
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, November 1, 2013

Najib boasts of strong rights record, citing ISA abolition

Prime Minister Najib Razak has defended his administration in a CNN interview saying he has a good record, citing his abolition of the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) as an example.

Najib on CNNSpeaking on air to CNN's Christiane Amanpour (right) yesterday in London, Najib compared his own government after commenting on the political situation in Egypt and addressing questions on his critics at home.

"I have got a very positive record, for example I have disbanded the Internal Security Act, which is detention without trial," he said, adding the abolition of the Emergency Ordinance (EO) and the allowing of peaceful assemblies were also accomplished.

"I stand by my record, that we have made fundamental changes in Malaysia," he said.

He also justified what was likely a reference to Malay-centric policies saying, "You must make sure that the majority of the people are not marginalised.

"We do cater as well, in a very inclusive way, for the small minorities. We are not racist at all."

Amanpour also raised the issue of the 'Allah' ruling and what that said about Najib's claim to "moderation", to which the PM replied he wanted to ensure "peace and harmony" and it was the court's decision, which he had to respect.

Najib on CNNHowever when pressed further about the brain-drain of Chinese and Indians from Malaysia, Najib (left) dodged Amanpour and focussed on the economy.

Earlier the PM was commenting on how Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi was recently ousted, saying that the people should have "waited until the next election" to do it, arguing that as Morsi was elected, he "deserved a chance to perform".

When asked about various allegations of electoral fraud like gerrymandering and double-voting in his own country, Najib again went on the defensive.
He repeated his claim made in his Budget 2014 speech, that allegations of the existence of 40,000 Bangladeshi voters have so far not been proven.

Last year Najib finally dismantled the highly criticised ISA, but critics noted that in its place, the PM who once boasted his was the "best democracy in the world", had put up similar laws such as the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma).

The highly controversial amendments to the Crime Prevention Act this year - dubbed by critics as 'ISA 2.0' - also marks the return of detention without trial, just a year after the demise of ISA.

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