
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kenapa beri syarikat Cina?

  • Kadir Jasin persoalkan kontrak KKM RM30 juta kepada syarikat milik Cina
  • mungkin melanggar syarat perlu mempunyai ahli lembaga pengarah Bumiputera
  • kalua PN kerajaan Melayu-Islam mengapa kontrak diberi kpd bukan Melayu 
  • Kadir dakwa semua ahli lembaga pengarah, pengurusan syarikat adalah Cina

My comments :  Here are some adjectives.  I do not know what cataclysmic event will create that explosion in IQ levels that will eventually give rise to that feeling of embarrassment that these are obviously racist statements. Boleh faham ke?

Just for fun, lets twist things around a little.

Where in the civilised world would it be not an embarrassment to ask the following questions?

1. Kenapa diberi kontrak kepada syarikat Melayu ?

Can that be an ok thing to say?  Or how about this :

2. Kenapa makan cukai bukan Melayu?

Or this one :

3. Apa lagi Melayu mahu?

These are obviously insensitive questions. You would have to be a real boor to want to speak like this. (A boor is also a lout, oaf, Neanderthal, primitive, clod or peasant). But not in Malaysia. In Malaysia such language is part of the norm. 

Hence a congress to search for maruah.

Anyway there are more compelling answers to Kadir's question.

I have seen comments which say 'behind every crooked Malay there is a crooked Chinese' (or crooked Indian).

Well to be fair, when it comes to corruption and crookedness there are many real examples of this in Malaysia. 

But such comments are not fully accurate observations.

I think it is often the other way around. 
I agree this is not always the case - not 100% of the time - but yes, often it is the other way around.

So ponder this :   "Whenever there is a corrupt or crooked Malay he will look for a Chinese or Indian to be his front".

Lets take that JoLo fellow.  There is no way JoLo could have manipulated the Bugis guy into stealing all that money. No way.

It was quite the other way around. 
They wanted to steal - on  a huge scale. 
They also wanted to cover their tracks. 
This was not cash money or gold bars in vaults.
This was white collar crime, manipulating documents, moving funds, issuing bonds, international money transfers, proxy companies, trying to hide electronic trails etc.

Do you think they could have approached Kassim Selamat to do all this?
To open offshore accounts and dummy companies in the Caymans, Bahamas, Virgin Islands or wherever? I don't think so.

They would need someone who could do all this for them. 
So they found JoLo - the Chinaman.

Lets back track some years. 
That one fellow wanted to bugger boys.

At that time he was at the peak of his international reputation as an 'Islamic leader'.

So do you think that when he had his withdrawal symptoms he would have called the Imam Masjid Besar and said, 'Malam ini aku terasa nak tibai bontot laki lah. Hang boleh cari tak sekoq-ke dua ekoq-ke laki hantar kat aku?'

I don't think so. 

Instead he found that Indian fellow to be his procurement advisor. 
Plus a few other things.

It was a case of  Melayu korup suruh India buat kerja kotor.

It is definitely 'safer' to use a bukan Melayu to do the dirty work because in the event of being exposed it is easier to blame the bukan Melayu.

Which is exactly the situation now. 
After the shit hits the fan, it becomes "Kenapa bagi kepada syarikat Cina?"

And yes it is easy to get the Chinese and the Indians to buat kerja kotor.
The Chinese and the Indians want to do business.
The Chinese and the Indians can do the work.
They know how to get things done. 
They know how to put it all together.
But they cannot get the government contracts as easily.
So it is easy to manipulate them.

Of course it is a wrong thing to do. 
It is criminal. 
We cannot condone this type of behaviour.
But that is philosophy.
You can have tea or coffee, light a cigar or cigarette and philosophise about how things should be, can be, may be, insya Allah etc.

Then there is something else called reality.
There is something else called the Malaysian reality.
Reality in Malaysia is very different from the rest of the world.

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