
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Najib's Bumiputera challenge

For the past few years and on many occasions, Najib had given commitments that he will not foresake the Malays and Bumiputera. This time promises is not sufficient and they want more than that. Bumiputera will not hear of excuses to do things quietly.

Not even a spin from Beruang Biru to ask "Apa lagi rakyat mahu?can help relieve the tenstion. Definitely not with a spin by listing all that PM has umum, lancar, perkenal, ilham and rasmi. Question is has it delivered?

There is an SMS circulating:
Dijemput datang beramai-ramai ke Majlis Pemerkasaan Ekonomi Bumiputera pada Sabtu, 14 Sept 2013 di DATC UITM Shah Alam. 830 pagi - Forum: Tan Sri Dr Wan Zahid & Prof Dato' Dr Noor Azlan Ghazali. 1030 pagi - Pengumuman khas Agenda Ekonomi Bumiputera oleh YAB Perdana Menteri. Terbuka kpd orang ramai. Menteri kabinet & pemimpin Bumiputera akan hadir. Mari bersatu & tunjukkan sokongan kpd Agenda Bumiputera. Sila forward SMS ini kpd kawan-kawan.
Yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of EPU, Dato Abdul Wahid Omar gave a broad outline of the area to be covered. [Read Utusan Malaysia here.]

But this morning at 10 AM, it is the deadline for all related agencies to submit their immediate plan of action to EPU. Looks like we'll pass up on the event.

At 8:00 AM, it is too early for bloggers. Secondly, there is more fun and satisfaction to hear great jazz performances at the KL International Jazz Festival 2013 by Lee Ritenour, Ezra Brown, Rudresh Mahanthappa, etc.

There are sceptics like Dato Abdul Kadir Jasin who does believe that the announcement will amount to anything.

Although hopeful, his many postings had been highly doubtful with Najib. He seemed to view Najib as incapable of appreciating the sensitivity of the Malay cause. Perhaps, it out-dated thinking in today's neo liberal times.

Najib made many political mistakes for listening to the advise of his primary adviser, Dato Omar Ong to abolish the Ministry for Entreneurship Development and establish Equinas in exchange for abolishing the Bumiputera shareholding requirement for listing.

Ekuinas management never wanted to play the role of replacing the Bumiputera shareholding role.

They are just acting like Private Equity and Venture Capitalist with Government money but playing no social role. Ekuinas is only buying up Chinese companies and providing exit for non profitable Chinese companies. [Read Din Turtle here.]

Ekuinas stake will eventually dilute their so-called Bumiputera interest when listed. No Bumiputera entrepreneur benefited and developed by Ekuinas's so-called professional management.

Khazanah's KPI as charted out by Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop was moved towards profitability and efficiency.

Khazanah had proposed for a "nature and nurture" programme but nothing comes out of it. Not only, there is no Bumiputera empowerment programme, existing Bumiputera staff were disempowered.

There had been a "directive" instructing Petronas, Khazanah and PNB companies to bring in Chinese officers and pay market value despite the existing capable Malays are being underpaid.

It had led an exodus of Malay staff abroad. They felt their sacrifice for the nation was unappreciated. 

In his second time deliver the key note speech at the UMNO General Assembly, Najib made attempt to appease the UMNO members that he had not foresaken the Bumiputera.

Our sources claimed Omar Ong had scolded Najib for "going backward."

Since then, Malays and Bumiputera have been on the slide in education - enrollment in University, admission into strategic subjects downed to the teen in percentage and scholarship allocation minimised by the liberal policies for Chinese application for government scholarship.

The Chinese scholarship holders do not return and worked abroad.

Some hare-brained established Talentcorp to spent millions to entice unpatriotic Malaysians to return and work with better pay and AP to bring home cars at the chagrin of the other patriotic but less paying Malaysian employees. 

Since no more Bumiputera policies, discrimination in employment by GLCs and Chinese owned corporations have become rampant and obvious. Omatr Ong himself personally ensure Chinese are brought into Petronas and Bumiputera mangers are systematically removed.

Experienced Bumiputera Managers removed by Omar Ong to be replaced by outside Chinese

Without any effort to solve such problems, some Ministries resorted to half measures to encourage untrained and inexperienced Bumiputera graduate to pursue entrepreneurship. Their destiny is only expected without efficient system support and capital backing.

PKNS's Datum Jelatek project to displace malay voters out of malay area

Today, Bumiputera are being pushed and displaced by government policies, both BN and Pakatan Rakyat, in favour of big developers for high priced developments.

In areas like Pulau Pinang and Selangor, Bumiputera are being displaced in wholesale for political reasons and strengthen DAP Chinese stronghold of power. 

Sabah dan Sarawak Bumiputera are not just display for tourists

In 'fixed deposit' Sabah and Sarawak, poverty is still in existence and at large, basic infrastructure of road, water, and electricity is limited, inaccessibility to education remains, healthcare is rudimentary and various basic problems still prevail to the Kadazan, Bajau, Iban, and all the 60 sub-ethnics.

Money have been disbursed to Sabah and Sarawak but implementation and delivery still a problem at large. There have been systematic leakage from the top. 

The plight of Bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak is made worse by the liberal culture of Sabah and Sarawak made Chinese totally dominating the economy.

Major government projects were given to non Bumiputera with no benefit for Bumiputera to subcontract.

There is rampant practise of GLC like Putrajaya Holdings to have biasness for Chinese companies like Sunway and WCT to make life easy for them. Suspiciously there are many cases of payoff and unfair tender practise involved.

The New Economic Model is supposed to be inclusive but it looks like only the GLC CEOs and top management that benefit from the high income despite playing safe and taking no or infinitesimal risk.

Seminars, forums and discourses had discussed the Malay agenda. Resolutions and proposals have been submitted to the Prime Minsiter but it was ignored by the previous EPU Minister and Khazanah.

PEMANDU and their coterie of foreign consultants played the role to block such effort to restructure society so as no race or social entities dominates and monopolises in any aspect of economy, social, education, and political life.

The majority Chinese management of PEMANDU refuse to cooperate. For example, the NKEA excludes the Bumiputera agenda, SME and construction sector.  

Najib initiated effort like TERAJU and promised Malay contractors projects in Menara UDA and RM40 billion project. But, Dato Nurjazlan refused and instead preferred a turnkey subcontract to a Chinese group. He was just plain lazy to soil his hands.

Coat and tie does not make you clever, Husni
Previous EPU Minister chose an incompetent, "cari makan" analyst type and non-activist to be CEO.

The idiot Dato Husni Salleh was supposed to identify and manage the subcontracting work in the train project for Bumiputera contractors but he was too stupid to know he was connned. 

Out of 20 Bumiputera companies short-listed, he could not spot what a blogger can spot. Only two are genuine while the rest are Ali Baba companies. [Read here.]

Bumiputera ended getting only RM18 million subcontract works. This information came from sources in the Persatuan Bumiputera Kontraktor.

Husni went to lie to the public that 40% of the train contract was given to Bumiputera. That 40% was Syed Mokhtar's MMC and as a main player, that cannot be considered as part of subcontract work for Bumiputera.

Now that Government is giving another RM160 billion for rail programs, how much more peanuts will the Malay monkeys be given as subcontract?   

Thanks TERAJU!

It is heard Husni is involved in putting together the Polisi Memperkasakan Bumiputera at the initial stage. All the while, Husni's claim that TERAJU is involved in data collection and analysis is also another lie.

All those TERAJU work are done by PEMANDU and MacKinsey. Some of the work are done by our network of "friends." Husni only knows dog shit stock analysis.

There is also a housing program to help rakyat in which a private Bumiputera developer can deliver an adjacent product and cheaper and better quality price better than Dato Jamaluddin Jarjis's PR1MA.

In the PTPTN, there have been scams done by the Chinese-runned Universities that Najib's administration failed to realise. He must seek ways to be more relaxed with the PTPTN repayment in view of the difficult employment situation. Pay one must, just like what others had to repay dearly for foreign education. 

There is many more discriminations and leakages in the Bumiputera empowerment programs. Abuses by well to do Bumiputera families and top government officials are rampant.

After the election, many complains have been made to Najib on his policies as advised by his coterie of "Advisers" and officers that had neglected Bumiputeras.

There is much hope given by many and promoted by Najib for the Saturday announcement but the major announcement on six major areas of education, employment, entrepreneurship, property ownership, and GLC management change - will be carefully combed and scrutinised by Bumiputera intellectuals.

Special attention must be given to our Bumiputera brothers and sisters in Sabah and Sarawak.

The substance of each announcement will be assessed and noWow! factor will easily divert the critical and analytical minds. The policies must be inclusive and not neglect other sections of society. Social justice must be the prime consideration and not corporate greed.

Thus far heard, PM has gone through the first discussion on his speech and he is not quite happy. Many involved have failed to meet the Prime Minister's expectation.

Strangely, a Chinese was asked for input by a certain PMO "adviser" to define Bumiputera for PM's speech.

The inferring ones
The psychotic former MOF II is also involved in formulating policies for Bumiputera but he is making a mess with his own gung ho ways and more interested to bodek PM. [Read OTSB on how helped Bumihere.]

He has been trying to interfere by asking every heads of Government Departments and Agencies Chairman to meet him.

He has been selling the name of Prime Minister as though everyone has to answer to him and not directly to PM. JJ wants to come out as a hero to bring it to PM himself.

Ole trick, JJ! 

Thus far, proposals that reached EPU have been only medium and long term. It only means leg dragging by government agencies. Till 10 this morning, agencies are still being whipped to throw in immediate to execute programs for EPU.

TERAJU is being left out from giving any proposals. It is like PEMANDU and MacKinsey do the work. What do expect from neo-liberals orang putih minded? 

The fear now is the announcement seems to be a rush job and not a think through effort. The announcement will be only a broad brush stroke or even rhetorical. Kesian Najib but problem is he still rely on the same bunch of opportunists and incompetents around him. Hope he makes it through.

We are going to enjoy 12 hours of non-stop Jazz....

If he does not deliver, Najib must have heard that PAS and PKR are courting Malay intellectuals to find areas to champion and attract Malay voters. Current approach to marginalise Bumiputera will not gain them any ground.

The last election proves that without Malay and Bumiputera votes, Pakatan cannot takeover government. Thus, they are talking the religous flank to bite into support of Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, and other non Muslim Bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak. 

Problem is it can only be championed by DAP and their do not dare go inland. Even Lim Guan Eng had privately said he can’t wait to see his father kick the bucket for him to take DAP to a non chauvanistic and racialist approach.

However, fear factor will not work in the upcoming GE14. The emphasis is on political product and it's deliverability. No more political promotional and campaign gimmicks by shallow brained campaigners.

-Another Brick in the Wall

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