
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Love me or hate me, never mind. At least what you see is what you get. I don’t openly say I feel sorry for the Christians but privately say the Christians can go fuck themselves for all I care, like the rest of the Malays-Muslims, the PKR and PAS people included.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Those of you who have been reading what I write since the mid-1990s would have already read these two stories about incidences that happened more than 10 years ago.
Story number one:
One fine Friday I was conducting my Friday congregational prayers in the Sungai Buloh mosque and that day happened to be ‘Heroes Day’, the day we honour fallen soldiers who fought and died for Malaya/Malaysia. This is sort of like Poppy Day or Remembrance Day (a.k.a. Armistice Day) here in the UK.
Now, many died for our country, people from all over the world. British, Australians, New Zealanders, Indians (from India), Gurkhas, Africans, Fijians, etc. — basically nationals from almost all the countries of the Commonwealth died fighting for our country and were buried on Malayan/Malaysian soil. Amongst Malayans and/or Malaysians were Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Eurasians (half-breeds or mongrels like me), and natives or Bumiputeras from Sabah and Sarawak.
The major conflicts fought on Malayan/Malaysian soil were World War Two, the Emergency, the Konfrontasi, and so on. There were, of course, smaller ‘incidences’ where people in uniform died (such as Chinese Special Branch officers who were assassinated by the CPM in the 1960s).
Anyway, the long and short of it is many people of various nationalities and religions from all over the world died for Malaya/Malaysia, citizens as well as non-citizens. But then on this particular Friday that I mentioned above the imam of the Sungai Buloh mosque said in his sermon that today is Heroes Day, a day to remember all those Muslims who died defending Islam.
Heroes Day is not a day to remember Muslims who died for Islam. First of all, many non-Muslims (as well as non-citizens from all over the world who came to Malaya/Malaysia) died for our country. And while Malays-Muslims did die for our country, many more non-Malays/non-Muslims died as well.
Secondly, World War Two, the Emergency, the Konfrontasi, and so on, were not conflicts in defence of Islam. They were conflicts to defend the country against foreign occupation, insurgency, terrorism, and whatnot. Islam had absolutely nothing to do with this.
So I was pissed big-time. This imam was talking cock. He was misleading the congregation. He was distorting what really happened.
I stood up and gestured at him (the way you would gesture when you say ‘podah!’) and walked out of the mosque. I did not wait for the post-sermon prayers to start and went home to pray instead. And I never returned to that mosque ever since. I more or less boycotted that mosque.
Story number two:
An old school friend of mine, a retired Lt. Col. of the Malay Regiment and Anwar Ibrahim’s classmate, was conducting his Friday prayers in the KLCC mosque and the imam went on and on ‘talking cock’. This friend of mine stood up and shouted at the imam to shut up and sit down. The imam was so shocked he actually stopped his sermon and sat down.
My friend felt quite bad because a few weeks later the imam died and my friend felt it could have been due to shock. We both had a good laugh about it although we should not laugh at someone’s death (but we could not help ourselves — may Allah have mercy on our souls).
I really do not know whether there are any similar incidences where Malays or Muslims have scolded the people of the cloth for talking nonsense. What I do know is that most Malays or Muslims are not sincere or honest when it comes to Islam.
I say this because Malays or Muslims will say they believe in a multi-racial Malaysia, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the rights of non-Malays/non-Muslims, and so on. However, in their heart they do not really believe in such things.
For political reasons these people cannot openly declare what they believe, especially if they are politicians, never mind if they are politicians from Umno, PAS or PKR. They have to pretend that they believe in fair play, justice, liberalism, democracy, etc. But in their heart they believe that there must be no compromise when it comes to Islam.
The majority of Malays/Muslims do not agree that the Bahasa Malaysia Bible or The Herald be allowed to use Allah. In fact, they do not even agree that Bibles be printed in Bahasa Malaysia. But they will never say this to the face of the non-Malays/non-Muslims. Privately, amongst themselves, they are very happy that the court came out with the ruling that the Christians cannot use Allah in any printed matter, The Herald, the Bible, or whatever.
Malays-Muslims also do not agree that Malays-Muslims attend church services or leave Islam to become Christians, Hindus, Buddhists or Atheists. And many Malays-Muslims are angry with me because I say that there must be freedom of religion, freedom of choice, and so on, and that these freedoms must include the freedom of Malays-Muslims to leave Islam or to enter into gay unions.
And this is why many of my friends are now my enemies. They call me sesat (a deviant who has strayed from Islam), kafir (infidel), murtad (an apostate), etc., because I propagate freedom of choice and say that freedom of religion includes freedom to leave Islam and freedom of choice includes freedom to enter into gay unions.
Malays-Muslims will declare that they are tolerant to the face of the non-Malays/non-Muslims but in reality their tolerance ends when they feel that Islam is being subverted or compromised.
Just ask Anwar Ibrahim, the Opposition Leader, the so-called face of liberalism, whether he supports the rights of gays, apostate Muslims, Christians preaching Christianity to Muslims, Muslims attending church services, Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia using Allah being distributed to Malays-Muslims. Ask the other Malay-Muslim PKR and PAS leaders this same question.
I will be very surprised if they dare propagate the rights of gays, apostate Muslims, Christians preaching Christianity to Muslims, Muslims attending church services, Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia using Allah being distributed to Malays-Muslims. At best they will just say we need to follow the law and if the law says it cannot be done then it cannot be done.
Why hide behind the law? Can’t we just change the law and make what is illegal now legal? After all laws are man-made. If man made these laws then man can easily change these laws.
Ah, but then we are not talking about man’s laws. We are talking about God’s laws. So we cannot replace God’s laws with man’s laws. Hence we cannot allow gay unions, Muslims leaving Islam, Christians propagating Christianity to Muslims and much more.
But they will never say this openly. To say this openly would mean they would lose the support of the non-Malays and non-Muslims. And hence the non-Malays/non-Muslims will not vote for them. So they need to pretend they are democrats and liberals while privately they hold opposite views.
These Malays are just not sincere and honest.
It is now more than 24 hours since the ‘landmark’ court ruling regarding the Allah issue. How many of the Malay-Muslim Pakatan Rakyat leaders have condemned the court? I know some have condemned Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Why condemn Najib? Condemn the court.
The Christians said they are going to defy the court and will still use Allah. That is well and fine. I can agree with that.
Yes, Raja Petra Kamarudin supports the Christian stand that they are going to defy the court and will continue to use Allah. But what is the stand of the other 18 million Malays-Muslims? What is the stand of the 500,000 PKR members, many who are Malays-Muslims? What is the stand of the one million Malay-Muslim PAS members? What is the stand of the Malay-Muslim leaders of Pakatan Rakyat?
Are they Muslims first or liberals/democrats first?
Okay, forget about the Christians or the Malay language Bible or the Allah word. What about the issue regarding the Shia? Why are Shias being persecuted and banned? This sounds like England of 500 years ago when Catholics were persecuted and killed. What is only Sunni Islam allowed while Shia Islam is banned like the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM)?
And Malaysia supports ISIS or ISIL, the Sunni movement that is bent on exterminating the Shia. Will Malaysia send the Malay Regiment to the Middle East to join the invasion of Baghdad and later the attack on the other Shia nations of the Middle East and turn them into Sunni nations?
And do the other 18 million Malays-Muslims plus the leaders of PKR and PAS also support this? And if they do not why have they not condemned ISIS or ISIL, many who are also pro-Saddam Hussein and are taking revenge on what they did to Saddam?
I know many Malays-Muslims (plus non-Malays/non-Muslims as well) hate me for being so vocal and for giving my controversial opinions. Malays and non-Malays alike do not like what I say. They say I whack the Malays, Chinese, Indians, etc., plus I whack the Muslims as well as Christians. And they don’t like it one bit.
Whatever it may be at least when it comes to me what you see is what you get. If I am of the opinion that religion is nonsense I will tell you that religion is nonsense. If I think the Malays, Chinese and Indians are full of shit I will tell you that I think you are all full of shit. What I feel I will tell you.
As for the other 18 million Malays-Muslims, PKR and PAS leaders included, they are happy that the court ruled that the Christians cannot use Allah but they will just keep quiet and not say a word and will pretend that they support freedom of religion, freedom of choice, liberalism, justice and democracy.
Love me or hate me, never mind. At least what you see is what you get. I don’t openly say I feel sorry for the Christians but privately say the Christians can go fuck themselves for all I care, like the rest of the Malays-Muslims, the PKR and PAS people included.

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