
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 7, 2014

PAS to pay high price for its treachery

YOURSAY ‘PAS is now exposed as unworthy of our trust and votes again.’

PAS admits it nominated own MB candidate

Malaccan: PAS seems to have problems saying what they mean, and meaning what they say. First this, and then the other.
It appears that PAS has learned from PM Najib Razak on the art of consistent flip-flopping. So much so it is now difficult to tell what PAS stands for.

If true that PAS has submitted one of its own as a candidate for Selangor MB, does it really expect that candidate to win the support of the majority in the state assembly? They would be laughed out of the House.

HRH (His Royal Highness) Sultan of Selangor decreed that more than two names be submitted with the following important proviso; that whoever is nominated will have the majority support.

It's no good to have names if that person is not likely to win support. Otherwise, they might as well name Khalid Ibrahim.

PAS needs to recover its balance, having knocked itself off-centre and now wobbling badly after losing its hold on its principles, and perhaps its sanity.

The subversive element within PAS that fantasizes unity with Umno is still active and managed to deliver a incapacitating body blow to the party.
Swipenter: All along, it is my suspicion that PAS wanted the MB’s post for themselves. Now with this admission on the part of PAS, they were indeed salivating for it.

This is double crossing and treachery on their part. PAS is now exposed as unworthy of our trust and votes again. A politician in holy robes is indeed more dangerous than a politician in a suit and tie.

If the next MB comes from PAS, it would be the biggest coup by them and effectively Pakatan Rakyat with them as a coalition partner is history.

Don't be even surprised that it would spell the beginning of the end of PAS as we know it. PAS would break into two factions. The ulama and fundamentalist faction would join Umno Baru (let the fallen angel sleep with the devil).

The professional, moderate and progressive faction would leave PAS to join DAP, PKR or form a new political party to fight for a better Malaysia.

Rakyat-in-grief: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and his gang can forget about future elections in Selangor because not only that the people are sick about their betrayal of their partners and their Taliban policies which has no place in a modern and civilised society.
If Pakatan does not kick out PAS from its coalition after all this betrayal and backstabbing they are also going to lose on account of that.

Martha: PAS, you are a sly one - doing things behind your partners’ back. You have no credibility, neither are you sincere.

As a matter of fact, you are accumulating more sins with all your lying and cheating.  Shame on you.

Masu Otaku: Indeed, it is pointless going forward with PAS as a partner when they have shown their duplicity. One can only look forward to more back stabbing from them.

Anonymous #25558299: Selangor is state where people from all over the world come to live and visit.

So we Selangorians want the MB to be someone who is well educated, well-versed in English, intelligent, good caliber, true and sincere to the people and have good political and administrative experience.

We think PAS leaders are not eligible as we know their leaders have no capabilities and lost two states to BN in recent years.

Only PKR leader Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is capable of holding the post of MB. I hope HRH the sultan does not make a mistake.

Axolotl: This is not an absolute monarchy, despite what some may believe. Sultans are no longer in a position to decree, nor are muftis.

Yes, they may continue to advice, suggest, and exhort - and if their integrity, understanding and wisdom are acknowledged and respected, their contributions are welcome.

Wira: Then it is pretty much confirmed. PAS is leaving Pakatan. A PAS candidate for MB will be rejected by PKR and DAP if Tuanku selects PAS Adun (state representative) as the MB.

That means PAS (15) + Umno (12) + Khalid (1) = 28 will be up against PKR (13) + DAP (15) = 28, resulting in a stalemate in the state assembly.

Tuanku may use this stalemate to dissolve the state assembly and like it or not, PAS will have to align with Umno to contest in that election which may bring Umno back to power in Selangor.

Well done, Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin. The tenure of the say-nothing PM could also be numbered.

RZC: Last week, PAS said that the nominees will be from PKR as the MB is an agreed PKR post. Then there are rumours that PAS put their own exco members as nominees which was denied.

A short while later, PAS confirmed they gave three names, one of whom was their exco member. How to reconcile with the earlier PAS statement that the nominees will be from PKR?

If they cannot speak straight, how can PKR and DAP trust them? The game PAS is playing is distasteful and not honest in the eyes of both man and God. -Mkini

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