
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Plot thickens, yet no conspiracy against Anwar

YOURSAY ‘Ex-IGP Musa advising Pereira ‘integrity is important’? Ha, ha, ha’

Jude Pereira told to allege plot in Anwar’s case?

Wg321: Whether Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is sent to prison or not, Umno is still afraid of him.

Just like the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu. She was already dead after being shot in the head. To make double sure she was dead, a second shot was fired at her head.

That was not enough. They had to make triple sure that she was actually dead. So C4 explosives were tied around her body in order to blow her body into tiny pieces.

Although she is dead, her floating spirit still haunt her ‘lovers’ who got RM500 million in commission.

Just like in Anwar’s case, sending him to prison is not enough. Umno is afraid Anwar may become a martyr like Nelson Mandela. So they have a lawyer who has made a “Faustian bargain” to demonise Anwar.

That’s not enough. We have now a tale from Sodomy II investigating officer Jude Pereira claiming he was asked to issue a public statement on a political conspiracy against Anwar. Why didn't he make a police report?

Anwar may be in jail but you cannot jail his spirit. Together with the floating spirit of Altantuya, a certain VVIP may not be able to sleep in peace.        

Ferdtan: This is a poor attempt to sway the public sentiment into believing that the Federal Court judgment against Anwar was justified.

Since Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, the ex-outsourced lead DPP (deputy public prosecutor) in the sodomy case appeals, had failed to move the public in his X-rated seminars sponsored by Umno Youth, now it is left to another ‘spin-doctor’ Raja Petra Kamarudin.

Think for a moment. It was said MyWatch chairperson R Sri Sanjeevan promised to “take care of IO” (investigation officer) “should Pakatan Rakyat win the next election?

What? You mean that was the ‘real’ offer (quite void) to exchange for a small favour to ‘help’ Anwar and which may offend the vengeful BN?

From the present prospective, what are the chances that Pakatan would take over Putrajaya? The answer is practically nil. So either Sanjeevan is an unreasonable optimist (that Pakatan will win the next GE) or he thought Peirera was stupid enough to be taken in by the inducement.

Come on, spin-doctors. We may believe you if you were to say that many millions of dollars were offered as inducement for Jude’s cooperation. But no.

Justine Gow: Let us assume for a minute that Anwar did ask Pereira to make a public statement alleging political conspiracy. Does this mean that there is no conspiracy or does it imply that Anwar is guilty of the sodomy charges?

I think the answer is not necessarily yes. Anwar being Anwar, being the politician he is, he appears to have the weakness of preferring short cuts to principles in seeking solutions to his political problems.

Activities such as sodomy or adultery, especially if carried out by two consenting adults, are difficult to prove conclusively unless they are clearly caught on camera. This is why no one until Anwar was ever convicted on sodomy charges in this country.

I have nothing on which to judge whether Anwar is really guilty of sodomy or not. But I can see the way the cases against him were conducted and how the post-court drama can shift one's mind towards believing that he is innocent.

Lim Chong Leong: How come only now this statement came out - after the Sodomy II trial and Anwar has been convicted?

It all stinks of conspiracy and that the conspirators too know the public is not convinced of Anwar's guilt but growing more intensely suspicious of the conspiracy.

Odin: GE13 was held on 5 May, 2013. That is close to two years ago. It tells us something that this matter comes up now, that is, soon after Anwar's conviction has been upheld and he was dispatched to jail.

What4: Former police chief Musa Hassan, you think the people have forgotten that you were the mattress carrier in Sodomy I and the person who framed your rival, Ramli Yusof, and was reprimanded by the judge as an unreliable witness.

You communicated with Saiful the day before Sodomy II took place. Can you expect the rakyat to trust you?

Siang Malam: Ex-IGP Musa advising Pereira "integrity is important"? Ha, ha, ha.

Bystander: These despicable men who only came out now to weigh in on the recent Federal Court judgment must be stupid to think the rakyat will fall for it.

If it was true, why didn't Pereira make a police report immediately there and then. This is akin to the guilty ones who are trying to justify their innocence at the expense of the Anwar who cannot defend himself, now that he is in Sungai Buloh.

Worried Sick: Now with Musa, Sanjeevan and Pereira, the plot against Anwar thickens. The worms are coming crawling out of their holes, aren't they?

Even after imprisoning a man, they do not seem satisfied. What more do they want? Isn't the pound of flesh enough, they want the blood too?

Senior: Yes, the plot thickens... still there is no conspiracy?

Turvy: There is a simple explanation for all this. The public, not satisfied with the decision of the court, are now being fed with new stories to convince them that the decision was right. -Mkini

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