
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Menteri Tak Pantau 30,000 Did Not Sit For SPM 2022!! But SPM 2022 Exam Was Held On 20 Feb 2023 Under Madani Gomen (Since Nov 24, 2022). Under Madani Minister of Edu. Wallahu a'lam.

 "Bagaimana boleh ada Menteri Pendidikan ketika itu dah tak boleh pantau anak-anak yang tak ambil peperiksaan 30,000".


Remember when Najib was asked to explain why that mysterious Saudi Arabian prince donated that RM2.6 billion that was found in his personal account? He said (among other things) that the money was donated to him "to help Malaysia fight ISIS". Then it was pointed out that at that relevant time ISIS did not even exist yet. So Najib dropped that story in a jiffy. It was not a serious attempt by Najib to provide real answers. He was clutching at straws.

Last nite this video popped up on Free Malaysia Today. Better watch the video just in case it is taken down. 


In this video the fellow says that 30,000 candidates did not sit for their SPM 2022 examinations. He says it was the fault of the Minister of Education at that time. Here is some transcript:

  • Sekitar 30,000 tidak menduduki peperiksaan SPM
  • Bagaimana boleh ada Menteri Pendidikan ketika itu dah tak boleh pantau anak-anak yang tak ambil peperiksaan 30,000.
  • Dia hanya memerlukan hadhirnya Fa---na sebagai Menteri Pendidikan baru perkara ini terbongkar. Ini masalah di sini. 
  • Tetapi dalam kempen-kempen dia tak sebut perkara ini.
  • Bagi saya 30,000 orang ini perkara yang serius.

If you go to the MOE's website you can see this : 


Berikut adalah tarikh-tarikh penting peperiksaan SPM tahun ini seperti diumumkan secara rasmi oleh LP Malaysia bagi tahun 2022. Menurut Lembaga Peperiksaan, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, peperiksaan bertulis SPM 2022/23 akan diadakan mulai 20 Februari hingga 15 Mac 2023.

The SPM 2022 examinations were held beginning 20th February 2023, this year. The Madani gomen took office three months earlier on Nov 24 2022. 

So the  :   Bagaimana boleh ada Menteri Pendidikan ketika itu dah tak boleh pantau anak-anak yang tak ambil peperiksaan 30,000.

is referring to their own Madani Minister of Education. Wallahu a'lam.

Here is that video of the DG of the Ministry of Education (from The Star) which I already blogged. Just a quick rerun:


The DG begins his news conference by saying : "Sukacita saya memaklumkan bahawa pencapaian calon SPM tahun 2022 adalah lebih baik berbanding calon SPM tahun 2021. Alhamdulillah".

So this is despite those 30,000 candidates NOT SITTING for the SPM at all!

So how does the Madani gomen want to handle these apparent contradictions? 

On the one hand they say "Menteri Pendidikan ketika itu dah tak boleh pantau anak-anak yang tak ambil peperiksaan 30,000"   (not realising it is their own Menteri Pendidikan).

but at the same time the DG says :  "pencapaian SPM 2022 lebih baik berbanding SPM 2021".

Here is that screenshot of the SPM results again:

Now you must add back that 30,000 who did not take the SPM 2022 exams to the 373,974 candidates who did, to get a total of 403,974 eligible SPM candidates for 2022.

Since the SPM 2022 was held starting 20 February 2023, surely after the exams were over, the Minister holding office at that time would have known all this. Why didnt she say anything?

A friend of mine who is an educational expert looked at that SPM exam results provided by the DG of the Ministry.  Referring to the 77% who obtained Gred E and F (Fail) he said "This is an increasing curve with majority being grade F preceded by grade E/D. Like this one :

The graph should be a normal distribution or "bell" curve. Like this one 👇🏼

"It shows something is very very wrong. I would be worried".


My Comments : As I pointed out yesterday indeed 77% of the SPM 2022 candidates either secured Gred E (34%) or failed (43%).  This is quite terrible.

Exam results should be a normal distribution which should yield that bell curve above. 

Most human behaviour can usually be "bell curved". There is such a thing as an average person.


But sadly our SPM results do not show this 'average person' category. Our education system is seriously fouled up.

I dont expect the Minister or the Madani fellow to understand any of this. Bell curves and normal distributions may not even be part of their vocabulary. 

Instead they have taken to do what they do best, ie blaming the  Menteri Pendidikan ketika itu   which in this case happens to be their own Minister and their own gomen.

We are in serious trouble. That much I can tell you.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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