
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Isma, citizenship isn't 'first come, first served'

FREE YOURSAY 'Who comes first into a country is irrelevant. Once you are a citizen...'

Hubby's a zero not hero, Isma chief's wife told

Don't Just Talk: Good for you, MCA, for putting Ismapresident's wife Nor Saleha Mohd Salleh in her place.

When you send your children to school and later to university, they will look upon their teachers/lecturers as role models. What type of role model Nor Saleha would represent to her students at Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (Kuis)?

I definitely would not want any of my children to have anything to do with her.

Senior Citizen: Nor Saleha, I need to ask you. How on earth did you qualify to be employed at Kuis? Kuis is in Selangor, a state run and managed by Pakatan Rakyat and not by Umno.

Pakatan has good and competent leaders with a different mindset altogether. You on the other hand have a stunted mind, which obviously is a result of poor education. Your knowledge of history and anthropology is pathetic to an extent I have my doubts if you have passed your SPM in history and English language.

I say English because unless you have a sound knowledge of English, you cannot understand the tons of books in history and anthropology that are out there, and I feel sorry for you and for the students at Kuis.

I said anthropology because unless you have a sound knowledge of anthropology, you are devoid of knowledge in science and humanities. Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present, in order for you to understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history.

I call upon the college senate to sack you for the students' interest.

Anonymous #40538199: Nor Saleha, making racial or religious slurs does not elevate one's status to the defender of one's race or the spokesman of the divine being of the religion one belongs to. Don't insult our intelligence.

Anonymous #07910507: Who comes first into a country is irrelevant, Nor Saleha. Once you are a citizen of the country, even with the citizenship granted a day or earlier, one should be accepted as a full citizen of the country, full stop.

4W4K3N1N6: The Srivijaya empire ruled the Malay Peninsula from 650 AD to 1,377 AD. They practised Mahayana Buddhism, animism and Hinduism. The empire came to an end partly because of the expansion of the Javanese Majapahit empire.

Needless to say, our leaders of non-native Malaysian descent decided to rewrite our history books and deleted all references to this part of our history.

Kuasa Rakyat: Malaysia belongs to its people of all races and religions. If there is any one "race" which can claim to be the "people of the land", then surely it would have to be the Orang Asal and not the Malays or Chinese or Indians or etc.

Anak, Bangsa, Malaysia: Oh my god, she is a lecturer? How could this happen? Nor Saleha thinks her husband is bigger than the whole of the Malay race. What nonsense is this?

She thinks just because one man is charged with sedition, the whole race is similarly charged with sedition. What kind of reasoning is this?

Abasir: Nor Saleha masquerading as a 'lecturer' typifies the quality stuffed into most of Malaysia's 'institutions of no learning'.

For too long now, those unable to meet the minimum qualifications for tertiary education end up in the so-called teachers training schools and then get shoved into the institutions mushrooming all over the place.

This, of course, is Umno's patented way of solving the perennial problem of unemployable semi-literates. These institutions are the breeding grounds for these bigots and, in Umno's calculation, their potential vote bank.

Wiser: The Isma couple have children, and yet they tell lies on TV, and in the papers. She is a lecturer? Well, it seems that for a certain class of bumiputera, telling outright lies and preaching it to children is perfectly okay.

How did this madness of teaching kids all the wrong things become acceptable? Will the sane majority now stand up and bring these mad bigots to heel before your kids accept these lies as the truth and have their lives forever ruined?

MacMac: With shallow minded persons like Nor Saleha as a lecturer in Kuis, how do you expect students to excel? No big wonder that none of our institutions of higher learning are in the top 100 in Asia.

Louis Ong: Wanita MCA vice-chairperson Ong Chong Swen, stop play-acting. We all know which party Isma is associated with. By questioning Isma, you are indeed questioning your big brother indirectly.

If MCA still has any pride left, dissociate itself from Umno.

Anonymous_3e06: While what you say is commendable, Ong, MCA needs to do lots of hard work as these kinds of people are still lurking around for the right moment to speak and insult the non-Malays.

Can MCA play a more positive role in not curbing this but to instil positive thinking among races?

Carlim: Well done, MCA, for being unable to convince your BN partners of over 50 years on how to maintain a multicultural Malaysia.

Lim Chong Leong: When DAP says this, it's called sedition. When MCA says this, no one cares. -Mkini

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