
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, October 4, 2013

Cartoonish Najib ‘double-faced’ the communist

A comic strip depicting Najib pointing a gun at Chin Peng while worshipping Chinese President Xi Jinping has gone viral.
PETALING JAYA: Just weeks after banning former Communist secretary-general Chin Peng’s ashes from the country, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak today warmly welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping to Malaysian shores.
“It was an honour to host Xi Jinping for his first official visit to Malaysia,” tweeted the Prime Minister today, along with a photo of him shaking hands with the beaming General Secretary of the Communist Party.
And the inherent irony did not go unnoticed among netizens unwilling to pass up a good chuckle.
While Najib had apparently forgotten his animosity towards communists, Malaysians had not – and they were quick to flay him for his “hypocrisy” in welcoming a living communist leader while barring the dead remains of another.
A three panel comic strip ridiculing Najib has emerged on popular anti-BN Facebook  page Malaysian Gags and is set to go viral, garnering over 1,000 ‘likes’ in less than an hour.
The first panel depicts a photograph of Najib standing behind a podium; face scrunched up, hand pointed fiercely in the air. The words “We must stop Chin Peng’s ashes. He was a Communist. He was evil. Communists are evil. I am so angry!” is written at the bottom of the panel in Malay.
The second panel shows a police roadblock, with one officer asking a van driver in Malay: “I’m sorry, sir, but are those cigarette ashes or Chin Peng’s ashes?”
The last and biggest panel is split into two – the first reveals a cartoon drawing of a man, presumably Najib, aiming a gun and a bazooka towards a Communist leader emerging from a book with the words ‘Malaya Communist’.
But the next cartoon shows “Najib” flinging his guns behind him and running worshipfully towards another Communist leader who holds a briefcase baring the words “China Communist”.
Granted, Najib has never said any of the words in the first panel of the comic – but he has labeled Chin Peng as a terrorist leader and said “communist terrorists” had caused the deaths of thousands of people.
Facebook users having a field day
Facebook user Manusia Biasa left the following sarcastic comment in Malay: “The Communist boss has arrived in Malaysia….what are you goons waiting for? Go sharpen your keris.”
Facebook user Irzan Shahniz commented, also in Malay: “what do the Umno/Perkasa goons have to say about this? Don’t you feel stupid after being played by Najib…”
Clearly unperturbed by the mocking tweets and comments from the irate public, Najib today tweeted his glowing impressions of the Communist leader.
“I find President Xi to be very positive towards Malaysia and has a deep philosophical mind. Very refreshing to talk to him,” he shared on his Twitter profile at around 3.30pm.
Two hours later, he tweeted “President Xi Jinping and I have agreed to strengthen our bilateral cooperation in a Comprehensive Strategic Plan.”
Barely a month ago, in banning Chin Peng’s ashes, Najib said: “Chin Peng will be remembered in Malaysia as a terrorist leader of a group that waged war against the nation and caused immeasurable cruelty to the people and attacking our security forces.
“The communist terrorists, especially during the emergency era, caused the deaths of thousands, especially among our security personnel while thousands more suffered injuries and disabilities,” he had added.
The police last month had stated it would not even allow Chin Peng’s memorabilia into the country; and arrested two men at the Penang International Airport for carrying several VCDs and reading materials related to Chin Peng.

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