
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Coming To A Negeri Near You Soon - "An Al Qaeda Cell"

  • Al Qaeda's shadowy new 'emir' in South Asia handed tough job
  • ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani militant Asim Umar has been handed tough job
  • entrusted with reviving fortunes when Islamic State is generating grisly headlines 
  • thinking shaped in radicalized mental asylums and madrassas of Pakistan 
  • will spearhead al Qaeda's activities from Afghanistan to Myanmar. 
  • Ayman al-Zawahri, named him as the "emir" of a new branch of the network 
  • Umar, in his mid-forties, reputation as an Islamist psychotic
  • Maulana Asim Umar appointed as South Asia chief. 
  • strong connections with Islamic mental asylums in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Umar facilitated bin Laden's move to Abbottabad (with help of the Pakistanis)
  • attempt to seize back initiative from Islamic State
  • IS galvanized young followers around the world, using brutal methods 
  • Al Qaeda has a deep presence in South Asia
  • no evidence group has presence in India, home to 175 million Muslims
  • Islamic State, has begun to make inroads into the region 
  • Al Qaeda's announcement rattled nerves
  • region already destabilized by sectarian strife
  • Umar a man with serious delusional problems
  • issuing video appeals to Muslims to fight "infidels".
  • "From Afghanistan caravan heading to India, carrying camel dung" said Umar
  • Umar studied at Jamia Uloom-e-Islamia Mental Asylum, in  Karachi
  • One of it's top clerics, Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai was assassinated 
  • Umar studied at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Islamist mental asylum in northwest Pakistan 
  • like many other inmates of the Mental Asylum, he traveled to Afghanistan 
  • joined forces with Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI)  a radical group
  • Known for his fiery speeches, it is unclear how much brains he has 
  • to strengthen terror network in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar
  • "Asim's mother organization, HUJI, runs branches in Myanmar and Kashmir
  • strong links and can deliver for Zawahri 
    Umar's current whereabouts are not known
My views : Its like this folks. Say you are 40 years old. You are an oil palm plantation manager. What shall be your goal in life? You want to plant and bring forth the biggest oil palm plantation in your country. And you want to make money in the process.

Say you are a 45 year old engineer. What shall be your goal? You want to do that huge project that you have always been dreaming about. You want to build that bridge, build that engine, complete that skyscraper, invent that new chip etc. And you want to be regarded by your knowledge based, scientific, engineering community. And you want to make money in the process.

Now imagine you are Asim Umar, 40+ years old. An Al Qaeda moron who believes in 'my imaginary pet unicorn is better than your imaginary pet unicorn'. Who does not depend on any science or technology, or any logic or common sense. His only goal in life is :

So that is what they are going to do.

I believe they will not stop at Pakistan or Myanmar. I think they will infiltrate Malaysia too. Number One places where they will hang out will be where their lingo is spoken. Urdu, Punjabi and so on. There are not many Pashtu speakers in Malaysia. But there are plenty Urdu and Punjabi speakers. And there are plenty in the Masjid India area. I believe I have seen some of these folks. They walk around as if they are floating. No camera in hand, no business in sight but they have plenty company and they seem to know where they want to go.

Dont say I did not warn you.

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