I wanted to begin this posting as follows : "Sometimes you have to ponder and wonder why some societies are in a state of perpetual disaster and unhappiness." Then I decided to drop the 'Sometimes'.
So I will start like this : You have to ponder and wonder why some societies are in a state of perpetual disaster and unhappiness.
I was prompted to write these thoughts after reading an old book which belonged to my late father. My late father bought this book in 1980. He died in 1985. So this book is at least 40 years old.
The book is supposed to be about ethics. Predictably I could not find even ONE VERSE FROM THE QURAN reproduced in this book.
How can you write a book about ethics without referring the verses from the Quran?
There are extremely few references only (in the footnotes) giving a verse number in the Quran. But the book does not actually reproduce any verses from the Quran. Why was the writer so ignorant about the Quran?
Well allow me to digress straight away. There is a verse in the Quran that goes like this (Al Baqarah verse 268) :
[2:268] The shaytan promises you poverty and commands you to indecency, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and grace. Allah is Bounteous, Omniscient.
Transliteration : as-shaytaanu ya-iddu-kumu al-faqra wa-ya'muru-kum bil-FAHSHAA wal-laahu ya-iddu-kumu magh-firatan min-hu wa-fadhlan wal-laahu waa-si-un 'aleem.
Transliteration : as-shaytaanu ya-iddu-kumu al-faqra wa-ya'muru-kum bil-FAHSHAA wal-laahu ya-iddu-kumu magh-firatan min-hu wa-fadhlan wal-laahu waa-si-un 'aleem.
So if you are stuck in poverty (faqra) year after year, decade after decade, century after century then it is quite certain that you are under the tutelage of the shaytan. No more doubts about it.
You have been cut off from the maghfiratan (forgiveness) and the grace / endowment (fadhlan) from Allah.
Ok to get back to the topic, sadly some societies are stuck with reading books written by people with basically sick or warped minds.
And when the society does not read other books then they begin to accept the sickness and the warped thinking as good and true. Since they insist on reading these books the society also becomes 'stuck in a rut'.
Stuck in a rut
To make a long story short such societies become stupid.
And of course stupid leads to poverty.
It is important that we read - especially reading books.
Reading is simply an exchange of ideas and views.
When you read this blog you are basically engaging with my thoughts.
And the solution to get out from 'being stuck in a rut' in your thinking is to read more books and gain more understanding of more things.
Then you will be able to sieve the wheat from the chaff.
To differentiate the right from the wrong.So that when you read a book you will know if the writer is talking sense or if they are talking rubbish.
To get back to my late father's old book, here are some of the things this book says :
The Training Of Children In Good Character :
Strangely although it says 'Training Of Children' only the male child is mentioned.
There is no mention of training girls.
Anyway about gluttony or eating too much it says : 'Hatred of gluttony should be established in his mind by comparing gluttons with the lower animals, by rebuking gluttonous children in his presence..
Ok lah so you want to teach your male child not to eat too much.
But by comparing them with lower animals??
'Ahmed, don't eat like a pig' !!
That will only teach your child bad and rude language.
This is bad ethics. This is not even ethics at all.
You are cursing both your child as well as the "lower animal" (pig)?
And just a few pages away the book contradicts itself.
On another page it says : "Cursing anything which God created - man, animal, or object - is an evil act of the tongue."
Then how can you "compare gluttons with lower animals"?
You are demeaning both the gluttons (human beings) and the lower animals !!
Yennada dey?
And 'rebuking gluttonous children in his presence?'
So in front of your child - just scold your nephews / neighbours kids that they 'eat like pigs' ?
And that is exactly what your child will learn to say.
He will tell his gluttonous cousins and the neighbours' kids 'You eat like a pig'.
Just exactly what is that?
And that is exactly what your child will learn to say.
He will tell his gluttonous cousins and the neighbours' kids 'You eat like a pig'.
This is not good ethics.
This is not even ethics at all.
This is not even ethics at all.
Then there is a strange dress code for boys :
'The most correct dress for the male child is white and coarse'.
What does the colour of a dress have anything to do at all with ethics?
Why wear coarse material?
Why wear coarse material?
It is proven that when you wear fine clothes, then you will keep yourself cleaner.
You will keep your house cleaner, your work place will be cleaner because you do not want to dirty your fine clothes.
You will learn to appreciate polished and smooth furniture which does not catch your fine clothes and make holes in it.
So wearing fine clothes teaches you to be more civilised, to have more finesse.
On the other hand if you wear rough gunny sacks then even if your house is a pig sty it will not bother you. You will behave like a ruffian. When you wear coarse and rough clothes you will not care if you sit on any piece of wood, on the mud floor or on any rough stone.
But what does the Quran say about wearing clothes ?
Why don't these people ever quote the Quran at all?
Why don't these people ever quote the Quran at all?
Here is Surah 7:26 from the Quran :
Translit : yaa bani adama qad anzalnaa alaykum libaasan yuwaari sau aatikum wariisha wa libaasu-ttaqwaa zaa-lika khayrun zaa-lika min aayaati-llahi la'allahum yaz kuroon.
"wa libaasu taqwaa zaa-lika khayrun" - the best clothing is righteousness.
"wa libaasu taqwaa zaa-lika khayrun" - the best clothing is righteousness.
So the colour, fineness or coarseness of the clothes you wear are not relevant.
What is more important is that you are righteous.
The best garments that you can wear is righteousness.
One last piece of cr_p from this book. On another page the book says :
What is more important is that you are righteous.
The best garments that you can wear is righteousness.
One last piece of cr_p from this book. On another page the book says :
"gratification of sex only with one's wife or slave women" !!
Let me tell you straight away that this is satanic.
First of all there is no slavery in the Quran.
Let me tell you straight away that this is satanic.
First of all there is no slavery in the Quran.
the word for slave in the Quran is RAQEEB.
(From Ra-Qa-Ba).
None of this 'right hands possess freehold title', 'left hands possess 99 year leasehold title' and other such crap.
In the Quran slaves are referred to as RAQEEB.
This word RAQEEB (and derivatives) appears a few times.
No where does the Quran say that :
1. You can own slaves
2. You can have sex with your slaves.
There is so much more cr_p in this book but this is sufficient.
None of this 'right hands possess freehold title', 'left hands possess 99 year leasehold title' and other such crap.
In the Quran slaves are referred to as RAQEEB.
This word RAQEEB (and derivatives) appears a few times.
No where does the Quran say that :
1. You can own slaves
2. You can have sex with your slaves.
There is so much more cr_p in this book but this is sufficient.
Akhir kalam, a society becomes as stupid as the stupid books it reads.
A society becomes as violent as the mad teachings that are taught to it.
A society that has lost its ethics eventually becomes poor.
And it will remain poor.
[2:268] The shaytan promises you poverty and commands you to indecency, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and grace. Allah is Bounteous, Omniscient.
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