
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Betrayal and deceit in House of Pakatan

YOURSAY ‘It is high time PKR and DAP drop PAS from the coalition.’

In latest twist, Azmin, Azizah not in PAS' list

Bijan: PAS does not care what decision has been made collectively by their high-ranking members on Aug 17, the one or two - the likes of Abdul Hadi Awang and Mustafa Ali - just bulldozed through with their decision.

What's the point of having meetings to decide if the president can overrule the decisions made by the party?

Maplesyrup: If PAS is in the coalition, then why the other partners have to second guess what are the names on PAS' nomination list?

The MB crisis is very good actually, it shows up the sincerity of the coalition partners and all Malaysians are clear as to who are playing ball and who are not.

Muhibbah: PAS has never been truthful to Pakatan Rakyat causes. It even sabotage PKR candidate in Kota Damansara resulting in a victory for BN.

Hadi and his cohorts met and discussed a unity pact with its arch enemy, Umno. Hadi preferred Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) of Umno instead of DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim) as PM should Pakatan succeed in capturing Putrajaya.

Now PAS wants to sabotage PKR and get the MB’s post. It is better for PAS to leave the coalition.

Headhunter: There is so much distrust between PAS and their partners. It's better for PAS to leave the coalition now rather than later as they have been seen to be untruthful and capable of stabbing PKR and DAP in the back anytime.

And they will do it at the most crucial moment. Imagine in the next general election when the BN and Pakatan seats are almost equal in numbers, PAS would not hesitate to jump ship to form a new government with the BN.

They are riding on Pakatan popularity now so that they can milk more seats for themselves.
Wg321: Let's look at it from the positive side. It is better for the treacherous Hadi Awang to betray and stab his friends in Pakatan now than when the GE14 is near.

At least Pakatan has about four years to recover from this below the belt blow. On hindsight, it is a blessing in disguise that the Pakatan did not win GE13.

Otherwise, the treacherous frog wearing the Taliban turban will jump ship. However, we should not condemn PAS outright. There are still many good people in PAS.

They should not leave PAS. Instead they should stay back in PAS and fight the treacherous Hadi Awang and his ulama.

FellowMalaysian: The situation looks grim and bleak for Pakatan in general and PKR in particular.

But PAS has obviously not make public the names of their nominated candidates to the palace for reasons only known to PAS inner circles.

The next 48 hours Pakatan supporters would like to see some serious, no-holds-barred, frank and honest discussion and horse trading among the leaders of PKR, PAS and DAP.

In order to win over the heart, mind and interest of supporters, party leaders need to show and convince supporters that Pakatan is worthy of their support as their leaders work incessantly and diligently in a unified manner to achieve the coalition’s common goals and objectives.

Hplooi: Possible analysis; PAS (or the ulama faction) strategy may include (any or all of the following) - force a by-election and/or purposely prolong the appointment of the anointed candidate

Perhaps this may give the black ops team more time to engineer some game-changing facts on the ground: such as fishing for defections, more time to create 'incidents' on the ground to enhance an atmosphere of crisis or more time for current 'administrative' fifth columnist to complete some deal to the detriment of Selangorians.

It is quite clear that the PAS faction is align with reactionary forces currently in power. These forces can bring considerable resources to bear in wresting political control, and this includes all instruments of power; symbolic and legal.

WDA: We would not be facing this dilemma if we just let MB Khalid Ibrahim do his job and let him complete his tenure. The people of Selangor were mostly not complaining except for PKR leaders.

This major distraction is preventing Pakatan from focusing on the next polls and making inroads into Sabah and Sarawak. They may now end up with a MB from PAS which most probably result in losing Selangor in GE14. So much for the Kajang Move.

Axolotl: PAS has failed. Too many chances have already been given, but Hadi Awang, despite an early warning in Turkey, has chosen to turn villainous on Anwar, Pakatan, and the voters of Selangor through plain jealousy and petty-minded spite.

A real tragedy as PAS has turned out so many brilliant, admirable, progressive leaders like Husam Musa, Mat Sabu, Nizar Jamaluddin, Dzulkefly Ahmad, Hatta Ramli, and Khalid Samad.

I'm sure these more open-minded and forward-thinking leaders are equally disappointed and disillusioned with the conservative faction in PAS. Predictably, by betraying its PKR and DAP allies in Selangor, PAS has just signed its own death warrant.

The party will become a house divided even further, and swiftly become a provincial force with less influence than small parties like PSM.

Fairplayer: Wan Azizah has already commanded the majority support of 30 Pakatan reps, what exactly is the sultan waiting for? Why is PAS given the "royal mandate" to make the decision?

How is PAS going to get the majority support now that 30 have opted to support Wan Azizah. Even if the sultan were to pick one PAS' favoured candidates, he will not have the majority support.

So how is the scenario going to turn out to be? Snap polls? And Khalid is still enjoying his power as MB, and he is going to get the water deal finalised in a week. Then what?       

Pemerhati: Perhaps PKR should reply to the palace by saying that it submitted only the name of PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail because she has the support of the majority of the elected state assemblypersons.

PKR sent only the name of Azizah because since according to the constitution, the sultan could not appoint any other person, it would not make any sense to send the name of any other person or persons who did not have the majority support.

If the sultan feels that there is some valid constitutional reason that prevents Azizah from being appointed as the MB, then the sultan should furnish that reason and PKR would then endeavour to find another person who has majority support and submit that name for the sultan’s consideration.

Rick Teo: The discretion to select an MB falls within the ambit of selecting a candidate that commands a majority in the state assembly and not the discretion to select a candidate that pleases the sultan.

My Opinion: What is the sultan going to do if Pakatan admit that the rest of the MB candidates are purely useless except Wan Azizah? Is he going to sue every single assemblyperson?

Is he going to file a police report against PKR? Can DAP suggest a few names from their party? -Mkini

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