
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corona Virus Over So Lebanon Back To Violent Demos

Iraq, Iran, Lebanon have neither answers nor particular interest in economy, living standards

The first two pictures here are from November 2019. 
Lebanon was up in flames in street protests. 

Lebanon was also hit by the Corona Virus and all the street protests calmed down. Now the virus crisis is over in Lebanon. They have less than 10 new cases a day. 

So the protests have begun again. This picture below is from May 1st, 2020. Just five days ago.  

Here is some news :

Post Coronavirus Reignites Protests in Lebanon 

Covid-19 in Middle East cleared demonstrations 
Iran, Iraq, Lebanon protests against mismanagement, corruption in 2020
Iran used brute force to disperse demonstrations
In Iraq, Lebanon coronavirus brought demonstrations to abrupt end

In Lebanon demonstrations re-commenced
now exacerbating, rather than containing public anger

Lebanon failed state and failed economy
country in deep crisis
national debt 170% of GDP in 2019
50% of govt spending toward servicing debt in 2019

In March, 2020, for first time, Lebanon defaulted on debts
govt suspended payment on US$1.2 billion Eurobond, due March 9th

Lebanese pound devalued more than 50% over 6 months

banks restricted withdrawals of foreign currency
increased burden on public, fueled anger

wealthy, well connected Lebanese able to move funds
PM Hassan Diab said in Jan-Feb US$5.7b transferred out of banks
Those without connections left to bear the brunt 

Iran proxy Hizbollah's growing control of Lebanon 
led to decline in foreign investment and aid
domination of Lebanese political system by Hizballah 
further contributed to deteriorating situation

Hizballah openly controls legislative and executive 
74 seats in 128 member parliament19 of 30 Cabinet portfolios

decline in foreign investment over last decade
Saudi and UAE main trading partners 
sharply downgraded their trade 

Teheran has no cash to spare.

75% Lebanese in need of aid
unemployment 30%, including 60% of young people
Many SMEs collapsed

restrictive moves by banks severely impacted citizens
pre-existing economic crisis
Iran/Hizballah's control of country
deterioration in living standards 
return to popular protest in recent days

largest protests in Tripoli, poverty stricken Sunni city in north 
Beirut, Sidon, Nabatiyeh, Akkar, Beka'a witnessed demonstrations

current protests more violent 

banks torched by protestors
one demonstrator shot dead 

need overhaul of system 
resisted by powerful in the country

Hizbollah deep state protects corrupt, dysfunctional system 

Iraq, Iran, Lebanon have neither answers nor particular interest in economy, living standards

Hizballah running out of resources to siphon off
Lebanese once again taking to streets
strife, instability most likely worsen

My comments :  

Lebanon has far fewer goat herders than say Yemen. The Lebanese are good in things like fashion design, jewellery, banking, hotels, night clubs and commerce. Since Roman times or before, the Levant has been a place of trade and commerce. 

However they are extremely low on 'lets care for our neighbours as well'.   
Behaviour that is typical in many parts of the planet known as "Third World". 
Or as Jayanth Bhandari says it, Lebanon would be part of 'the others'.  
A society is either based on logical and modern thinking or it is part of "the others" ie those which do not use logical thinking and common sense sufficiently.

Being part of 'the others' Lebanon was already doomed. 
The rich and wealthy were bleeding the country dry.
The famous Lebanese oligarchs monopolised the country's wealth.
Their wealth was too often ill gotten.
The same thing can be said of Pakistan.
Malaysia is headed in the same direction.
Many of the rich here have acquired wealth through "ill gotten" means. 

In contrast wealth that is acquired through competition and free trade is very good for any society.  The more wealth that is created through competition and the free market the healthier is the society.  This is proven around the world today.

On top of their inherent misery, Lebanon has suffered that other wealth destroying satanism - religion. And its Siamese twin - religious conflict. 

Fast forward to the 1990s and Shia Iran set their eyes on taking over Lebanon, which they have accomplished now. Lebanon is about 1/3 Shia - the same portion as Sunnis. That is a very dangerous ratio. Iran's proxy the Shia Hezbollah not only controls Parliament and the Cabinet but on the ground in Lebanon the Hezbollah has more firepower than the Lebanese Army and Police combined. Plus Hezbollah dictates Lebanon's foreign affairs as well. 

But there is a huge drawback. The Ayatollahs and the Hezbollah do not understand economics, free trade, modern scientific management or whatever. They have little idea of how to make the economy work. 

The 1st world cannot live without Yahoo.
The Shia still cannot live without Ya Ali.
To them Ya Ali is more important that Yahoo. 
Yahoo can help you accomplish so many things.
Ya Ali is not relevant in any way at all.

So Lebanon has the oligarchs, a non-workable economic system, nincompoop religion and mentally retarded religious leaders who are armed to the teeth. This country must burn down first before it can rebuild its house with paper mache again. Then to burn down again.  

hich is known as the Third World. Or as Jayanth Bhandari says it, Lebanon would be part of 'the others'.  Your society is either based on logical and modern thinking

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