
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Abdul Rashid should be charged for treason

YOURSAY 'This shameless former EC chief Abdul Rashid has got the cheek to boldly admit his illegal deeds to pervert justice and the law.'

Abdul Rashid admits to gerrymandering?

your say, YoursayFerdtan: No doubt being a retired man and no longer in public service, former Election Commission chief Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman can join any organisation he wishes.

However, by joining a racist organisation, Perkasa, whose sole aim is to promote ‘Malay rights' by stirring hatred against other races shows the real character this former EC chief.

A person chosen to be the EC chief is supposed to uphold the impartiality of his job. He has to swear his oath to the Agong and the sacred constitution to that effect. Obviously, when Abdul Rashid was the EC chief, he had let down not only his country but also our king.

Dont Just Talk: If Malaysians who evade paying taxes are traitors, then the former EC chief has committed treason when he failed to carry out the electoral redelineation with honesty and thus favouring Umno-BN to remain in power despite winning 47 percent of the vote at GE13.

The day of reckoning will come after GE14 and Pakatan Rakyat should ensure that the EC does not cheat again.

Peacemaker: If this man had overseen the election of office bearers in an association, the whole election would have been declared null and void.

Happy Malaysian: So Ambiga, you now want the gerrymandering to be in Pakatan Rakyat's favour? When the lines are demarcated, the EC has no clue who would vote for whom. So this gerrymandering in the first place is a non-starter, just hearsay and a fabrication.

Fogbom: No, Happy Malaysian, Ambiga never asked that it be done in Pakatan's favour. Like millions of Malaysians, she wants it be done in a professional, arm's-length manner, without bias and ensure that, as far as possible, the one-man-one-vote principle is adhered to. That is democracy.

What we have now is strong evidence of bias and the continued failure of the regulators to arrest Abdul Rashid and charge him under available laws shows the system is broken. You are content to live in a broken system. Fifty-three percent of Malaysians aren't.

Leave the country if you're not happy - heh, heh, just joking. Stay and help rebuild this great nation.

Lim Chong Leong: We look at the demographics of the existing delineation of all the constituencies and we can clearly see there is gerrymandering. We don't need any admission. It is clear as light of day.

Harapanbaru: Abdul Rashid has openly declared that the EC's main task is to ensure power remains in the hands of the Umno ‘mafia'. They no longer even bother to hide the fact.

Swipenter: Everybody knows that EC cheats in favour of Umno-BN and now the ex-EC chief is telling us they did (still doing) it "smartly" as if cheating smartly is okay.

ABCD: The same thing happen to Sabah. In 1990, out of 48 state seats, 30 seats were non-Muslim bumiputera majority seats, and 12 Muslim bumiputera and six Chinese majority.

Since then, with the re-delineation the 60 state seats, 40 seats are Muslim bumiputera majority seats, 14 non-Muslim and six Chinese majority.

Thana55: Despite all this manoevering and other vote-buying tactics and not forgetting the use of MSM (mainstream media) and government machinery, Pakatan won the popular vote convincingly. DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim) is the the rightful PM.

Versey: This shameless former EC chief Abdul Rashid has got the cheek to boldly admit his illegal deeds to pervert justice and the law.

By the way, the Malays are the majority in this country, they don't need gerrymandering to keep them in power, they need fair and clean election for them to elect the right party and candidates to manage the country.

What this barefaced former EC chief did is to keep Umno in power to continue their dirty business in lining their pockets at the expense of the poor rakyat (and that includes the Malays).

This country has sunk to such level that officers in high and important positions have not a tinge of self-respect to the extent of not feeling shameful, but proud of behaving like 'thieves and pirates' in their professions.

Peacemaker: Gerrymandering is illegal, inequitable and unfair. It tantamount to a perversion of justice and the law. The former EC chief should be charged and convicted based on his own confession.

Democracy: The EC and government have always used the problem of rural logistics as an excuse for giving them more voting rights or weightage and do away with the one man, one vote.

If logistics is really an issue in delineation, why sacrifice the one man one vote principle which is the hallmark of democracy?

We can solve this by allowing these constituencies to have more than one representatives to serve them but only the elected representatives are counted in Parliament. With this, all constituencies will have the same number of voters.

The only difference is that the rural constituencies will have more than person paid by taxpayers to serve them but only counted as one vote in Parliament.

Hello: We see the constituencies are gerrymandered; we have admission from past EC chairperson on gerrymandering. Isn't this treason and acting against the constitution? Will the police, MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) investigate this matter?

These people think they are immune to prosecution and are flaunting their illegal acts in the rakyat's faces. A day will come when all the hidden anger will burst asunder.

Evil Girl: Abdul Rashid had indeed betrayed the king, the rakyat and the country. - Malaysiakini

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