
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 12, 2021

Country Is In Deep Sh_t, The Pemimpin Fellows Are Talking Through Their Ars_s

 To my pembaca setia a word of remorse and apology. Lately I have not been able to post as many articles or put my thoughts up in the blog. I am involved in another writing project - a book. The book is highly sensitive so it will not be published in this country. But I have been busy. Also I am doing some intensive reading. Or re-reading actually. It is a siang, malam, pagi, petang  type of reading.  Then I have to water the plants and trees, weed, prune and fertilise them.  Its my daily workout which I enjoy. Plus the old muscle injuries keep bugging me from time to time which restrict my mobility. Plus we need to make a living, look after things etc. Add them all up and what it means is that 24 hours in a day are not enough.  Neither are just two hands. Has anyone ever wondered why we have just the two hands?  Christopher Walken quipped 'why not get a job selling shoes at a centipede farm?' Wouldnt that be a short cut to success?

Anyway everyday I quickly glance through the headlines in the country. I see what are the issues and types of events that get into the news in Malaysia. Basically what is happening in the country. The quick answer is N O T H I N G . The country is in deep shit folks. There is nothing useful for us that is going on. When I say this I am referring to the political leadership of the country. 

For example here are some news headlines today which I picked up from Google. I am not blaming the Malaysian news media for this news. It is not their fault. Actually I would like to thank the Malaysian media for posting all this news. But it is the news itself, the "whats going on in the country" that is a big ZERO. Nothing is going on.

Here are some of today's news headlines. And some of my thoughts as well. 

1.  After 15 prominent Islamic figures join PKR, Anwar says this is proof the party takes care of Muslims

Oh really? So what about the non Muslims who make up the majority membership of PKR? I believe the majority of PKRs MPs are non Muslims. Well, since the two Chinese and one Indian MP have recently quit maybe this may not be the case anymore. But to all the non Muslim members of PKR, you have already been 'main belakang'. Hush-hush phone calls to the Umno leader, getting endorsed by the Kluster Mahkamah monkeys etc. Now 15 Islamic figures (nauzubillahi minal syaitan nir rajeem) have joined the PKR. So where does that place you non Muslims? Do you hear that ripping sound? That's the sound of your butts being split. 

2.  ‘Mari kita sumpah bersama’, kata Tun Faisal pada Zahid

This is my old 'perjuangan' associate Tun Faisal. Apa macam bro? Duit 'media team' semua cukup kah? Now you are no more 'media team'. I have a suggestion for you bro. Why dont you panjat nyioq for a change? You may be more useful to the party lah. Just my opinion. (Panjat nyioq means climbing coconut trees to pluck coconuts). Here is a picture :

And here is Ismail Sabri :

3. This was the worst Umno general assembly, Ismail Sabri tells members

I say Ma'il Kotak Ikan, who cares lah. Sekarang Umno sudah jadi Um-NO. Parti NoNo, parti untuk pemalas dan bodoh. PAU engkau itu, lebih baik kau makan pau saja lah. Atau pi panjat nyioq bersama Tun Faisal. Memang betul isu-isu yang penting seperti 1.9 million graduan under employed korang tak bincang. Covid19 pun korang tak bincang. Tetapi korang bincang pun tak guna. 

Ma'il Kotak Ikan listen up ok. Katakanlah your PAU did discuss 1.9 million underemployed graduates. Katakanlah your PAU did discuss the Covid19. And then what? What positive and workable ideas would you have come up with? NONE. ZERO. Even if the PAU had discussed these things nothing useful would have come out of your discussions. For 62 years UMNO ruled the country. The net result is Umno buat tahi. Lebih baik kau masuk bilik kecil kau buat pau sendiri.  Really useless sh_ts.   

Here are more useless headlines from today :

4.  Tidak mengejutkan, Anwar bincang dengan Najib juga, kata Dr Mahathir

5. Ex-MB vs MB for Gombak with Azmin set to face Amirudin, says NGO

6. Can you confirm gay sex video, too? MP asks Azmin

7. Deputy minister who dozed off at graduation ceremony was ‘not feeling well’ (Video)

The only useful information came from two people, both of whom happen to be Chinese. 

8. Dr Wee: JPJ offering 70% discount on compoundable summonses to mark anniversary

Ok thank you Wee Ka Siong. So Tuan-Tuan sesiapa yang kena surat kompaun JPJ elok pi bayar lah. Wee Ka Siong sudah kasi 70% diskaun. Terima kasih YB Wee.

Lastly Hannah Yeoh. 

9. Hannah Yeoh: Solve political funding issue to stop MPs from jumping ship

Well Hannah, Jesus loves you too. 

Yes we need political funding laws. But it was actually you DAP folks who were against this (along with others as well). When I was with the MACC for four years we discussed this issue at our Advisory Panel. I raised the issue multiple times. The MACC told us that it was you politicians (on both sides) who were not keen on any political funding legislation.  The reason is simple. Political funding laws require disclosure. Everyone will know who gave money to which party. So many people are not comfortable with this. 

But political funding laws will not curb party hopping. The idea of an anti hopping law is also not workable. Say you put in place an anti-party-hopping law. Ok so the hopping stops. But what if an MP from the DAP gets fed up with Guan Eng and just refuses to vote for the DAP in the Parliament? He has not party-hopped but he votes against his own party. What do you do then?

Say you kick him out from the DAP. So what happens when an MP is kicked out from his party? He still remains an MP. But where does he vote from? He does not join any other party (because the party-hopping law prevents him from joining another party). So he becomes  a ronin -  a samurai without a master. 

But for all practical purposes this does NOT fix the problem of "party-hopping". Because when you kick out a DAP MP (for example) the MP automatically becomes 'non-DAP'. And he may still vote against the DAP. 

Say there is a situation where the split in Parliament is even ie 111 MPs for the government and 111 MPs for the opposition. There is a party-hopping law so no one can party hop.

Then you have a no-confidence motion in the House. But two DAP MPs who dont like Guan Eng refuse to raise their hands in support of the no confidence motion. Then the score will be 111 for government versus 109 for the opposition. You still lose. And no one has party hopped either, because of the anti-hopping law. Back to square one.

And what about independents? There is no law that says I must join a political party to become an MP. Anyone has the right to stand for elections as an independent candidate. Say in every Parliament there are 10 independents. In today's politics these 10 independents will be enough to determine the government. 

So the anti-hopping law is a non-starter.  

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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