
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 13, 2014

MB choice - one rule for BN, another for Pakatan

YOURSAY ‘Mahathir says it was always just one name submitted to the rulers.’

Dr M: I gave one name, rulers had no issue

Ferdtan: Former PM Mahathir Mohamad said during his time it was always just one name submitted to the rulers.

Not only that, this had been the convention all along; the only exception was in Perak when Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin was picked as MB from a list of three proposed names.

So we ask why it is different now in Selangor when PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has clear majority support.

To Mahathir's snide remark that the opposition bloc was getting the royal cold shoulder because it 'annoyed' the state ruler, is he telling the public that personal issue (grudges?) is more important than constitutional rules and procedures?

How come it is always Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim to be blamed when BN in many instances in the past had faced similar situations with the royalty? We know life is never fair and it holds true to all Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

Quigonbond: What Dr M has done is to lend support that it is abnormal for our constitutional convention to require several names.

The sultan may be annoyed, but that merely indicates the sultan is not above politics. It will be constitutional crisis if anyone lets annoyance get in the way of constitutional procedures.

Like I said, Umno has to wise up and support Pakatan on this because if they don't, there is every chance that after GE14, the YDA (Agong) can do this to the BN nominee for PMship.

Perhaps Dr M is the first who dare to speak up. It wasn't altruism however; it could be another slap at PM Najib Razak's face for not thinking about long-term repercussions with respect to Umno.

Anonymous #21828131: PAS is not a party that has recognised, nor will it recognise women as leaders and they have shown this openly.

Others opportunists are jumping on the bandwagon to make hay while the sun shines and maybe to win back Selangor.

Women must be treated fairly in this country and given due recognition and the chance, they can perform. (However just like men some ‘over perform’, take for example the Cowgate scandal).

My intuition tells me that Selangor would be in for greater times under PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. Not only that, it is an indication that Pakatan strongly endorsed women as leaders.

My former CEO of a bank was a woman. In a way, she (Wan Azizah) could perform just as well as our current Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) governor, Zeti Akhtar Aziz.

Thana55: A total of 30 state representatives (presumably with adequate intelligence) supported Wan Azizah's appointment. They were fully sensitive to the ‘remote control’ spin by Umno and the likes but still signed up for her as MB.

So the argument or the insinuation is not valid. Azizah is the rightful new MB.

CQ Muar: Mahathir is contradictory as usual. He is synonymous to someone courting a girl with a bouquet of flowers, only to accuse her as being 'gatal'.

He is implying Wan Azizah will be on "remote-control", taking orders from her husband, Anwar, should she become MB of Selangor.

Honestly, I can't fathom what is wrong about seeking advice from her husband on certain important issues. After all, whatever final or major decisions made needed the consensus of all in Pakatan and not necessarily that of Anwar.

In any case, tell us honestly Mahathir, isn't your son Mukhriz, the MB of Kedah also not put on "remote control" by you? How did he get there, and what did he contribute to the nation to deserve and conferred the MBship?        

NewMalaysia: Mahathir, what do you mean by 'remote control'? Are you saying that an MB nominated by the party need not heed the advice and instruction from its party and can act independently or freely as he/she likes?

PKR and DAP have no need to give any more name as Wan Azizah is the only one who command the majority support.

Mushiro: Once bitten twice shy - let us see how the rulers respond to this retired PM who once clipped their wings.

Swipenter: Don't be surprised that the MB comes from PAS. The break-up of Pakatan is inevitable and Umno Baru becomes the shadow boss behind the throne and PAS.

And viola, we have a unity Malay majority government that is ever ready to swat the non-Malays and maybe serve hudud as an appetizer to Selangorians.

J Ng: Umno is working in cahoots with PAS. The Selangor MB crisis is due to the fact of having an uncontrollable MB.

It is sickening when Umno politicians twist and turn on this issue. Political representatives must and is expected to obey the line taken by its party. He or she must toe the line, otherwise he/she will have to resign.

I am sure Umno expects all its MB appointees to be controllable. It is therefore not an issue for PAS or the royalty to be concerned of.

Magic Mountain: So if the sultan appoints someone and that person gets kicked out due to a vote of no confidence, does it mean that it is an act of treason? I don't think there is any precedent to this.

Rupert16: Henry Ford the founder of Ford Motors used to say to his customers, "You can have any color you want as long as it is black".

Likewise for the sultan, Pakatan can give him as many names as he wants, but as far as the constitution is concerned, the person to be MB must have the majority support of the others in the state assembly. -Mkini

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