
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Kenyataan No. 2 Paling Tidak Masuk Akal Bagi 2023

 When I first read this I could not believe my eyes. That someone could bring himself to say something like this.

"coalition had vowed to dismantle existing monopolies over supply chains by politically-connected elites,.. but later conceded that cannot rescind the 10-year import concession extension for the rice monopoly because it could “spook” other companies"

There is something missing here. What about the people? The consumers? The rakyat terbanyak? What happens to them? 

You mean you dont want the taukeh monopoli to get spooked but at the same time you dont care at all if the rakyat terbanyak gets spooked?  

That is why you will lose the elections and you will get kicked out. 

Dont understand? Look at this chart carefully. Memorise this chart.


UMNO have been losing support since 1999.  2004 UMNO won the largest majority - it was an aberration. The Chinese were happy to be rid of Dr M. 

Soon reality set in again. In 2008 UMNO lost the 2/3 majority. 

In 2018 they lost power completely.

2018 Pakatan Harapan came to power. They got kicked out in 22 months.

2020 TSMY came to power. After one year he was out.

2022 Sabri became PM. One year later he was out. 

Throughout this time they did not dismantle the monopolies. The politicians worried more about the "taukeh monopoli will get spooked" than they did about the rakyat terbanyak. So since 2018 the rakyat terbanyak have been kicking out the politicians. 

The same thing will happen again. Just wait and see.

You dont want to 'spook' the taukeh monopoli fine. Its your funeral.

Startl looking for a new job. 

p.s. Kenyataan No. 1 paling tidak masuk akal bagi 2023 is that Okonomi fellow saying lower petrol prices will delay renewable energy.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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