
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Special Advisory Body Slow, They Should Now Consult With JAKIM On All Policy Planning Matters


Click here for the full story: 


What’s up with the mother of all think tanks?

Monday, June 12th, 2023

wise to give them little bit more room to put final touches to their work
four months since mother of all think tanks formed 
to help new gomen steer nation on the economic front
Until now public pretty clueless what they are doing
Is their silence appropriate? 
Shouldn’t Hassan Marican be more engaging with the public? 
We are, after all, living in a world where TikTok holds great sway
Since Feb 7, not a single statement from Special Advisory Body 
Mohd Hassan has not spoken to the media till now 

media averse, will probably remain that way 
advisory body responsible to assist finance minister.
why we have not heard much about their work so far?
  • 1997 National Economic Action Council (NEAC) in constant touch with rakyat
  • They provided numerous updates to people 


(OSTB : Might I add that circa 2001 I was an Economic Consultant to the same NEAC under the Chairmanship of Dato Mustapha Mohamed. No big deal, I edited an economic brief for the Cabinet - which I doubt anyone read, except maybe Dr M. Wrote plenty of speeches, did some other things.)

  • So, why not now? What’s different?
  • M'sia definitely going through challenging times, economic, political
  • perhaps they should first get their plans properly ironed out
  • Habhajan Singh is the corporate editor at The Malaysian Reserve.


My Comments :

From what I hear that Special Advisory Body does not have permanent offices (dont know what exactly is that secretariat under Nurul Izzah). They also rarely meet.

So despite FOUR MONTHS having gone by the Special Advisory Body is maintaining complete radio silence. 

Could it be possible that they are undertaking a super secret, SOF (special operations forces) type commando operation where they have to fly under the radar and mainatin complete radio silence? Those above 60, have you watched the movie 'The Wild Geese'. Thats what I am talking about.

The Wild Geese Movie Poster - Vintage Movie Posters

The movie came out 45 years ago in 1978 - not only long before half this country was born but all the actors in the movie are also dead!  What can I say - I am a historical figure. Ha ha.

Back to our story - the latest iteration of twisted knickers says that JAKIM (yes those guys) will now be involved in economic policymaking  and also input into Budget planning, closely following the twisted Madani coastline. 


So perhaps the Special Advisory Body can refer to the experts at JAKIM for expertise and inputs into policymaking. It should be kosher. Or halal.  It may even speed things up.
I believe it was in November last year when the KSN was given two weeks to come up with a comprehensive plan to cover the high cost of living (kos sara hidup). Do you all recall that? Hello Mr KSN.

Then in February 2023 this Special Advisory Body was set up to undertake special economic operations, hopefully not too covert.
Then just last week June 2023, the JAKIM was told to get involved in policymaking, Budget planning etc.

Lets see who is roped in next. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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