
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sultan Nazrin, help rakyat tell truth to power

FREE YOURSAY ‘Just read the news from the alternate media in the Internet.’

Sultan Nazrin: Tell me the truth, no matter how bitter

Apa Nama: His Royal Highness (HRH) Sultan Nazrin Shah, truth should be a two-way process and not only one way. We need a monarchy that considers the interests of the people first.

By the way, do not depend too much on palace advisors. Why don’t you start the ball rolling by going out and mixing with the rakyat every now and then? Get hands-on information from the horse’s mouth rather than these advisors.

HRH, the time has come for change that will definitely benefit the monarchy in the long run. By going to the ground, you will make the government of the day be more responsible to the people.

Magnus: This is an honest well-considered statement which a now departed good Knights Hospitaller must be pleased with.

Yes, it is very hard nowadays to find good competent people one can trust as valued counsels and confidantes so I hope the new Sultan of Perak finds trusted advisors who are rarer than gold dust to offer him the wise and trusted guidance he seeks.

Unouno: Dear sultan, you don’t need advisors. Just read the news from the alternate media in the Internet.

I suggest you make it your personal goal to be the leading voice in the affairs of the country as a third force - the royalty.

The new royalty should play their God-given role of caring for the masses.

Your highness should champion good governance, speak out against the wanton corruption, condemn the hate and bullying activities by Umno-sponsored gangs, and rein in the religious authorities.

Anonymous_4031: Yes, it is good to know the whole truth, no matter how bitter it is. And yes, listen to the common people on the ground level.

They are ordinary people; they are nobodies in the society. They are powerless; they are weak; they are usually from the lower-income group. They need help. Will the whole truth be relayed to the sultan?

"A reign that is wise and just will be blessed by God, the country will be prosperous and the ruler will be able to protect the people so that they can live in peace and harmony."

Well said. Everybody yearns for justice, fairness, equality, peace and harmony. May we see them in our beloved nation.

And yes, respect all religions and people of all faiths. The nation will grow in strength when we put into practice such words of wisdom from His Majesty.

AnSoN: See with your own eyes, listen with your own ears, move around and gather real information from the ground and make your own assessment. Don't sit in the palace and wait for feedback.

I manage factories, I go down to the factory floor and production lines to see for myself the suffering of the workers.

I may not be able to overcome all their problems and make perfect all the wrongs or poor situations, but I constantly put effort into improving the welfare of the workers.

Sabahan: If the sultan really wants the truth, then he has to declare publicly that no one will be charged for sedition for any statements made in Perak, and that he will personally intercede if they are charged by the police.

Fairnsquare: A very good address by HRH. We will need the wisdom of the rulers, since politics in the country has taken the path promoting hatred and distrust between races and religions.

If all the rulers take the path of care and concern for their subjects, there is still hope for the country.

Satay Satay: The bitter truth is, "extremism gets worse and worse in Malaysia each day" since the Malays are now powerful, and had been assisted by the Indians and Chinese through ages past.

For one moment then, do kindly consider what would happen if the words spoken and the acts done by the Malay extremists are words spoken or acts done by a Malaysian Chinese or a Malaysian Indian, and with the Malays being in the present shoes of the bullied Indians or Chinese.

What would you do, Tuanku? Remain silent? Or to correct the situation, powerful as you are, and put a stop to all those ill-founded unbecoming nonsense and acts of the 'shameful' and unbecoming extremists?

Abasir: In the age of the Internet and digital communication in all shapes and forms, getting and verifying the 'truth' directly should not be a problem for anyone with eyes to read and fingers to type.

Only the digitally deprived will rely on fawning courtiers, hangers on, parasites and other self-serving intermediaries and truth interpreters (a growing Malaysian vocation) for the latest information, the facts and the truth.

Anyway, has HRH seen the movie ‘A Few Good Men’? Something about truth there I recall.

BTN: Hopefully Sultan Nazrin can give back to the people the confidence that is so lacking now.

I still remember as a child, the thought of us non-Malays having a king which we can call our own was such a pride because he is king for all Malaysians. Let’s hope that this feeling can flow back into everyone’s heart.

Carpe Diem: Tuanku, I donated a brick to Malaysiakini and therefore have a subscription to give away. How do I pass it on to you? -Mkini

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