
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, October 6, 2013

Endless Sugar Coating Possibilities

It seems another slogan or theme or tag line, whatever you call it is going to come out of 1Malaysia's pipleline during Malaysia Day in September.

It's already  out in cyberspace and on the lips of the ever obedient civil service machinery the slogan or theme or tag line, whatever you want to call it is ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES.

All this fanciful ala Mongolian, Israel and now copyright claim we can supposed of 1Malaysia is a typical shioksendire sloganeering to tell BolehLand folks things are all pretty bright and in pink of health. Incidentially the month of October is the pink month for breast cancer awareness. And related to our endless possibilities even before its official launch, the cancer tumour has been detected with regard to copycatting someone's already used tagline hah!

As many believe more in karma than existence of God, 1Malaysia can't seem to wipe off pun intended the face of BolehLand the tragic death of a Mongolian gurl and unborn child. The karma is returning to haunt the killers even if some believe they are being let off!!!

And we are told crime is down and the new CPA or PCA the Crime Prevention Act is to make it easy to lock someone up without the need to convict the person. Such is professionalism in our security fellows. And have we not heard enough that it won't be enforced arbitrarily and not for political motive... That assurance is as believable as guns being lost in the high seas hah!

So we await the official launch of 'Endless Possibilities' we are told to supplement Truly Asia and 1Malaysia strategic ambiguity policy. If 1Malaysia concept is strategic ambiguity, Endless Possibilities which is as wide as a black hole, is as ambiguous as far as being a workable and rational strategic policy.

If it's about attracting FDI, there are countless one stop centre to stop at before a business can start!!! It's not about capabilities but as they say in a dictionary K comes before Q, i.e., Kulitfication before Qualification.

The latest agenda that give wheelchairs to those with crutches offers endless possibilities for more race based, or rather UMNO friends based policies...

SO we spend millions on ringgit to rebrand ole tired race based apartheid policies. It's payback time as many believe.

Endless possibilities allows the UMNO controlled government to be given endless possibilities to carry on their ole feudal and divide and controlled ways.

Yes indeed, expect to see endless possibilities of ridiculous responses in the face of facts like the recent AG's report, reverting to iron fist policies and a whole slew of policies to slay the threat of the opposition and all those who even dare to hint at changing the government in any way... If you can't hold a forum or speak about the abuses, arrogance, stubborn, bigot and holier than thou attitude of the ruling government and will be deemed as seditious, committing treason and a whole lot of PCA related charges, how are you going to change the minds of the people especially the rural folks that no political party is GOD and that they can't be changed and life goes on. Why can't such endless possibilities to replace the government be legitimately recognised than treat those who want change as ungrateful, or go back to one's motherland, or locked up for reasons best known only to those who lock you up?

They say if you take too much sugar you get obese and diabetic and it's not healthy. Of course the sugar addict won't admit to the bad effects of taking too much sugar. Which is similar to the endless sugar coating that the government is doing. Spending millions on riggit to CON-(i)sult-tants for some fake make believe world to those in power and for the ordinary BolehLand folks to be so sugar starved to believe they are given milk and honey and living happily ever after. On the contrary those in power seem to be living happily ever after while those being ruled are being fed with endless sugar coating possibilities that all is good in BolehLand. -YAHMEH!!!

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