
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 30, 2012



KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Law Association (SLA) is of the view that treating claims on customary land beyond the 1930 Land Ordinance as new land applications does not represent the state of Native Customary Rights (NCR) law.

SLA sub-committee on Native Laws Custom and Culture chairman Datuk John Sikayun said when commenting on the recent statement made by the Director of Land and Survey Department that claims of customary land beyond the 1930 Land Ordinance will be not included under the NCR but shall instead be treated as new land applications.
In a press statement issued yesterday, Sikayun said: “The director’s views clearly do not represent the state of NCR law established in cases like Rambilin and many others. In Rambilin’s case, Justice Ian Chin has ruled succinctly that though it was established that the land was the property of the State, it did not mean that a new native right to the land cannot co-exist and that if such a right was to be extinguished, then it would be up to the Native legislators to do so by a specific and unambiguous legislative provision.
“If the director’s contentions are correct, then what it means is this: after 1930, NCR in Sabah does not exist. Therefore after 1930, any person claiming NCR on land will be treated as new land applications. This means that the person will have to apply to the ACLR under s. 14 of the Land Ordinance for a hearing and prove his claim with strong evidence at the hearing before the ACLR.”

Sikayun pointed out that this scenario can lead to a manifestly unjust result and can create conflicts and further undue hardships between competing claims by other applicants for the same piece of land.

“For example, if a company had applied earlier for the same land, the person claiming NCR on the land would be legally at a disadvantage because that person’s application would be made after the company’s application.

“This scenario will make it untenable to the person claiming NCR whose descendants could have been occupying the land for many generations. Meaning, invariably it is the Natives who would stand to lose their customary rights,” he said.

Sikayu said it is public knowledge that most land applicants are companies, applying for land to open up oil palm plantations.

“This inevitably leads to a clash of vested interests between business interests and livelihood and traditions of the natives,” he said.

“The director’s statement has also created uncertainty and anxiety. According to his views all persons claiming NCR on land shall be treated as new land applications. If this is so, does that mean the Assistant Collector of Land Revenue is no longer required to issue a notice under section 13 of the Land Ordinance when a company applies for land?” he asked.

“If the director’s statement reflects the State policy, then we kindly urge the government to reconsider changing the policy.

“Meanwhile, we welcome and laud the director’s announcement that a Mobile NCR Unit will be launched in November to go into villages and deal with issues regarding Native Customary Rights,” he said. (BP)


  1. Mengenai isu yang berkaitan dengan NCR ini perlulah dibincangkan sebaiknya.

  2. Kerajaan sedang mencari jalan yang terbaik. Sebelum ini kerajaan telah melaksanakan geran komunal ini. Ini bagi memastikan penduduk dapat mengusahakan tanah tersebut sebaiknya. Ini antara usaha kerajaan bagi membantu penduduk menyelesaikan masalah NCR ini.

  3. The Land and Survey Department will launch a mobile NCR unit in November to resolve the issue of native land rights among the people, especially in the interior. Its director Datuk Osman Jamal said 23 vehicles equipped with various facilities including Internet service would go to the villages to meet the residents

    1. the NCR mobile unit would first visit Keningau, including Nabawan, Tongod, Beluran and Kota Marudu as these were the areas with high poverty rate and many land issues.

    2. The setting up of the NCR mobile unit would cost more than RM1million and the funding was from the RM25 million allocated by the federal government to resolve land issues in Sabah.

    3. the mobile unit teams would only visit villages which had long existed and which have their respective village chiefs and JKKKs.

    4. many villagers did not know how to resolve their land issue and that many lived in far-flung locations and hence, faced difficulty in going to the land office.

  4. On a relevant matter, The Land and Survey Department will launch a mobile NCR (native customary rights) unit in November to resolve the issue of native land rights among the people, especially in the interior. Its director Datuk Osman Jamal said 23 vehicles equipped with various facilities including Internet service would go to the villages to meet the residents. He said after a dialogue with the media on NCR and communal titles, that this was the first such programme in Malaysia. Osman said the mobile unit would first visit Keningau, including Nabawan, Tongod, Beluran and Kota Marudu as these were the areas with high poverty rate and many land issues.

  5. Datuk Osman Jamal said that by briefing them on the NCR, we can also prevent a ‘third party’ from giving false information to the villagers or coaxed them into selling their land. The setting up of the NCR mobile unit would cost more than RM1 million and the funding was from the RM25 million allocated by the federal government to resolve land issues in Sabah. However, he said the mobile unit teams would only visit villages which had long existed and which have their respective village chiefs and JKKKs. Osman also said many villagers did not know how to resolve their land issue and that many lived in far-flung locations and hence, faced difficulty in going to the land office.

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  7. Kenyataan Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur Sabah, Datuk Osman Jamal pada 26 September 2012 yang mengatakan bahawa Hak NCR Bumiputera sudah tidak berkuat-kuasa sejak 13 Disember 1930 dan pemohon selepas tarikh itu tidak lagi mempunyai hak demikian; hanya merupakan tafsiran peribadi dan bukannya tafsiran rasmi atau tafsiran dipihak kerajaan BN Sabah.

  8. Jika benarlah tafsiran yang dibuat oleh Datuk Osman Jamal, bermakna beliau telah menghina keputusan-keputusan mahkamah sebelum ini yang mana telah mengiktiraf wujudnya hak asasi Anak Negeri walaupun selepas 1930. Malah kemenangan penduduk Kg. Lakang, Paitan dalam Daerah Beluran bagi kes tuntutan Tanah Adat pada July tahun ini juga mungkin boleh diragui keputusannya jika tafsiran Datuk Osman Jamal diambil kira.

  9. Sebaliknya, Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Musa Aman sendiri pernah membincangkan perkara ini secara mendalam ketika mesyuarat kabinet negeri awal tahun ini susulan kenyataan yang sama dibuat oleh Peguam Besar Sabah Datuk Roderic Fernandez pada waktu itu.

  10. Kesudian Datuk Musa Aman membawa perkara ini ke mesyuarat kabinet negeri menunjukkan pendirian kerajaan Sabah sangat memandang serius isu Tanah Adat Negeri (NCR) dan berusaha mencari penyelesaian terbaik yang boleh menguntungkan semua pihak terutamanya penduduk pribumi negeri ini.

    kerajaan negeri memandang serius isu NCR

  11. Malah Datuk Maximus Ongkili sendiri memberikan jaminan bahawa sekiranya tafsiran ini benar, PBS akan bertindak dengan mendesak kerajaan supaya melakukan pindaan dalam Ordinan Tanah Sabah bagi melindungi hak penduduk pribumi di negeri ini. Selain Maximus, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok juga tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan atau pandangan yang cuba menafikan hak-hak pribumi Sabah.

    kerajaan negeri memandang serius isu NCR

  12. Melalui pendirian tegas pemimpin-pemimpin komponen BN Sabah ini, rakyat Sabah tidak perlu risau untuk terus mempertahankan dan menuntut hak-hak mereka walaupun ada segelintir individu yang memegang portfolio tertentu dalam kerajaan yang cuba menafikan hak-hak penduduk Sabah.

  13. Menurut Ordinan Tanah Sabah Bab 68, sesuatu kawasan akan diiktiraf sebagai kawasan Tanah Adat jika mana-mana daripada terma berikut dipatuhi:

    1. Perolehan tanah menurut Pegangan Adat/Kaum (di mana termanya diterangkan di "Seksyen 65");
    2. Tanah yang ditanami dengan buah-buahan, di mana jumlah pokok adalah antara 50 atau lebih pada setiap hektar;
    3. Pengasingan pokok buah-buahan, sagu, rotan atau lain-lain tanaman yang mempunyai nilai komersial yang mana dapat dibuktikan oleh penuntut kepada pemunggut tanpa keraguan;
    4. Tanah perladangan/ternakan;
    5. Tanah yang telah dimajukan atau diusahakan dalam masa tiga tahun berturut-turut;
    6. Tanah perkuburan atau tempat keramat;
    7. Jalan masuk biasa bagi orang atau binatang.

    Bukankah kewujudan terma-terma ini dalam Odinan Tanah Sabah membuktikan bahawa hak NCR Bumiputera masih berkuat-kuasa sehingga hari ini?

  14. Kerajaan BN Sabah pada dasarnya menyokong tuntutan penduduk terhadap Tanah Adat ini dan tidak mahu kebajikan dan hak penduduk dipinggirkan. Lantaran itu, kawasan yang dituntut berkenaan jika terbukti mematuhi salah satu daripada terma-terma diatas melalui penyiasatan yang sistematik dan telus, perlu dan akan dikembalikan kepada penuntut mengikut keluasan yang sesuai. Kawasan berkenaan tidak boleh diberi kepada penduduk atau syarikat luar tanpa persetujuan majoriti penduduk asal kawasan berkenaan.

    kerajaan negeri memandang serius isu NCR

  15. Jika ada pihak yang berpendapat bahawa kerajaan BN Sabah tidak melakukan apa-apa bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini, bagaimana boleh wujudnya cadangan mengeluarkan kawasan Tanah Adat menjadi Tanah Kerajaan yang boleh dipohon penduduk sama ada dalam bentuk geran persendirian atau geran komunal?

    kerajaan negeri memandang serius isu NCR


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