
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Cynthia Gabriel And C4 Finally Have To Answer For Their Lies

Finally, C4 may be made to pay for their orgy of lies that has been going on for more than a decade. C4 will now have to prove the health minister took bribes or else they will have to pay the minister RM30 million in damages and issue an apology. As they say, justice may be delayed but it can never be denied.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba is seeking an apology from the Center to Combat Corruption & Cronyism (C4 Centre) and for it to pay him RM30 million in damages within seven days for linking him to the ministry’s contract for supply of Covid-19 equipment. This whole matter is regarding a corruption allegation which C4 made against the minister.
This is not the first time C4 has made false allegations against government leaders. Eleven years ago, in 2009, C4, together with its sister organisation Suaram, filed a complaint with a French court alleging corruption in the procurement of the Scorpene submarines back in 2002. The French court then instructed the French police to investigate this allegation.

The French police investigation revealed that Suaram and C4 were lying

What the French investigation revealed was totally different from what C4 and Suaram had alleged. In short, C4 and Suaram had been lying to Malaysians for so many years.
First of all, Najib Tun Razak was defence minister from 1991-1995 and the second time from 2000-2008. However, the decision to buy the Scorpene submarines was made in 1997 when Syed Hamid Albar was the defence minister (1995-1999).
So why is Suaram-C4 blaming Najib when Syed Hamid was the then minister of defence? Furthermore, the Prime Minister was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad while the Finance Minister was Anwar Ibrahim. Tun Daim Zainuddin was the economic advisor who managed large government contracts and Syed Hamid is a well-known Mahathir crony (and who is now in PPBM, Team Mahathir).
Syed Hamid and not Najib Razak was the defence minister when the decision to buy the Scorpene submarines was made
Everything pointed to Mahathir-Daim-Anwar but Najib was made the fall guy when he was not even the defence minister at the time the decision was taken to buy the Scorpene submarines.
And this was what the French investigation revealed.
The next thing the French investigation revealed was that Altantuya Shaariibuu never went to Paris, as alleged, and neither did Najib during the period he was alleged to have gone to Paris with Altantuya. The French police got Interpol and the immigration to confirm this. So, the allegation that Najib and Altantuya had dinner on the Eiffel Tower is false.
Altantuya was said to have gone to Paris to act as translator in Najib’s meeting with Direction des Constructions Navales (DCNS) to negotiate the purchase of the submarines. The French police then took statements from the company personnel involved and it was revealed that no such meetings took place anywhere in France.
The trio that decided to buy the Scorpene submarines from France
All the meetings were held in Kuala Lumpur, not Paris. So why would Najib fly to Paris for meetings regarding the submarines? (Anyway, the defence minister was Syed Hamid, not Najib).
Secondly, all the company personell involved in the negotiations spoke perfect English, as did everyone in Malaysia they met. (If you live in Liverpool or Manchester you will know foreigners speak better English than the British). Furthermore, Altantuya spoke no French and atrocious English. So why, in the first place, would they need her as a translator?
Yes, there were many discrepancies in the allegation by Suaram and C4 and the French police investigation revealed much more than mentioned above.

The French police rejected PI Bala’s statement and did not include it in the final report due to serious indiscrepancies

For example, private investigator Perumal Balasubramaniam also had his statement recorded by the French police and finally his testimony was rejected and was not included in the final report because it was inconsistent and full of holes. In short, the French police felt Bala was lying and that his statement cannot be believed.
But Suaram and C4 did not reveal this. Instead, Suaram and C4 told Malaysians the French government was investigating Najib’s involvement in Altantuya’s murder. They also said the French police was about to issue an arrest warrant against Najib and Interpol will be arresting Najib to be brought back to France to be tried for murder.
All that were lies. In fact, Altantuya’s murder was not even in the scope of the investigation. The investigation was only about whether any French citizens were involved in corruption. That is all the French police wanted to know and nothing more than that. But Suaram and C4 told us something else altogether.
Finally, C4 may be made to pay for their orgy of lies that has been going on for more than a decade. C4 will now have to prove the health minister took bribes or else they will have to pay the minister RM30 million in damages and issue an apology. As they say, justice may be delayed but it can never be denied.

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