
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 13, 2013

When you welcom terrorists, what do you expect


A movement with terrorist elements, says top cop on Shias

DECEMBER 13, 2013
The Inspector General of Police has branded the country’s Shia community "a movement with terrorist elements", saying that police are working closely with the religious department to monitor followers of the sect.
"Some of the religious followers who were arrested previously by the counter-terrorism unit were Shia followers.
"So we are working with Jakim (the Department of Islamic Development) to monitor their movements closely," said Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar (pic) at a press conference at the Selangor police headquarters this morning.
"We do not want what happened in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan to happen here, do we?"
Khalid also said that the Home Ministry’s revelations on the Shia sect yesterday were to alert the public.
The movement if not monitored and controlled could lead to militant activities, he said.
"When it comes to the country’s safety, I am responsible for maintaining peace and order. We do not want any situation that can disturb the peace of our country."
Khalid said in Pakistan, tensions between the Sunnis and the Shias were so serious that they led to bombings.
"This is why we need to curb this from the start."
The Home Ministry yesterday revealed evidence to back its claims that PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, or commonly known as Mat Sabu, was involved in Shia activities.
It alleged that Mat Sabu was involved in Shia activities connected to the struggle of Iranian revolutionist Ayatollah Ruhullah Musawi al Khomeini.
Ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri Abdul Rahim Mohamad Radzi confirmed that Mat Sabu was the person Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had been referring to at the recent Umno general assembly.
Abdul Rahim added that Mat Sabu used Imam Khomeini as his term of reference to drum up political support and the unity agenda as was published in PAS’s newspaper, Harakah, in December 2008. – December 13, 2013.
The terrorists are those welcome to Malaysia to vote as citizen.  Now that election is over you consider them as pariahs blab........blab.  Not forgetting Mahathir, Pak Lah and Najis also have been funding and sheltering terrorists since 1984 till today.
You pinpoint every single opposition leaders and supporters as terrorists.  But what about Perkasa and Pekida who are committing crime daily?
I suggest the IGP look at his own hands and stop being a pariah dog.

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