
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 19, 2021

YOURSAY | SOP violations – it's never the govt's fault


YOURSAY | 'The govt has forgotten that Sepadu is a unit of the PM's Dept.'

Hisham: Report card event organiser failed to deliver SOP promises, don't blame govt

MAS2021: What a lame and irresponsible answer from Senior Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. I can't imagine the kind of ministers Malaysia has. And he is not the only minister giving such excuses.

When one is at the top, whatever happens below is one’s responsibility too. He shouldn't shove it onto others. The same goes for former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.

Oh yes, forgot about it. These two are from the same root.

Apollos: No doubt, event organiser Sepadu is at fault, but do you really think the government, especially the PM, is absolved from any blame?

With such a large crowd and the SOPs (standard operation procedures) violated, the PM had two choices: to continue and let nature take its course (which could lead to hospitals dealing with another wave of Covid-19 cases), or to instruct the organiser to cancel the event.

The PM did not have the courage to stop it. What a shame.

OCT: When things go wrong, it is a standard reply that the government is not responsible for them. However, the government has forgotten that Sepadu is a unit of the PM's Department and so it is responsible for it as well.

There were uniformed officers around on the day of the event but none of them took any action. The PM was another idiot who proceeded with the event when the SOPs were clearly not being complied with.

It seems the government does not practise what it preaches.

Sun: Really, Hishammuddin? Why didn’t the PM and ministers haul the organisers up and tell them to enforce the SOPs? The PM and everyone could see that the SOPs were being flouted.

That makes you all accomplices to the infraction and equally liable. Please don’t give childish arguments to defend something that clearly cannot be defended.

It’s hard to believe you are former prime minister Hussein Onn’s son.

Knucklehead: Hishammuddin, don’t talk like an uneducated fool.

Are you telling me that you are going to put the blame on the event organiser just because the SOPs were not properly implemented or followed?

All you ministers were at the event, what did you all do about it upon seeing the crowd? Did any of you react? Did any of you call for an emergency meeting with the organiser? Did any of you take action?

All syok sendiri about achieving 90 percent score that Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob plucked from the sky.

Govt losing credibility for breaking SOPs - KJ

A Little Bit Crazy: Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, all Malay-based governments have lost credibility since 1957; not just this government.

Double standards, lousy implementation of policies, rampant corruption, incompetent officials, bumiputera-first policies, wasted resources, etc. So much so that South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and now even China, Vietnam and Indonesia are overtaking Malaysia economically.

Malay-based governments like to put on a show, and so this 100-day report card event is held for stupid reasons.

Nobody cares about the violation of SOPs, the organisers are more concerned whether the PM and his ministers are happy about the whole "show". In other words, the organisers merely want to flatter their bosses.

Now, even the police want to butter up the government by offering 80 percent discount to traffic offenders to help the government to collect more revenue - all in the name of helping the rakyat?

Those who paid their traffic summons promptly received no discount, but late payment gets you 80 percent discount. This sets the wrong example for others to follow. Being late is acceptable and will in fact be rewarded with discounts.

No wonder, Malaysians enjoy being habitually late, though unfortunately, sometimes this bad habit can cause us a Paralympics gold medal.

Simple Truth: Khairy, you should resign as health minister if you have any honour and integrity.

Your SOPs are completely ignored by your government, proving you are useless and incompetent. On top of that, you fined the organisers a mere RM1,000. What a load of rubbish.

Meanwhile, your government wants to ban Thaipusam and Chingay processions.

IndigoTrout2522: Don’t just talk, Khairy. Umno leaders have consistently violated Covid-19 SOPs, and you were there at the event too.

What is a RM1,000 fine? It is petty cash for those leaders. If you dare to walk your talk, go fine each attendee RM1,000. Those attendees needed to register at the event so you can easily track them down.

Lone_Star: Khairy, you were there on that day. Your boss was there on that day. Your cabinet colleagues were there on that day.

You and your boss know who the organiser of the event is. So, what's the problem of fining those who were there and responsible for breaking the SOPs?

Don't try to lie to the rakyat. Fine yourself and your boss for starters and then proceed down the line. Or else, your credibility and that of your boss will disappear in the sunset. - Mkini

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