
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, November 24, 2013

Pis Pus

My comments in blue.

  • Adnan Said claimed party had bought land using individual names. party should have a proper inventory.  substantial assets in the form of endowed land
Haiyya Adnan, remember this - "no money no religion". Its all about money, money, money. 
  • Youth & Muslimat delegates not able to vote because poor management of database
This has been a recurring theme with the Pakatan Rakyat. The PKR members complained that there was massive cheating in the PKR elections. Zaid Ibrahim resigned because of that. DAP members filed reports about massive cheating in the DAP polls. Until today the matter has not been resolved. Now there are massive irregularities in the PAS elections. Cheating and irregularities are common to these folks.
  • no incentives for farmers and rubber price guarantee in Pakatan manifesto
Those are not important issues for PAS.
  • not to vote according to patriarchal connection and candidates’ popularity. do not need popular figures & celebrities. We need party workhorses.
Too late. Mat Sabu the Clown has been re-elected.
  • lambasted party for holding a (heavy) metal concert in conjunction with the 59th Muktamar. worse than Umno.  invited Heart Attack metal group.  new approach to reach out to the crowd
This is called hypocrisy or munafikism. If UMNO does it, it becomes haram. If PAS does it, it becomes halal.  This is typical of every single, nut case, beardo and religious person on earth. It is a never ending story. If others steal it is bad. When they themselves steal it is halal. When others fitnah it is bad. When they themselves fitnah it is halal. This is extreme kuffur.
  • Kalabakan candidate questioned party’s sincerity in being inclusive.  I do not see any Sabahan in the party central committee.  Umno has six Sabahans in the supreme council.
Orang Sabah jangan jadi bodoh. Not only six Sabahans are in UMNO Supreme Council tapi Menteri-menteri utama Cabinet BN juga orang Sabah. Foreign Minister orang Sabah. Naib Presiden UMNO orang Sabah. Attorney General Ghani Patail orang Sabah. Tapi PAS pula tak ada satu tempat pun untuk orang Sabah dalam central committee PAS. Just like there are no Malays in the DAP's CEC. Christopher Ross Lim is not a Malay.
  • expenditure Muktamar increased drastic from RM105,927 in 2011 to RM419,11 last year 
Takpelah Pas sudah kaya. No money no religion. Perwakilan Pas pun nak tidur hotel five star. Takkan nak tumpang rumah 'Mah aje. Dulu time Mat Sabu boleh lah. Tapi sekarang Mat Sabu pun dah tak kasi. So kena lah sewa bilik hotel.  

Dok hotel takkan nak pakai selipar. Kenalah pakai kasut baru. Kenalah beli kasut baru. 
Kalau beli kasut kena lah beli stokin baru. Takkan nak pakai kasut baru tapi stokin lama.
Kalau kasut baru, stokin baru kenalah pakai seluar baru. Takkan nak pakai seluar lama.
Kalau seluar baru, kenalah pakai baju baru. Takkan nak pakai baju lama.
Kalau baju baru kenalah beli beg baru. Takkan nak bawa beg buruk.

Cakap terus terang saja - no money no religion. Tak payah cakap belit-belit.  Just say it as it is. Tanyalah Husam. Jam tangan Swiss, beg mahal, kasut canggih, baju dan seluar cukup style. Itulah 'pas pis pus' namanya.

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