
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 22, 2015

It ain’t over till the fat lady sings

'PM shouldn't worry, Sirul yet to name names'

Hplooi: While many may hope for some explosive expose from the erstwhile stool pigeon, I am not so optimistic.

IMO (in my opinion), based on his behaviour so far from this alleged murderer-gone-AWOL (absent without official leave), he seems to be holding out for a better offer from party or parties yet unknown.

Do not expect too much from the foreign intelligence service (read the Australian government). Their KPI (key performance indicator) is not natural justice or the rights of an unknown Mongolian beauty, but their own national interest (dictated by the current party in power).

For all we know, intense negotiations may already be underway; if you will take note, the Australian have already announced no television interviews for Sirul (as yet).

The only dark horse will be the Australian media, which is more free-wheeling. Or are they? So Mr Meow, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

Vijay47: Now that PM Najib Razak has opened his mouth and as usual made himself the laughing stock of the world, he must turn to who else but ‘Super Apcoman’ Paul Stadlen.

But from what I read about Stadlen's predilection for festivities, I would imagine that he would not quite have recovered from the demands of Chinese New Year celebrations.

Thus I have drafted a press release to help him help the prime minister:

"The prime minister notes with utter regret the penchant of certain sectors of the public to view his every action and statement with suspicion and accord them false and offensive connotations.

“In his response ‘Utter rubbish’, Najib was merely paraphrasing Scrooge's ‘Bah, humbug’ to indicate that there was no substance at all to Sirul Azhar Umar's desperate defence.

“The issues have been thoroughly examined by the police and courts, two premier institutions that the prime minister has full confidence in.”

Just sign on the dotted line, Stadlen, you can buy me a drink later.

KayL: Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar, you got it totally wrong. There is no way Najib is worried. Not at all.

There is not an iota of significance in Sirul's claim. It is only utter rubbish to Najib. So why should he be bothered by that?

Odin: But who says Najib is worried? He has absolutely nothing to worry about. He is totally innocent of all that has been presumed of him.

He is the first prime minister of Malaysia who is honest, leads a simple, clean life, loves his people more than he does himself, and whose word is worth its weight in diamonds.

As Vijay47 has said, when Najib said 'utter rubbish', he meant the same thing as Scrooge's 'bah, humbug!'

Anonymous_4031c: Pakatan Rakyat leaders are always acting prematurely. Just like Anwar Ibrahim when he claimed he had the MPs to cross over in 2008.

In a chess game, you never reveal your hand. Rubbing your hands in glee is a dead giveaway and will result in you being outflanked. They really have to learn to keep the element of surprise under wraps.

Sirul is playing everyone and is selling himself to the highest bidder, and that means saving his life and...

JD Lovrenciear: The overwhelming response and reactions from concerned citizens and politicians (opposition only), indicates that BN is losing support every hour over the Chinese New Year holidays.

The PM and lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin  are making that slide gain even more traction and momentum.

Yet no BN politician dares to speak the truth except for one or two of them so far.

Anonymous_1371508752: The PM of all people ought to be as concerned as us to get to the bottom of this - who gave the orders and the motive for doing so. Unless this is dealt with adequately, justice has not been served.

Sali Tambap: There is this story. A few friends were travelling in a car when suddenly one of them let off wind (fart). And gosh, how the car stank.

Then one of the passengers asked, "Hey, the one who kentut(fart), please raise up your hand." The culprit, could not stand the pressure anymore, inadvertently blurted out, "It is not me who farted!"

The moral of the story - nobody would own up to a fart, but he nevertheless would be found out eventually.

Anonymous #15167679: May the truth be revealed and the murderer/s be punished here and thereafter and the soul/s be burned by hell fire. We just want nothing but the truth no matter whether you are a VIP or peon.

Gaji Buta: It is sad that the country has come to this stage where many are putting their hopes on a fugitive murderer to provide closure to the Altantuya Shaariibuu drama, instead of those paid to do so. -Mkini

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