
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

 Here is a video of some young women jumping around and having fun at a party. But one of them is not just any girl. She is 36 year old Sanna Marin, the prime minister of Finland. When she was elected Sanna was the youngest prime minister in the world.



The video has caught the attention of the opposition  parties in Finland who are going to town with it. They are saying Ms Marin should have observed a little bit more decorum - because she is the prime minister. They want her to be tested for drugs as well !! Oh well.  Other than the opposition parties, parts of Finnish society are also questioning the prime minister's 'partying'.

It is not strange or 'un-cool'  that even a country (or society) as liberal as Finland would still want their prime minister to be more "care-full" instead of care-free. Full of care for the Finns instead of being too carefree while on the job - as prime minister.

Being a Minister of anything anywhere in the world (including prime minister) is indeed a serious job. The public wants to see their leaders being responsible people. And yes being serious on the job. For example no one in the Netherlands or even Thailand, where marijuana is legal, wants to see their prime minister smoking marijuana. It just does not work that way.

If you are a political leader there is no such thing as having a private life anymore. But it is not a lifelong commitment - if you are lucky you will get elected to two terms (even here in Malaysia now). But even two terms is a long shot in many places. Look at Donald Trump and now look at Joe Biden. They may not be in office for long. So for a few years you have to give up your private life and devote yourself to the public.

I would also advise Ms Marin not to have any part of her private celebrations photographed or filmed on video. Not only could someone have been unkind to her but it is so easy for digital photos and videos to be 'accessed' online by any number of online denizens.


The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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