
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Why didn’t you act on ‘ICs for migrants’ RCI report, Leiking asks Najib


Darell Leiking says the RCI report did not give any names as to who was responsible for giving undocumented migrants Malaysian identity cards.

PETALING JAYA: A Warisan leader has slammed Najib Razak for his inaction on the recommendations made by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on undocumented migrants in Sabah.

Taking to Facebook, Darell Leiking said the former prime minister’s sharp rebuke to his query about naming the Barisan Nasional component party that was involved in giving identification cards (ICs) to undocumented migrants only highlights that nothing was done despite knowing the people who were responsible.

“What happened to the recommendations of the RCI? It was completed in 2014 and the subsequent general election (GE14) was held in 2018, a good four years after the RCI was completed.

“Did you as the prime minister direct the attorney-general to press charges against those whom you stated were identified in the RCI report?” the Warisan deputy president asked.

In a Facebook post yesterday, Najib had responded to Leiking’s original query by revealing the party that was involved.

“The BN party that was involved in Projek IC in Sabah in the 1990s was Umno under former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed.

“However, Mahathir laid the blame on his then deputy Anwar Ibrahim, who he claimed was assigned to win over Sabah at the time,” the Pekan MP said.

He added that his initiative to form the RCI in 2013 was to seek out the truth and this had upset Mahathir.

Najib had also mocked Leiking for accepting both Mahathir and Anwar as his “bosses” under the former Pakatan Harapan government.

However, Leiking said that the RCI report did not give any names as to who was responsible.

“Thank you for finally admitting it was Umno that, by your own admission, benefitted from the IC scandal. But I can’t find either Mahathir’s or Anwar’s names mentioned in the RCI report,” he said.

He also questioned if Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob would direct the Election Commission to clean up the electoral roll in Sabah, now that it has been confirmed that it was tainted.

On Thursday, Sabah and Sarawak affairs minister Maximus Ongkili opened a can of worms, when he claimed that a component party in BN had given Malaysian ICs to undocumented migrants in Sabah in exchange for their votes.

Without mentioning the party’s name, the PBS president said its involvement in using undocumented migrants for its own political interests had been proven by the RCI.

He added that the BN party’s actions had posed a threat to Sabah’s sovereignty, adding that PBS had lodged complaints and police reports on the matter but no action had been taken. - FMT

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