
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, February 26, 2017

Death by VX nerve agent - more questions than answers

YOURSAY | ‘My silly question is why go complex when a simpler ‘solution’ would do.’
Prudent: But why was such a sophisticated and powerful poison used?
In Bolehland, a hired professional gunman should be able to do the job. The VX nerve agent is so powerful that it is labelled as a weapon of mass destruction.
It is reported to be much more powerful than sarin - the nerve gas used by the Germans in World War 1. A tiny drop, one-fifth the size of a normal drop and not normally visible to the naked eye, if applied to the skin or inhaled will be enough to kill within minutes, according to an expert.
That explains why the police is sweeping the KLIA2 terminal at the places where the murder suspects have been. But why was such a powerful weapon used? Is it a warning to Malaysia?
Hornbill: If the substance is so lethal that contact with the skin can kill a victim in few minutes, how come the two women came out safe? This is the same question being asked by the North Korean ambassador.
Determined Sarawakian: Hornbill, one of the women, who administered the poison is having the side effects of nausea and vomiting. She could have been given an antidote.
Pokokgetah: VX can be produced in binary form. The lethal concoction could be derived from two separate components, each harmless in itself.
It might be one of the components be in the spray administered by one person, and the second component in the towel held by the other person to the victim's face?
GMK: Don't jump to the simple conclusion that the chemical agent could not be applied using bare hands. The chemical used is most likely very complex.
It could be this chemical agent has been modified in such a way that it only fatal when it comes into contact with the eyes, or mouth, or when someone inhales it, but is safe on bare hands.
6th Generation Immigrant: If the assassination is almost certain, did Malaysia not jump the gun in diplomacy earlier? Maybe, this is why North Korea is now playing hardball - we had reneged on our earlier public announcement.
So, who advised or drafted the media release for the deputy prime minister/home minister to read out recently (that Kim Jong-nam's body could be returned to the North Korean government)?
Sleepy: My silly question is why go complex when a simpler ‘solution’ would do (no disrespect to the victim intended).
In my limited knowledge, the victim was not well-protected. Also he could move relatively freely and was not an immediate threat.
Nil: Yes, why do it at the airport and be caught by closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, and which involved so many people, while there must be countless other places, locations and opportunities?
The victim could just have met with an ‘accident’.
Abasir: What is more intriguing for me is this - did the IGP actually pronounce ethyl s-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonothiolate?
Anonymous #13291217: Somebody has to remind the Foreign Ministry that its main role is to maintain diplomacy at all times unless you are at war. Words like "delusional", "half truth", "insulting" should only come from the common people, not from a diplomat.
Apart from that, the minister has to be wary that he is dealing with a rogue state, so he should be also be careful for his own safety.
Clever Voter: It’s interesting to hear the “string of lies and twisted messages”, this may not be what BN government had expected.
Listening to what has been said, it would be a massive test both in international relations and diplomacy.
Probably one lesson to be learnt is that every government should pick its friends carefully. Many of them do export violence. Be careful whom you befriend, don’t just do it for money alone.
The Analyser: That's probably why Kang Chol was appointed to the embassy in Malaysia. His masters seemingly knew he would be in good company.
Beh Tahan: Probably now Foreign Minister Anifah Aman understands how we feel when some Umno ministers speak ‘nonsense’.
It’s exactly how you feel now. Indeed, you are getting a taste of your own medicine.
Hati Sakit Ku: When two notorious ‘lying nations’ are in confrontation, the fun begins. It is like a guessing game - who is telling the truth and who is lying? Send in the clowns.
Slumdog: The handling, reporting and investigation of the murder of Jong-nam by Malaysian authorities is another publicity and communications fiasco.
Then along comes Anifah to say that “As a responsible country, we always carried our international obligations based on international law and established diplomatic practices”.
Anifah, do you recall attorney-general’s ‘enthusiastic’ response to assist and cooperate with the Swiss attorney-general when he sought information for his investigation of 1MDB.

If my memory serves me right, the AG refused any assistance, and initially even allegedly lying that he did not receive the request and that investigations were still underway, when in fact they were stymied by MO1 (Malaysian Official 1).- Mkini

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