. So does that mean in the beginning, when she first wrote her article, she DID NOT have the evidence and that she only managed to get the evidence much, much later?
We must remember, the agreement to an out-of-court settlement was a mutual two-party agreement. So why does Clare keep bringing this issue up and insinuate it was Hadi and not her who wanted to settle the case out of court? If she did not agree to an out-of-court settlement then why settle out of court?
Since Clare was not in agreement to an out-of-court settlement she should have rejected the out-of-court settlement agreement and insist that the matter continue in court. A mutual agreement must be on the basis of both parties. The matter cannot be settled out of court if only one party agrees and the other party does not.
Hence, instead of talking about Hadi agreeing to settle the matter out of court, Clare should tell us why did SHE agree to settle out of court? She could have disagreed to the out-of-court settlement and continue to fight the case in court. After all, she was also suing Hadi.

The RM90 million story originated from Husam Musa, who is being funded by the Chinese gambling syndicate

After GE14, the purpose of the legal suit was no longer relevant. Hence Hadi agreed on an out-of-court settlement. After May 2018, Clare’s allegation no longer mattered. Most Malays (Umno and PAS supporters and those from the Malay heartland) did not believe the RM90 million allegation.
Of course, the Pakatan Harapan supporters, mainly the Chinese and Indians, believed the RM90 million allegation. But the Pakatan Harapan supporters, the Chinese, and the Indians, did not matter. They would never vote for PAS anyway. So what they believed was not important. So why spend further millions fighting the case in a London court that had no political value to PAS?
Yes, the move to sue Clare was a political move. But then when Clare “exposed” the RM90 million story, was that not also a political move? Clare does not do things for the sake of justice. Every move she makes is political. If not, she would also talk about the corruption involving Lim Guan Eng and many other Pakatan Harapan leaders.

The MACC investigated the RM90 million allegation and found nothing

But she does not. She just whacks Umno and PAS. Why? Why whack Umno and PAS but “cover” the corrupt acts of the Pakatan Harapan people? Simple, because Clare is playing a political game.
So, yes, the suit in the London court was political. It was meant for GE14. So what? I would say that was a brilliant political move. That shows Hadi is more politically savvy than many people give him credit for.
Okay, Clare says she has all the evidence (which she managed to get much later towards the end). Well, tunjuklah! Kenapa simpan? Show us that evidence.
Actually, Clare did not dare file that evidence in court, which is why she agree to an out-of-court settlement. You see, any evidence that she claims she has is hearsay. For that evidence to be admissible in court, she needs to bring the “maker” to testify in court. And this means whoever gave her the evidence would be exposed.

Tommy Thomas hates Hadi and PAS but was not able to take any action on the RM90 million allegation because the allegation was false

And this would be a problem because Clare claims she got that evidence from S. Ambiga, who in turn allegedly got it from Husam Musa, and who we do not know got it from whom. So that chain needs to be established to be able to establish whether that evidence is doctored or authentic.
And, this, Clare cannot do. Hence her so-called evidence is worthless.
Anyway, if Clare’s evidence is so solid, why did the MACC, who investigated this case, declare that there is no evidence and did not take action against Hadi or PAS? Clare said the money came from 1MDB. So why did the MACC not recover that RM90 million from Hadi or PAS?

Clare is a DAP-Pakatan Harapan stooge who masquerades as a whistle-blower 

We must remember, at that time, Latheefa Koya was the head of the MACC while Tommy Thomas was the AG, and they both hate Hadi and PAS like crazy. With that “evidence” they could have nailed Hadi’s balls to the wall and whack PAS good and proper. Why didn’t they? Simple. Sebab takde bukti. Cerita RM90 juta tu cerita dongeng.
Karutlah, Minah Saleh ni! Cakap perpusing-pusing. Satu pun tak benar. Semua fitnah. Hello, Pakatan Harapan sudah tumbanglah. Cukuplah tu!
Sigh…I think I will be a lawyer when I grow up. Even without a law degree I can tear Clare’s arguments to pieces.

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