
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 12, 2023



Intuition - the idea that individuals can make successful decisions without deliberate analytical thought - has intrigued philosophers and scientists since at least the times of the ancient Greeks. But scientists have had trouble finding quantifiable evidence that intuition actually exists.

Many people use the phrase ‘intuition’ to describe a sensation or feeling they have when making decisions, but these are only descriptions, they do not provide strong evidence that we can use unconscious information in our brain or body to guide our behaviour. 

To measure intuition, the researchers designed an experiment in which participants were exposed to emotional images outside conscious awareness as they attempted to make accurate decisions. The results of the study demonstrate that even when people were unaware of the images, they were still able to use information from the images to make more confident and accurate decisions.

The data suggests that we can use unconscious information in our body or brain to help guide us through life, to enable better decisions, faster decisions, and be more confident in the decisions we make.

In an experiment, groups of college students were shown stimuli composed of a cloud of many moving dots, which looked like the noisy “snow” you might see on an old television. Participants had to report which general direction the cloud of dots was moving in, left or right.

While our subjects were making these decisions, they were presented in one of their eyes with emotional photographs, then they utilized another technique called continuous flash suppression to render these emotional photographs invisible or unconscious. “So, while the subjects were making these sensory decisions, they never knew they were being presented with these emotional photographs.

Participants were fitted with a mirror stereoscope during the experiment, which allowed the continuous flash suppression to mask emotional images in the other eye.

The emotion-provoking photographs included both positive images, like adorable puppies, as well as disturbing negative images, such as a snake about to strike. The type of image, positive or negative, indicated which direction the cloud of dots was moving.

Across four different experiments, the researchers found that people were able to make faster and more accurate decisions when they unconsciously viewed the emotional images. Essentially, people’s brains were able to process and utilize information from the images to improve their decisions.

Another interesting finding in this study is that intuition improved over time, suggesting that the mechanisms of intuition can be improved with practice.

Additional evidence for intuition came from participants’ physiological data. In one experiment, the researchers measured participants’ skin conductance - an indicator of physiological arousal - as they made decisions about the swarm of dots. In an exciting finding, the researchers observed that skin conductance predicted behavioural intuition; that is, even when people were not aware of the images, their bodies showed a physiological reaction to the emotional content of the stimuli.

The ability to quantitatively measure intuition could be a boon to many different fields, especially when it comes to workplace hiring. This could be applied in the workplace, taking the place of existing questionnaires which really only test people’s opinions about their own feelings of intuition.

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