
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, February 26, 2017

Hadi’s Act 355 has politics written all over it

YOURSAY | ‘PAS has a political ambition to replace BN. Act 355 is the springboard.
Kawak: PAS has made a U-turn after the progressive faction in the party left. PAS currently under Abdul Hadi Awang and his fanatic gang are obsessed with gradually implementing Islamic law in Malaysia.
Act 355 of PAS is the first step towards that charted path. Umno is discreetly supporting PAS in this endeavour and subsequently take over the implementation for their own political survival.
At the end of the day, non-Umno BN MPs from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, if they subsequently supported the bill in Parliament, will be fully responsible for opening the floodgate for all the chaos in the country.
Tan Kim Keong: Former treasurer-general Mohd Sheriff Mohd Kassim sums it so well.
"We are ahead of other Islamic countries due to our progressive administrative and legislative system. It will be a loss for us to change this system into a system that has caused the Islamic countries to lag behind."
But this is politics, so bigots or extremists or racists or kleptomaniacs or all of these will play the religious card to further their ideology and maintain their positions.
Hang Babeuf: “It'll be religious dictatorship if Act 355 is amended,” says ex-treasurer-general.
This has long been obvious - but too many people have not been able to face it squarely, which is the only basis for dealing with it effectively before it becomes imminent, irresistible; and have instead “buried their heads in the sand”: the arid sands of an Arabian desert of the mind, soul and spirit.
Clever Voter: PAS has a political ambition to replace BN. Act 355 is the springboard. BN is blinded by its greed for power and cannot see the dangers ahead. It is responsible for allowing this to get this.
They will regret the day when parliamentary democracy is dead, their women constituents are marginalised, and there is no longer fairness, justice and equal access.
This is not a play thing, we don't need to go far. Look at Kelantan, a PAS-ruled state which fared worst in every possible socio-economic performance.
A divided nation is bad enough but to impose rules designed by so-called religious men in robes, beards and turbans is simply unthinkable. Moderates must take centre stage and demand the silent majority to give their say.
It's simply unacceptable for our future to be determined by people with poor track records.
FairMind: How about improving the standard of living, quality of life, education, income and the lack of water, roads, housing for the poor Malays, instead of ‘improving’ the religious punishments for them?
Anonymous_1400076912: Learn from observation and not from participation. Learn from those countries which suffered in implementing inhumane syariah laws. Malaysia must not suffer such fate. It would be self-destruction.
Rupert16: Act 355 is not Allah's law but Hadi Awang's brand of justice. It is not about justice at all, and has politics written all over it.
One, it will not curb crimes as claimed by Hadi. Just look at most of the countries where Islamic law prevail. They have become lawless.
Two, it will not be fair to non-Muslims and Muslims and non-Muslim women folks as every crime committed will need four Muslim males to be witnesses before the perpetrators can be punished.
Three, it will be open to abuse and misinterpretation by those in power and the rich.
Anonymous_1388029052: Why are some Malaysians so narrow minded that they insist on implementing syariah laws? They should visit the so-called Islamic countries in the Middle East and Africa and see for themselves the mess, abuse and poverty that resulted from such short-sighted policies.
If conditions are really so ideal, why are the people over there queueing to migrate to Europe?
RCZ: Very true. But who is Sheriff talking to or trying to impress on the dire consequences? The same Muslims who want to be downtrodden and used in every way by their leaders who claim they have their instructions from God.
And the same Muslims who have been dumbed down and brainwashed and believe their leaders blindly and wholesale. It's cult mentality.
Anticonmen: It is good to know that there are many real leaders around like Sheriff who understand true democracy and its power of creating prosperity for all and not just for a few kleptocrats and fanatics.
Cheong Sai Fah: I am encouraged that an eminent Muslim Malay has spoken in clear terms about this religious dictatorship.
There are so many failed Islamic states governed by syariah laws. Why can't we learn this simple lesson?
Why is the BN government taking over this bill? Do we need to fail before we learn what failure is? Can't we learn from other states which have failed?
Worldly Wise: Sheriff must be complimented for turning into a good citizen after his retirement. His duty to the country ought to continue despite his retirement, in his capacity as a private public spirited citizen.
His service although in a different form, as a well-informed citizen, is most encouraging to the rakyat.
Pisasu 7: This sums up a cartoon that a cleric asks a crowd 'How many want syariah laws?' All raise their hands.

Then he asks 'How many want to go Saudi Arabia?' Nobody raise hand, and then he asks 'How many want to go Europe? All put up their hands.
Decent people will leave this land and lunatics will take over.- Mkini

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