
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 6, 2014

So who murdered Teoh Beng Hock?

YOURSAY ‘Who were those last seen with TBH when he was alive?’

Court overturns open verdict on Beng Hock

Versey: "I do not see how any reasonable tribunal did not take action on the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) officers. The criminal justice system has to be upheld," said Court of Appeal judge Hamid Sultan Abu Backer.

Well said and thumbs up for Justice Hamid Sultan. Thanks and salute to Justice Mah Weng Kwai and Justice Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof too.

This country needs more fair minded officials and public servants like the three of you to work for the betterment of this country.

Peacemaker: Judges Mohamad Arif, Mah and Hamid Sultan need to be upheld in prayer by all right-minded and justice-loving Malaysians for finally deciding what most Malaysians already knew.

There is some hope still that honest judges walk the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya. Now we want to see the MACC and police jointly act to catch the culprits and give them the hardest sentence of their lives.

Haveagreatday: Wow! I have not read a judgment that lifted my shaky opinion of our judiciary so high until this one. Let's see how those promoted MACC officers wriggle out of this.

Onyourtoes: So who were those responsible for TBH's (Teoh Beng Hock’s) death? Who were those last seen with TBH when he was still alive?

Now, make those last seen with TBH sit on ice, I am sure the truth will come up very quickly. Who want to wager with me?

Ex-PJ: Why was the DNA of the unknown male on TBH not checked against that of all MACC male staff in the building at the time his death? An obvious thing to do and yet not done.

Gerard Lourdesamy: In any other country, the MACC officers concerned would have been charged in court and sacked. But in Malaysia, they were retained and got promoted instead.

The system is so rotten to the core that it is beyond redemption. Custodial deaths must be dealt with seriously irrespective of race or religion.

If the MACC cannot guarantee the safety of witnesses and suspects, it should be disbanded and perhaps we should ask Hong Kong’s ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) to take over investigations in Malaysia.

Mohgui: I am glad to be reading that there is still hope in the judicial system. The question now is, how long will the new investigation last. I bet it will take years unless someone starts to sue.

Anonymous_3faa: Finally, TBH family's prayers, and prayers of all those who persevere with them, are answered.

God works in mysterious ways, but always in the end, justice will prevail, if not in this life, then in the next.

This will open up a can of worms on all the custodial deaths of the past many years. Murder it is, no less.

And this case is truly a reflection of the rot and decay that has set in when institionalised crimes are condoned and committed by those in power.

Tok Karut: There was a time when lawyers despair of Mah as Bar president. Perhaps the bench suits him better. My hat to you after reading your judgments in this and several others, sir!

Ginie: The judgments by the Court of Appeal are most logical, most reasonable, and most appropriate. This case should be reopened and the guilty ones should be brought to face justice.

But the problems here are the AG (attorney-general) and the deputy public prosecutors because they will prosecute their own brothers. Will they be professional? I have my reservations on this.

Wira: Every reasonable person in Malaysia would see this as a custodial death except MACC and those beholden politically to the interested parties. The gods must be weeping.

Tell the Truth: Finally, justice is being done for Teoh Beng Hock. I hope the PDRM will now investigate real crimes instead of arresting people who are volunteering their time to do PDRM's work to keep the community safe.

Kudos to the three judges.

Negarawan: Syabas to the three judges for bringing back some integrity and trust into our judiciary. This is a move in the right direction.

Hopefully we will see all the unjust and politically motivated sedition charges on opposition figures are nullified.

Ourvotesdecide: This very outstandingly sound decision will hopefully serves as a deterrent to those in authority not to be tempted to abuse their power.

Let them always remember that they will be held fully accountable for all their actions.

Abasir: So it was murder most foul. And what followed was a systematic cover-up of the killing by everyone in the chain of command.

If the men who constitute MACC had even a sliver of decency, they would resign en masse for having been, wittingly or otherwise, a party to the murder. -Mkini

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