
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

UMNO's greatest threat

Contrary to current kerbau floating around, UMNO's greatest threat is NOT the DAP nor even PKR but actually Parti PRIBUMI - a party that brazenly dares to call itself by the most incongruous name to its real nature, namely, BERSATU, wakakaka.

As Anwar Ibrahim joked about that party recently, he said the party which seeks to sit on BOTH sides of Parliament should be instead called BERDUA. But then, that's Atuk's deviousness - Chinese would describe him as 'a man standing on two different boats with a foot on each at the same time', meaning he's waiting to see which boat will sink before he commits himself, wakakaka.

Nonetheless, whether BERSATU or BERDUA, it looks at UMNO hungrily, or rather at the number of UMNO MPs hungrily. It knows it is a kutu party as it won only 13 seats in GE14, notwithstanding Pakatan Harapan's pre-election boast (and expectation) that Mahathir's PRIBUMI would breach the Malay Heartland to grab most of the Malay seats. Instead it managed to only secure a measly 13 out of a humongous 52 it contested at federal level.

[and a far more pathetic 5 out of 108 at state level, and even then, with mucho non-Malay support - don't believe me, just look at the Tanjung Piai by-election, wakakaka]

Yes, BERSATU atau PRIBUMI stands like an unwanted waif among the Malays. Yet somehow, the Pakatan gullibles were convinced that Atuk almost single-handedly won GE14 for them, wakakaka.

BERSATU or now BERDUA, wakakaka, but undeniably wholly PRIBUMI, is in itself facing internal strife, though I have to admit no one knows (though many have suspicions on) whether Mahathir is playing duplicitous games with his separate segment of the so-called BERSATU kacang putih party? Yes, some also speculate that he has already achieved his aim, whether as Chairperson of PRIBUMI is BERSATU or BERDUA, to wit, denying:

(i) the PM position to Anwar Ibrahim, and

(ii) majority rule for Pakatan Harapan, especially his much detested DAP.

So with such pathetic numbers after GE14, Mahathir having thought he would sweep the Malay Heartland in GE14 and didn't need any frogs, broke his arrogant pompous pre-election promise not to accept any UMNO frogs (so what's new in Mahathir breaking promises); instead he eagerly accepted several with warm open arms as he has been desperate for a bigger (the biggest) voice in Pakatan Harapan.

He increased his party's strength from 13 to 26, shamelessly sleazily stealing 13 from UMNO. UMNO is now left with 41 but still overshadows PRIBUMI's numbers. Then PRIBUMI lost one seat in Tanjung Piai to BN (MCA) by a humongous landslide, wakakaka, much to Atuk's shock and KHAT eSS' embarrassment, disgust and consternation as he had boastfully claimed his supporters would back the PRIBUMI candidate, not realising his claimed 'supporters' had already transformed into 'erstwhile supporters'.

That by-election win by BN revives the old alliance's spirit. UMNO now doesn't fear losing MPs to PRIBUMI as it once did, because it then knew (as DAP strategist also remarked) "Bersatu’s ultimate goal is to replace Umno in the political arena as the dominant Malay party in government, as this is the only way that BERSATU can survive post GE15."

UMNO, now with only 41 elected MPs, have far more MPs than Bersatu, who only have 29, which include the 10 Dwarfs who deserted PKR but does not include the 5 supporting Mahathir.

But in the PN government with its contrasting number of MPs amongst the component parties, PRIBUMI, due to its innate avarice, has more Ministers
 than UMNO.

[11 including the Prime Minister versus nine for UMNO, and 15 Deputy Ministers versus 8 for UMNO]

The lopsided share of the booty has now led to gross dissatisfaction in UMNO, who can pull the PN plug any moment. Thus, the Sword of Damocles hangs precariously over Muhyiddin's head, wakakaka. As if that's not enough worries for Moo-Moo, the Old Devil has boasted he will seize PRIBUMI as its head in the coming party election. He probably means Boi-Boi will take over as PRIBUMI's president as he (The Old Maverick) is already its Chairperson.

If Boi-Boi becomes PRIBUMI's president, who knows what deals the Old Devil will cut with UMNO and PAS to ensure Boi-Boi ascends to his "old throne".

Meanwhile, Anwar’s PKR, formerly with 47 seats after GE14 and 50 subsequently, wakakaka, but now only 39 (with Dwarfs disappearing into the Underworld, wakakaka), DAP's 42 and Amanah's 11 make up only 92, short of 20 to have a simple majority in parliament. It badly needs that number (20) from the 'Fixed Deposit' states. Can it achieve that, as the Easterners now have ambitions of their own?
But UMNO with 41 and PAS with 18 will require very strong alliances with other parties, and frogs are most welcomed, wakakaka, even from PRIBUMI. Though as I mentioned earlier, PRIBUMI is its greatest enemy because unlike Harapan, the treacherous party (both factions) is hungrily eyeing its 41 MPs.

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