
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 19, 2021

Dasar Aparteid Sukan Sekolah Bocor, Sukan Pun Jadi Dungu, Menteri Pula Terasa 'Shock'

 This is taken from Free Malaysia Today here:


  • principal apologised for racial co-curricular activities at SMK Dato Bentara 
  • Razak Hamid admitted had overlooked ..racial sensitivity
  • Previously he defended the move
  • He has since rectified mistake
  • However still subject to restrictions ..in terms of quantity, race and gender 

(OSTB : What does this mean? Back to square one?)

  • ..note issued by school ..sports limited to race
  • Football, sepak takraw for “Malay males only”
  • basketball for “Chinese males and females”
  • Hockey only students living in dorms
  • only Malay girls could join netball club
  • handball, bowling, petanque, badminton open to all

(OSTB : Alamak, you mean Jaswan Singh, the only singh in Batu Pahat cannot play hockey? Only Malay girls can play netball? Hmm..ok, I think we can work around this racism thingy. How about the Chinese girls making the netball nets and selling it to the Malay girls? How is that for an OutSyed The Box solution? And what about the Indians at the school? What are the solutions for the Indians?  "God made the Indians, .."  Just joking only ah.)

deputy education minister Mah called it a mistake by school principal 

(OSTB :  I say Mah who cares what you say? The Minister of Education did not say anything. Who are you - only a deputy Minister - to say the principal made a mistake? Next thing you know the principal can even get promoted. Maybe he can become Minister of Education. Malaysia Boleh. Better watch out.)

  • Edu minister Jidin said should not be racial policy for co-curricular activities 
  • he was shocked secondary school in Johor  segregated sports by race

(OSTB : He was so shocked he walked into a lamp post that evening. It was a shocking event. Even the lamp post was shocked.)

Folks, fortunately there was some sanity in Johor though.  HRH the Tengku Mahkota Johor - in the footsteps of his father HRH the Sultan - stepped in and put his foot down on the matter. Here is more news from Free Malaysia Today: 


Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim menerima mengadap Pengetua SMK Dato’ Bentara Luar

  • syarat kaum untuk kokurikulum tidak patut berlaku lagi di Johor, kata TMJ
  • tindakan itu tidak selaras dengan Bangsa Johor 
  • perpaduan kaum bawah satu identiti untuk semua rakyat Johor

“Saya telah bertitah kepada pengetua sekolah dan JPN (Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri) Johor, bahawa kejadian ini tidak patut berlaku lagi di mana-mana sekolah di negeri Johor,” katanya di Facebook.

  • TMJ kata sekolah tempat untuk pupuk perpaduan bukan pecahbelah masyarakat
  • “Kejadian ini perlu dielakkan untuk perpaduan rakyat,” katanya.
  • Semalam, TMJ mahu menemui pengurusan SMK Dato’ Bentara Luar
  • pengetuanya memohon maaf kerana dasar kaum untuk kokurikulum 

  • sukan ditawarkan buat kaum tertentu
  • bola sepak untuk lelaki Melayu sahaja
  • bola keranjang untuk Cina sahaja
  • sepak takraw bagi lelaki Melayu sahaja
My comments :

The Ministry of Education must do an Audit of all the Sekolah Menengah and Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan in the country. I dont think this is an isolated case. I dont think this racist behaviour is unique to this Johor school only. 

May I suggest that the Ministry of Education publicise a campaign to eradicate all types of racism in our SMKs and SRKs?  There is no need to spend any extra money. No need for RM1.0 billion peruntukan khas. Just launch a simple 'in-house' campaign for the public to report racist activities and racist tendencies in the SMKs and the SRKs. 

And punish the school principals first if such racist tendencies are found in the schools under their care.  Fire them, transfer them to Timbuktu or somewhere where they can do the least damage. Put some fear in them. If they do not get punished, then its just another day in Malaysia Boleh. 

Not too long ago there was a laundry operator in Johor who put up a sign saying 'Muslims Only'. HRH the Sultan of Johor ordered the laundry operator to take down the stupid sign. Daulat Tuanku.

Now a school in Johor has been exposed for its racist segregation in school sports.

I believe these are a result of the "ketuanan policies" that have been spewed out by the jack ass politicians over the past decades.  

May I humbly suggest to both HRH the Sultan and HRH TMJ that Johor needs their guiding hands.  There are some knots that need to be untied.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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