
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 30, 2012


DAP Sabah welcomed Tourism Minister Dato Masidi announcement that every opportunity would be made available for 'Sit-In' local tour guides to learn Korean language to cater for Korean tour in Sabah.

DAP Sabah assistant secretary Junz Wong said Dato Masidi however may have been ill-advised as far as the past Korean language courses for local guides was concerned.
Article in newspaper reported that "Masidi said although an offer had been made in the past by the government for locals to get free Korean language tuition classes, the response was negligible"

Junz said according to his findings, there were altogether 19 Sabah tour guides who had enrolled for the Korean language classes 4 years ago.

"All of them passed the training course and eight of them applied for the licenses.

However the irony is till today, NONE of the 8 Korea-speaking local guides was ever employed by any Korea agency companies to cater for any Korea tour in Sabah before, for the last 4 years!" Junz claimed.

The argument of local guides was not that Korean was a difficult language. They argued that what was the point to pick up Korean language when they knew they would never been employed to cater Korean tour?

So the question now is WHY Federal Tourism Minister - Ng Yen Yen has claimed that there was not enough Korea speaking local guides to cater Korea tour? Was she trying to mislead Sabahans? Junz asked.

Ng Yen Yen has said that until Sabah tourism has proven that there were enough Korea-speaking guides to cater Korea Tour, she had no choice but to liberalize the 'market'!

Junz rubbished her claims saying "What's the point of our local Sabahan tour guides learning Korea languages knowing that they would never be employed?!"

DAP Sabah would like to seek assurance from Dato Masidi that Korean speaking local guides would be employed to cater Korean Tour in Sabah. As in now, we already have some qualified local guides who can speak good Korean, will they been employed to cater for Korean tour soon? Junz concluded


  1. harap NYY dan MM dapat mendapat kata sepakat untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan pemandu pelancong tempatan yang mahir dalam bahasa Korea di Sabah

  2. dan kepada pemandu pelancong yang lain yang tidak pandai bertutur bahasa Korea tetapi berminat untuk mengikuti kursus ini, dinasihatkan segera mengambil peluang yang ada buat masa ini untuk menambahkan lagi ilmu

  3. "Masidi said although an offer had been made in the past by the government for locals to get free Korean language tuition classes, the response was negligible" ---> jika benar kenyataan ini, kerajaan harus mencari idea yang lain untuk menarik minat pemandu pelancong tempatan mengambil kelas tuisyen bahasa Korea secara percuma ini

  4. "What's the point of our local Sabahan tour guides learning Korea languages knowing that they would never be employed?!" ---> semoga kementerian Ng Yen Yen/Masidi dapat memberi jawapan ke atas soalan ini..

  5. Sementara menunggu pemandu pelancong tempatan dapat menguasai bahasa korea maka pemandu pelancong Korea diperlukan.

  6. Cadangan yang dibuat ini adalah untuk sementara dan bukannya selamanya. Semoga semua pihak dapat memberikan cadangan yang baik.

  7. buat yang terbaik bagi tingkatkan industri pelancongan kita.

  8. The Federal Tourism Ministry will entertain requests from foreign embassies in Malaysia for their nationals to be employed as tourist guides to make up for the shortage of foreign speaking guides in Sabah.

    Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said this would be a temporary measure until the Sabah tourist guide industry could provide enough foreign speaking guides.

    More than 40,000 Koreans came to visit Sabah this year between January and June with only eight Korean-speaking guides to cater to them.

    I think this was important because in the case of Korean tourists, there are simply not enough Korean-speaking tour guides in Sabah, which at the moment number only eight.

  9. Dr Ng said if the STGA could provide the Ministry with 14 Korean-speaking guides, she would be happy to comply with the organisation's request.

    But this is a matter of demands and needs. And this request came from the Korean Embassy upon request from the Korean tourists.

    She said the Ministry only wants to provide the best service to the tourists, including giving them the best experience during their stay here so that they will come back and visit Sabah again.

    I believe that her judgement on this matter is well warranted. Korean visitors are considered high yield tourists because they spent quite significant amount of money in the country during their visit to Malaysia.

  10. State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said the current arrangement of a local tour guide and, if necessary, a Korean translator, in the bus will continue

  11. Masidi agrees that Sabahan players need more time to train local guides who can speak Korean. They take up the challenge to produce sufficient number of Korean speaking guides within 1 year.

    1. Masidi said although an offer had been made in the past by the Government for locals to get free Korean language classes, the response was very negligible.

  12. State Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry will discussions all related to the issue of improving the tourism industry in the State will be forwarded and discussed by the technical committee headed by his Permanent Secretary so that not only can decisions be made fast, but also to make sure all suggestions have gone through proper procedures.

  13. the Federal Tourism Ministry, State Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry, the Ministry of Human Resource, STGA and Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents will come up with an acceptable programme.

  14. bukan mudah untuk mempelajari bahasa asing.. ianya memerlukan masa.. mungkin lebih baik jika pemimpin2 DAP mempelajari bahasa ini supaya mereka tahu tahap kesukaran yang dihadapi oleh pemandu pelancong dan juga menteri yang terlibat..

  15. Datuk Masidi Manjun pernah memberi amaran bahawa Sabah mungkin akan kehilangan sumber pendapatan dari industri pelancongan akibat saingan dari negara Thailand, Vietnam dan Australia. Tapi apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ‘saingan’ itu jika setiap negara di dunia ini mempunyai daya tarikan dan keunikannya tersendiri? Kadang-kadang kita boleh terlepas pandang terhadap peranan pemandu pelancong apabila terlalu yakin bahawa aset pelancongan yang kita miliki hari ini mampu untuk terus menarik pelancong untuk datang ke negeri kita.

  16. Tanpa kita sedar terdapat rungutan dikalangan pemandu pelancong tempatan dimana agen pelancongan Korea Selatan membawa bersama pemandu pelancong mereka sendiri ke negeri ini. Bagaimana perkara ini boleh berlaku sedangkan kita mempunyai 1500 pemandu pelancong tempatan? Disinilah wujudnya persaingan dimana pemandu pelancong tempatan perlu menawarkan kepakaran dan perkhidmatan yang terbaik dan berkualiti untuk para pelancong. Kepakaran dan perkhidmatan terbaik ini pula hanya wujud jika pemandu pelancong tempatan mampu menguasai bahasa asing dengan baik.

  17. Menyedari bahawa tidak semua pelancong mampu bertutur dalam bahasa antarabangsa seperti majoriti pelancong dari Korea Selatan yang hanya mampu bertutur dalam bahasa mereka sendiri, kerajaan Sabah telah mengambil pendekatan menawarkan kursus percuma bahasa Korea, Jepun, Mandarin, Inggeris dan sebagainya khas untuk pemandu pelancong.

  18. Namun semua inisiatif kerajaan itu masih tidak mencukupi jika pemandu pelancong itu sendiri tidak mempunyai inisiatif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran mereka.

  19. saya amat berharap supaya standard pemandu pelancong Sabah dapat ditingkatkan terutama apabila lebih ramai pelancong dijangka datang ke Sabah berikutan langkah Penerbangan Malaysia menjadikan Kota Kinabalu sebagai hab untuk penerbangannya ke China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Jepun, Indonesia dan Australia.


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