
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 19, 2017


Kit Siang’s betrayal is in selling out to Mahathir. Kit Siang thought Mahathir could help Guan Eng escape prison because the old man had ‘control’ over MACC. That proved wrong. Furthermore, Kit Siang thought Mahathir could bring in millions of Malays into his new party, which would be to Pakatan’s benefit. And this, too, proved wrong. In the end, Kit Siang’s betrayal was all for nothing.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang is suffering from the same predicament that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is suffering from. Both are being accused of the ultimate betrayal and both must die for that.
For decades Kit Siang has been trying to position himself as the champion of Chinese rights and interests. Kit Siang is the Chinese ‘David’ who goes out to face the Malay ‘Goliath’ and the entire Malay ‘Philistine’ army, armed with only a slingshot and a few stones he picks up from the ground.
Kit Siang is so exalted he can even arrange for his son to move from Melaka to Penang and be made the Penang Chief Minister even though Guan Eng is not an anak-Pulau Pinang. And anyone who does not agree with him or opposes him is sidelined, sacked, or forced to resign, like what you can see in the long list of victims below.
Karpal Singh
Karpal had already warned Kit Siang in 2008 to stop his betrayal but then he died in 2014 just before Kit Siang’s ultimate betrayal in 2015
Kit Siang and son make Kim Il-sung and son appear like novices. The most novel part about this whole thing, though, is that he can get away with it. And Kit Siang is able to do what he does and get away with it because he had successful made himself appear larger than life. Muslims talk about the four rightly-guided caliphs. Chinese talk about the four rightly-guided tokong — Chen Man Hin and Karpal Singh, of course, being two of the four.
But then Man Hin has been sent to pasture, Karpal has died, while Guan Eng is about to go to prison. So that leaves only one tokong left, Kit Siang. And Kit Siang is the last hope for the DAP Chinese. Minus Kit Siang, the DAP Chinese do not really have anyone left. And that is why a messenger of God such as Kit Siang must act and play the role of a messenger of God.
Chen Man Hin
Man Hin used to be the soul of DAP but is now just a tired old man who is dying from a broken heart at seeing Kit Siang destroy DAP
And Kit Siang did just that. For decades he acted and played the role of a messenger of God. He even wrote 10 million words, as he himself claims, in long and winding articles, press statements and blog postings regarding everything that is wrong with the Government of Malaysia, Umno, Barisan Nasional, the Malays, the Muslims, the Shariah, and to a certain extent Islam as well (or how Malays interpret Islam).
If Kit Siang’s 10 million ‘wise words’ were all compiled into a ‘holy book’, it would be thicker than the Qur’an and all the Bibles of the Old and New Testaments put together. And as Kit Siang himself confesses, he has been ‘preaching’ for more than 50 years, longer than what Moses, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad did.
So there you are. One DAP Selangor leader who I was very close to (DAP people will know who I am taking about) once told me he regards Kit Siang as a God. I actually found it very amusing and thought to myself how easy it is for Chinese to create Gods and look to anything or anyone as God whenever it suits them.
Anyway, this DAP Selangor leader more or less gave me an insight into how they perceive Kit Siang and the standing that Kit Siang had amongst the DAP Chinese.
Kit Siang used to be a God to many DAP Chinese leaders before he turned Judas
I must say that in the pre-2010 days before Pakatan Rakyat started to reveal its flaws and cracks I, too, placed Kit Siang on high-esteem. If not for anything else at least Kit Siang had to be admired for his persistence and tenacity. He is like a dog with a bone that once it gets its teeth into a bone it never lets go come hell or high-water.
But that was before. The Kit Siang of today is no longer the Kit Siang of the first 50 years of his political career. Or maybe he never was all along but was just creating the perception that he was — a charade he was playing and a facade he was adopting. You can see from his total silence regarding the US$10 billion FOREX losses that Kit Siang was just play-acting for 50 years and today the real Kit Siang has finally stood up.
It could be that Kit Siang realised he had made a huge mistake — by closing down Pakatan Rakyat so that he could kick PAS out of the opposition coalition — and is now panicking. Or maybe Kit Siang is panicking because he knows Guan Eng is going to prison and there is nothing he can do to stop it. Whatever the reason may be for Kit Siang’s panic, it has caused him to make seriously bad judgements over the last two years.
Suddenly Kit Siang is seen as mere human after all. This is a man with fears and weaknesses just like everyone else. Kit Siang is someone who would compromise his principles and betray his party if that is what it takes to save himself and his family. Kit Siang has demonstrated that betrayal is not above him if that is what he needs to do to get himself and his son out of a sticky situation.
This is how Kit Siang is going to be remembered when he dies: the man who committed the ultimate betrayal
Kit Siang’s ultimate act of betrayal is in selling out to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The DAP Chinese would probably have allowed Kit Siang to get away with many things short of murder if that is what it takes for the end to justify the means. But betrayal is not on that list of acceptable behaviour whatever the reason may be for that betrayal.
And that was the reason for the recent four resignations from Melaka. In fact, there are many more very unhappy DAP leaders but they are reluctant to leave the party in spite of their unhappiness because they fear their resignations might hurt the party. Even as you read this there is turmoil amongst the ranks of the DAP leaders and the party appears to be imploding and disintegrating.
They know if they speak up Kit Siang will act brutally against them like he had acted against his critics in the past. Kit Siang does not tolerate dissent and dissenters will be dealt with severely. So, if you can no longer tolerate what Kit Siang is doing or stomach his betrayal, then you just leave like what the four from Melaka did.
Mahathir is toxic and anyone who drinks from his cup is drinking from the poisoned chalice. And Kit Siang has found out the hard way his folly of going to bed with Mahathir. What you built over 50 years can be destroyed in just one day if you are not careful. And Kit Siang’s 50 years political career and legacy was destroyed the day he decided to embrace Mahathir as his running mate and as the de factoopposition leader.
Kit Siang now realises that sacking PAS from Pakatan was a huge mistake and that Mahathir has failed to bring in the Malay support
Kit Siang now knows that his move to oust PAS from the opposition coalition was the biggest mistake of his 50-year political career. He had hoped that PAN would be able to offset that but the new PAS-splinter party proved a disaster after all. And that was why Kit Siang needed to turn to Mahathir. Kit Siang thought Mahathir would be able to pull in the Malay support. But that proved a disaster as well.
So Kit Siang sold out of Mahathir and committed the ultimate betrayal. But by doing that he gained nothing. He did not get the ‘lost’ Malays as he thought he would. And, more importantly, he is not going to be able to prevent his son from going to prison like he thought he could. So Kit Siang lost everything and gained nothing in return. So his betrayal is all for nothing. And that is what is adding injury to injury.
The DAP Chinese realise that Kit Siang betrayed DAP by selling out to Mahathir. And they know this has nothing to do with DAP’s interests but is just about Kit Siang’s personal needs. And, by betraying DAP, Kit Siang has very badly hurt the party, which is going to take a long time to recover from. But then that is what happens when you make a decision while panicking and the decision is based on your personal interest and not based on the interest of your party or community.
DAP National Leaders
Lee Lam Thye (former Deputy secretary-general) – Resigned
Wee Choo Keong (former National publicity secretary) – Resigned
Fung Ket Wing (former national treasurer) – Sacked
Lee Ban Chen (former DAP National vice Chairman) – Resigned
Huan Chun Teng (former Vice secretary) – Resigned
Tan Teik Chuan (Melaka Former MP), he was Lim Kit Siang follower, but quarrel with LKS  at the end – Resigned
Kerk Kim Hock (former secretary-general), during 2004 GE sabotage by LKS team.  – Sidelined
Sim Tong Him (Former Malacca President) had lost confidence in the party and disappointed with DAP leaders – Resigned
Goh Leong San Former Malacca President) had lost confidence in the party and disappointed with DAP leaders – Resigned
Lim Jak Wong (Bachang assembly person) had lost confidence in the party and disappointed with DAP leaders – Resigned
Chin Choong Seong (Kesidang assembly person ) had lost confidence in the party and disappointed with DAP leaders – Resigned
Yeap Ghim Guan ( former Penang Chief) – Resigned
Teoh Teik Huat ( former Penang Chief) – Resigned
Seow Han Cheng ( former Penang Vice-Chief) – Resigned
Tan Yu Su (former Paya Terubong assemblyman) – Resigned
Ooi Eam Kong (former Kampung Kolam assemblyman) – Resigned
Tan Beng Huat (former Jawi assemblyman) – Resigned
Goh Kheng Huat (former Nibong Tebal assemblyman) – Resigned
Pala (former Penang dap political education director) – Resigned
Wee Hock Seng (former Penang dap deputy chairman)  – Resigned
Teh Beng Hai (Former Penang DAP Youth chief) – Resigned
Koay Teng Ha (former Penang dap secretary) –  Sidelined
*eh Yee Cheu (Tanjung Bungah assemblyman) – Sidelined
Lydia Ong Kok Fooi (Berapit assemblyman)  – Sidelined
Lai Han Beng (former Penang DAP Youth secretary) – Sidelined
Tan Beng Huat (former Jawi assemblyman) – Resigned
Yeap Teik Huat (former Penang Youth Publicity Chief), Oppose the sale of the Penang party property – Sacked
Chew Kin Hor (Penang DAP Youth deputy Secretary) – Sacked
Shamsher Singh Thind (Chai Leng Park branch secretary) – Resigned
Zulkifli Bin Md. Noor – Resigned
Wong Chee Kin (former Selangor DAP Chairman) – Resigned
Dato’ Teng Chang Khim (Sungai Pinang assemblyman) – Sidelined
Ng Swee Lim (Sekinchan assemblyman) – Sidelined
Kua Kia Soong  (former vice chairman) – Resigned
Janice Lee (DAP Youth deputy chief, Adun Teratai) – Sacked
Tan Tuan Tat (DAP Publicity Secretary, Parliament Liason Committee, Branch Chairman) – Sacked after he had already resigned
Fong Po Kuan (former Batu Gajah MP) could not get along with Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming – Sidelined
Tan Chek Meng (former Perak Chairman) could not get along with Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming – Resigned
Oh Keng Seng (Former PJ MP) – Resigned
Song Sing Kwee (former Johor Chief) – Resigned
Dr. Boo Cheng Hau (former Johor Chairman) – Sidelined
Negeri Sembilan
Oh Xue Phang (former Negeri Sembilan chairman) – Resigned
Lee Yuen Fong (former Negeri Sembilan chairman) – Resigned
Ooi Tze Yu (former Bahau assemblyman) – Resigned
Lim Hui Beng (former Bahau assemblyman) – Resigned
Tan Su Tze (Sabah vice treasurer) – Resigned
Junz Wong (Sabah secretary) – Resigned
Sim Guan Yang (former vice secretary) – Resigned
Besides the list above, there are still many others purged by Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng
Yeap Ping Han, Og Kang Seng, Ho Boon Han, Kang Chai Huat, Ho Meng Yao, Loh Bao Kin, Tan Jin Seng, Goh Hock Guan, Oh Teik An, Ooi Swee Cheng, Lim Eng Guan, Yeoh Hean Cek, Wong Hong Keat, Goh Ling Yam, Yeo wei Ye, Khoo Seng Hock, Teoh Eng Hing,
Yeow Jin Yik, Goh Wei Xiang, Wong Kok Yew, Wong Kok Fang, Kong Chee Seng, Tan Chee Chong , Yap Kon Min. Tan Chew Hwa, David Dass, Vellasamy a/l Periasamy, Rahmat Bin Isahak, Moorly a/l Sarawanan.

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