
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 7, 2013

Najib Kekal Perdana Menteri Tiga Penggal Lagi !!

I recall in 1998 it still seemed quite inevitable that Anwar Ibrahim would become the Prime Minister. (However we knew a particularly mysterious member of the uniformed services who said he would cut his finger if Anwar became PM. Mysterious because he would appear suddenly and then disappear again). 

At that time the brothers were concerned that the rise of Anwar and the ABIM mafia would bring disaster to the country. 'Who is going to stop him?' we wondered. A friend with great faith in Allah simply said, "Allah will stop him". Then just weeks later, come September 2, 1998 kaboom - the guy was thrown out the window. There are verses in the Quran which do indicate that the will of the people can be marshalled to throw out the undesirables. 

Recently I heard that the PM's advisors are planning for Najib to be around for THREE TERMS as Prime Minister. That is 15 years - including the present term. Sabar folks. This is where we must have strong faith in Allah as well.

Can you imagine seeing the PM, his wife, Hishamudin Hussein, Zahid Hamidi, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil,  Khairy Jamaludin, Abdul Azeez Tabung Haji, Jamaludin Jarjis, Ng Yen Yen, Tengku Adnan and gang still hanging around for another 15 years?  Will the country still be existing by then?

If we were Algonquan Indians (Native American), now would be the time to call upon all the Manitous. To call upon the Manitou of the oceans, the hills, the trees, the rivers, the lakes, the Manitou of all the living creatures and the Manitou of mother Earth itself to be with us. But..we are not Algonquan Indians. Just regular Malaysians. Lets just have faith in Allah. 

Anyway on the light side here is some rendering of what some of our leaders will look like say 15 years down the road. This is just play, play. But imagine these are the faces you will be seeing for the next 15 years:

p.s. Rumour has it that Najib and Anwar met for the second time, most recently  in New York. Their agenda is a "unity" Gomen. Scribe Dato Kadir Jasin alluded to this recently  in his Blog : 

"Meeting in secret, behind close doors and in far away places (like New York) does not sound very democratic, transparent and inclusive.  Still it is nice to hear Anwar longing for reconciliation with his nemesis."

So I am not the first to say this ok. Their first round is believed to have been in Indonesia - again the two guys were there at the same time.

The question is when? When would a 'unity' Gomen kick in?  Here is a walkabout:

i. If members of Team Najib (Zahid Hamidi, Hisham Hussein, Shafie Apdal, Shahrizat Jalil, Khairy Jamaludin) lose the UMNO races?

ii. Just before the next General Elections?

iii. Just after the next General Elections?

The talk is PAS will also be part of this unity Gomen. The PAS party elections are due in December. This time around the ostats are expected to be wiped out or substantially reduced. The progressives and the modernists may come to life again - Anwar Ibrahim's agents who have long been planted inside PAS. This may make a unity Gomen easier. 

However PAS is a seriously confused kettle of ikan keli right now. That tin sadin fellow supports the Christian Allah issue. Strange. And he is an ostat. Thats also why they kicked him out as MB.  The progressives (the Nasharudin class) did not support the Christian Allah. But Nasha has broken ranks with Anwar. This is just like Syria or Egypt - enemy identification seems to be a big problem. 

If there is a unity Gomen, it is almost certain that Anwar will not be part of it. He may get his daughter Nurul Izzah traded for a Cabinet post. The brader will remain as Advisor etc. He will most likely fade away. 

Err...the DAP and the other riff raff will be left out in the rain.

Here is another interesting angle - brader Azmin Ali has been visiting Tun Dr Mahathir's people. I know what he said tapi cannot divulge. Cover will be blown. 

I tried to age Anwar Ibrahim's picture too but it was too ghastly - even after the allergic reaction. So I will save us all the horror. As the stomach churns folks.

As Usabukata would say 'Mampuih kita, mampuih kita'.

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